
from rags to riches

1. 由穷致富

The story is about a young girl from the country who went from rags to riches.


习惯用语brass rags1.[英]水手用的手抹布chew the rag1.[俚]发牢骚; 嘟囔; 争论(be) cooked to rags1.煮得稀烂feel like a boiled rag1.觉得非常不舒服[虚弱]from rags to riches1.从赤贫到暴富get one's rag out1.[粗]冒火, 暴跳如雷get sb.'s rag out1.[粗]惹某人冒火, 使某人暴跳如雷glad rags1.[俚](个人所有的)最好的一 套衣服have not a rag to one's back1.衣不遮体, 破衣烂衫in rags1.衣衫褴褛like a red rag to a bull1.使人愤怒的, 令人极端烦恼的lose one's rag1.[口]冒火, 发脾气not a rag (of sth.)1.一点都没有, 完全没有part brass rags with sb.1.[俚]同某人闹翻; 与某人绝交red rag1.使某人激动狂怒的东西2.舌头3.[英]谷物的锈病take the rag off1.[美]超过, 压倒一切torn to rags1.被撕碎without arag1.分文没有特殊用法bank rags1.钞票dorsal rags1.背鳍鳍条faded rags1.褪色碎呢home collected rags1.家庭杂破布linen rags1.亚麻破布mixed rags1.成型2.装配3.组合