
rakerakeD.J.:[reik]K.K.:[rek]n.1.耙子In the spring I use the rake to make a good seed bed.春天我用耧耙耘好地作好苗床。vt. & vi.1.以耙子耙平(泥土等)In the autumn I rake up the dead leaves.秋天我把死叶耙拢。2.用耙子把…耙在一起; 把…耙出来3.(翻阅旧记录、文件等以)搜寻事实等4.向(船只等)开枪扫射

rake1[reik]n.1.(用于搂草或平地等的)长柄耙;(拖拉机牵引的)耙机2.耙状工具;叉形器械;(炉子上用的)火钩3.[戏谑语](梳头用的)梳子4.骨瘦如柴的人;瘦骨嶙峋的马5.搂草,耙平vt.1.(用耙子)耙(或收集):He raked the dead leaves together every morning.他每天清晨用耙子将枯叶耙到一起。2.(将土地等)耙平:They raked the soil smooth for a seedbed.他们将土耙平作为苗床。3.彻底搜寻;搜索:The police raked the district but did not find any trace of the bandits.警察搜索了该地区,但未发现匪徒的踪影。4.搜集;搜罗:It's impossible for me to rake so many ancient books together in a week.让我在一周之内搜集这么多本古书是不可能的。5.刮;抓;擦过:He raked the side of his car against a wall.他的汽车车身蹭墙划坏了。Bushes raked the car windows.灌木丛擦着汽车的窗户。6.扫射;以…扫射:The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.我方炮兵部队的炮火向他们的炮艇扫射。The searchlights raked the night sky.探照灯的灯光横扫夜空。7.扫视;浏览;眺望:He rakes the newspaper before breakfast every day.他每天早饭前浏览一下报纸。8.清除(余烬);用灰(把火)封上:She rakes the ashes out of the stove in the evening every day.她每天晚上将炉渣从炉子里耙出来。9.严厉斥责,呵叱10.[俚语]从信箱偷取vi.1.耙:I've dug for a long while. It's my turn to rake.我挖了半天了,该我耙了。2.搜索,搜寻:He often rakes around the market for some art treasure.他经常在市场上到处寻找艺术珍品。3.擦过;刮过:He raked through the crowd and headed direct for the railway station.他硬挤着穿过人群直奔火车站。4.[俚语]偷信箱里的东西(as) lean (或thin) as a rake骨瘦如柴;瘦骨嶙峋rake and scrape[俚语]拼命搜刮;拼命攒钱;爱钱如命rake one's memory从记忆中搜寻;拼命回忆rake over the coals见coalrake over the (或old) ashes见 ash变形vt.rakedraking rake2[reik]n.1.浪子;流氓vt.1.放荡,过浪荡生活 rake3[reik]vi.1.(船桅等)倾斜;歪倒;后倾:The stands at the sports ground rake steeply.运动场的看台坡度很大。vt.1.使倾斜:The back of the driver's seat is raked for comfort.使驾驶员座位的后背向后倾斜以求舒适。n.1.倾斜;(剧院、看台等的)地面倾斜2.倾角;倾斜度变形vi.rakedraking

rakerake[reik]n.1.浪子, 流氓; 放荡的人
词性变化rakevi.1.放荡, 过浪荡的生活adj.1.放荡的; 无 赖的; 淫乱的