

1. (1) rambles more supermarket of large building materials and brand brand shop.


2. 9 see joke: A woman rambles market, discover an interesting the structure of an organization: A man is selling mosquito, a brand is being written in front " the function that replaces a man " .

9看笑话: 有一个妇人逛集市,发现一个有趣的摊子:一个男人正在卖蚊子,前面一块牌子写著“代替男人的功用”。

3. A few days after returning to Xinye, Xuande made inquiries and was told that Kongming had come back from his rambles.


4. Last week day, ms.Lin rambles when the bookshop, discover this book has appeared on the market accidentally sale.


5. To mitigate his weak legs, he had his shoes specially fitted with expensive flexible cork inlays, which he wore out frequently on his long rambles - "people baths" - around Copenhagen.


6. Conversation is different. It rambles, material overlaps, statements aren't always clear, the thread gets lost.


7. He is feverish and rambles in his talk.


8. His letter doesn't contain any news, but it rambles on for pages.


9. Rick goes to Miles' suite and angrily confronts an obviously dying Miles.Rick rambles on to Lily about why she shouldn't marry him, but Lily tells him that she does want to marry him - faults and all.


10. He rambles in his talk.


11. The track unfolds in vintage Neil Young fashion, showcasing his singular talent for unraveling his songs into loose, rough-edged, guitar-fueled rambles.


12. I justified my investment of time by reminding myself that I found more with the Method than generations of librarians had uncovered by their unorganized rambles.


13. You will have such nice rambles on the moors.


14. By the sixth walk, the rambles and scrambles are sharply circumscribed.


15. After going to Paris, he called a cab to come to a hotel, good room is rented over, changed the clothes, he rambles the ave went.


16. But be in the wintry day night with a biting cold wind, bloodsucker rambles ave lane also cannot find a living person.


17. the boating and bathing of the afternoon, the rambles along dusty lanes and through yellow cornfields;


18. She resolved to spend almost every hour of every day while she remained with the palmers in the indulgence of such solitary rambles


19. Her storytelling language is neither refined nor earthy; When she doesn't work at it, it just rambles on uncontrollably, but when she really tries, it becomes affected.


20. Oh, here we go again, he's off like a mountain goat on his rambles(漫游).


21. This is mou here :) This place filled with rambles, rants, whatever random things that is not worth posting anywhere else.


22. " And so the seasons went rolling on into summer, as one rambles into higher and higher grass.


23. The size and zones of the letters change, as if the lines were a roadmap that rambles to nowhere.


24. That rambles in the Road alone,


25. The guest field, the great score is backward, but also misses for 15seconds, the wheat enlightens the penalty kick Rambles on, is Host Field, but also misses for 12 seconds Guest field!


26. She had been in the habit of taking long country rambles with Mr.


27. The net inn that Zhang Xiaopeng often rambles, have a cosmetic of embellish calling Europe inn, she shops in her home all the time, add up fast 3000 yuan.


28. I was not fond of any more country rambles.


29. My holiday afternoons were spent in rambles about the surrounding country.


30. It was the same smile which greeted me at night when I returned from my rambles.


31. She rambles at times, speaking at the speed of lightning and, as she puts it, takes care of three conversations at once.


32. The Chinese mandarin accompanying him on his rambles thought it the strangest of occupations, but kept him refreshed with tea, cakes, a pipe and a stool to sit on.


33. A reeling road, a rolling road, that rambles round the shire,


34. The film rambles a bit, but also cleverly and deliberately recalls our own 2000 election crisis in Florida.


35. You and I are created to enjoy similar rambles with God.


36. American rambles in in the early morning when the neighbourhood, "the morning is good " if meeting the people who brushes past, is able to be accustomed to saying one.


37. Female sexual love rambles bazaar, coxcombry also oneself, mix inherently it seems that delicate, vogue, excessive moves connection is together.


38. ) an image of a chalice that Dawkins had come upon by chance on one of his rambles in Biomorph Land.


39. on whimsical rambles through this Library, Sims harvests chiefly windows filled with amorphous blotches, streaks, and psychedelic swirls of color.


40. Hui and screenwriter Li Qiang have a knack for humorous observation, but the film rambles, the actors tending for too long to overplay the comedy and ignore the underlying poignancy.


41. These additional variables enrich the behavior of the system.They define a landscape of energy that the system rambles through like a backpacker in the mountains.


42. Take this time last from friend borrowed machine of new fund amount, get everybody to trot along on horseback together view flower rambles " person of heaven and earth " .


43. The road rambles through a thick wood.


44. Besides bazaar rambles on the net, the on a grand and spectacular scale that project of net serving basket also develops.

