a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner 赎金 ■[mass noun]the holding or freeing of a prisoner in return for payment of such money (为获赎金而对被俘者的)把持;释放 the capture and ransom of the king. 国王的被俘与赎回。
[with obj.]obtain the release of (a prisoner) by making a payment demanded 赎出(俘虏) the lord was captured in war and had to be ransomed. 王公在战争中被俘,不得不用钱赎回。 ■hold (a prisoner) and demand payment for their release 把持(俘虏)索要赎金;掳(人)索赎 an English force burnt the village and ransomed the inhabitants. 一支英格兰部队放火烧了村庄,扣留居民索要赎金。 ■release (a prisoner) after receiving payment 得赎金后释放(俘虏)
常用词组 hold someone/thing to ransom
hold someone prisoner and demand payment for their release 掳…索赎,绑…的票 ■demand concessions from a person or organization by threatening damaging action 胁迫(人,组织)妥协,要挟(人,组织)
a king's ransom
a huge amount of money; a fortune 大笔钱财;大笔财富
Middle English: from Old French ransoun (noun), ransouner (verb), from Latin redemptio(n-) 'ransoming, releasing' (see redemption). Early use also occurred in theological contexts expressing 'deliverance' and 'atonement'