
rantrantD.J.:[rænt]K.K.:[rænt]vt. & vi.1.怒吼

rant[rænt]vi.1.大声叫嚷;口吐狂言;夸夸其谈:He ranted on about my mistakes in calculations.他大声数落我的计算错误。2.大声斥责;咆哮;怒吼:The mother-in-law ranted at her daughter-in-law about her fondness for eating and aversion to work.婆婆大声斥责儿媳的好吃懒做。3.[古语]过放荡的生活vt.1.大声讲话;朗诵:The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd.这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句。n.1.激昂的言辞;狂言;夸夸其谈2.[美国方言]狂欢作乐rant and rave大嚷大叫;严厉训斥;大声抱怨:It is useless to rant and rave at the injustices in the world.对人世间不公平的事靠骂大街是没有用的。愤怒地述说:She was ranting and raving about the misfortunes she encountered this morning when I came in.我进来时她正在怒气冲冲地述说她上午遇到的倒霉事。

rantrant[rænt]n.1.大话, 叫喊, 怒吼; [苏]吵闹
词性变化rant[rænt]vi.1.说粗话, 大声叫喊; 咆哮, 怒吼; 做戏似地说; 说大话; 怒骂vt.1.夸口说, 大声说