

1. If you decide to revise the work, please submit a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point which is being raised when you submit the revised manuscript.


2. * The defense lawyer confidently listened to the prosecutor sum up his case, sure that she could answer his arguments in her rebuttal.


3. evidence in rebuttal

[法] 反证

4. "The biggest mistake I made was (always) coming up with a rebuttal (to O'Neal)," Bryant said.


5. "The study was conducted using exercise bikes indoors, and makes no attempt to compare how much pollution gets breathed in by cyclists and drivers in real-world cycling conditions," said a rebuttal from the CTC.


6. But I believe it is sound to argue in rebuttal that these things also depend directly on the sequence and structure of the protein in question.


7. Contrary to popular belief, politics is gruellingly hard work, especially in the epoch of 24-hour media and instant rebuttal


8. The Renewable Fuel Association (RFA) published a rebuttal based on the version leaked before the formal release of the World Bank's paper.


9. To this end, the authorities shall, on request, provide opportunities for all interested parties to meet those parties with adverse interests, so that opposing views may be presented and rebuttal arguments offered.


10. rebuttal burden of proof


11. This means don’t give up and keep trying, when the customer objects always be prepared with a rebuttal as to why they should by.


12. One is "highlights", the other is "the rebuttal" with the degree difference.


13. From 2nd the floor to 16 building's net friend receipts, irrelevants besides several with the placard, majority of carries on the violent rebuttal to the building main card.


14. They made a clause - by - clause rebuttal of the letter.


15. In the lawyer's analysis of so-called logic seems unassailable, Xu Datong stamped with fury.However he could not make effective rebuttal.


16. But the opposition also said that rebuttal, IMF also said that the British Government to the level of debt is worrying.


17. Arguments prepared by the pro and con committees will be made available to the opposing committees for rebuttal after the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on this date.


18. The internal justice system has also been extensively expanded and updated, and, in addition to the post of Ombudsman, includes a Joint Grievance Panel and a Rebuttal Panel.


19. Cheney's criticism of Russia and President Putin's rebuttal underlined tensions in US-Russia relations. Both countries are fighting for positions in the Group of Eight summit this weekend.


20. Because of the special characters existing in authentications,most of them developed by the committee of medicine do not apply rebuttal burden of proof in medicine accident authenitcations.


21. Even where an agency is willing to allow rebuttal from an opposing party, its efforts to rely on official notice may fail.


22. reversal of the burden of proof or onus of rebuttal


23. rebuttal terms such as unless allow the writer to anticipate objections.


24. rebuttal evidence

反驳的证据 反驳证据

25. rebuttal witness


26. Ridiculous his words full of breached, and the Elizabeth Congmingguoren Although Bin grid with a rebuttal to Miss, and咖苔琳夫人contradict, but was still led by Wei Han.


27. Immediately after the real estate "bubble" shadow, and the Ministry staged a Renzhiqiang the talk on the rebuttal.


28. After my brief rebuttal we got into a procedural wrangle about which issues remained to be settled


29. After my brief rebuttal we got into a procedural wrangle about which issues remained to be settled.


30. They laughed, and one of them wagged a forefinger back and forth in a joking rebuttal.


31. If your dad shoots off his mouth at your party, you can make a calm rebuttal.


32. It includes claim, data, warrant, backing, qualifiers and rebuttal.


33. If the right to a trial-type hearing is to be meaningful, a participant must be able to know what evidence may be used against her, and to contest it through cross-examination and rebuttal evidence.


34. Reply to"Rebuttal to reply by Varotsos and Lazaridou:Towards plainly successful prediction,"by Paul W.Burton


35. For each question there can only be a two-minute response, a 90-second rebuttal and, at my discretion, a discussion extension of one minute.


36. Regarding this news, team of person in charge Lu Hao Yao has given the rebuttal immediately: Yao Ming on has not always expressed the withdrawal national sports team's idea to them.


37. which Aoyuanjituan senior on many occasions given a rebuttal.


38. The Palace of rebuttal.


39. Critical coverage of Wikinews has been of great interest within the project, and has ranged from Simon Waldman's analysis and EditorsWeblog rebuttal to Korby Parnell's near cheerleading.

对维基新闻的评论的覆盖度对这个计划产生了重大的影响,范围从Simon Waldman's的分析和EditorsWeblog的辩驳到Korby Parnell's在旁边的起哄。

40. Formulating and listening to your own rebuttal to what the speaker is saying.


41. Harper's excruciatingly polite rebuttal that, while he supported the removal of Saddam Hussein, he would not commit Canadian troops to that nation.


42. Chang and his staff quickly responded and wrote a rebuttal letter to the China Advisory Commission of the American Lutheran Church.


43. If the party concerned brings forward any rebuttal reasons or evidence not presented in the administrative procedure, the price administrative department may supplement corresponding evidence.


44. A party is entitled to present his case or defense by oral or documentary evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence, and to conduct such cross-examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts.


45. When someone is preparing his own rebuttal during the time you are talking, he escapes the moment and misses whatever you may be communicating.


46. In my opinion, the best remedy is to adopt the rapid rebuttal approach.


47. Which of the following, if true, provides the best basis for a rebuttal of the criticism?


48. produce evidence in rebuttal of the charge


49. burden of rebuttal


50. It’s not real anyway.So trying to address it with some goofy rebuttal will get you blown off the phone for sure.


51. The fourth section is devoted to a rebuttal against the two possible criticisms to our thesis.


52. Medvedev second date when gram palace meeting social group carries on the rebuttal immediately.


53. It should also include rebuttal evidence, as well as such supplemental information as the panel deems relevant in the course of reaching its conclusions.


54. More effective and efficient is the practice originally developed by the ICC, in which verified written statements are prepared by witnesses and submitted to adverse parties for rebuttal.


55. Finally, the plaintiff is entitled to a rebuttal.


56. Discussion of trial phases including: Opening Arguments; Plaintiff's case in chief; Defendant's case in chief; Plaintiff's rebuttal; Defendant's rebuttal; Motions for directed verdict; Closing Arguments; Jury Instructions


57. But the al-Qaeda leader still felt the need to compose a detailed, 200-page rebuttal of his antagonist.


58. On the contrary, each section of this rebuttal has discussed scientific evidence supporting intelligent design and challenging evolution.


59. The study's authors wrote a rebuttal disputing Dr. Young's analysis and standing by their findings.


60. With an engineering example,procedures to identify reasons for structural distress and to evaluate the overall safety of building are explained by deductive, probabilistic and rebuttal reasoning.


61. But plaintiff Attorney Fang also carries on the rebuttal to this view.


62. Some parts of Apple's 32-point rebuttal say that the company was being truthful.But one paragraph says, in effect, that anyone who believes what the company says in its ads is a fool.


63. LEHRER : Mr. President, you have a 90-second rebuttal.


64. The rebuttal to this argument is equally simple: People create resources.


65. Let's look at the rebuttal from CNN.


66. "The surge of foreign investment in China is a firm rebuttal against the concerns.


67. The counsels should, in a way of rebuttal, point out the flaws in the evidence presented by the accuser, overthrow the fact accused and thus invalidate the accusation.


68. 22. The debate team must prepare the position, rebuttal and closing in advance, or at least major parts of it. Different students should be responsible for different parts.


69. S. consumer.For the past decades, that has been a ready rebuttal against predictions of economic doom and gloom for America and the world.


70. The accusations met with a firm rebuttal.


71. This model is less constrained than the syllogism and makes allowances for the important elements of probability, backing, or proof for the premise and rebuttal of the reader’s objections.


72. Point by point rebuttal to his argument


73. So what is the answer? the best remedy is to adopt the rapid rebuttal approach.


74. Chen Que's Rebuttal of "Xing Jia Philosophy"and Its Revelation for Today


75. Chevron has filed a 9,000-page rebuttal of Mr Cabrera's report.


76. A rebuttal to someone who doesn't have the problem himself but is trying to offer advice.


77. (3) most subjects lack opponent awareness, and only 29% use rebuttal potential, however, without any real countering, which affects the power of their arguments;

(3)对手意识普遍薄弱, 仅有29%的议论出现了反驳潜势,但没有人就可能的对手观点展开实质性的驳论,影响了逻辑论辩的力度;
