

1. 16W will move N to NNW along the western periphery of the subtropical ridge. A mid-latitude trough will soon cause the ridge to retreat to allow a recurvature.


2. 21W is expected to move in a northerly direction along the western edge of the subtropical ridge. Recurvature follows after it traverses the ridge axis.


3. The JTWC upgraded, in their opinion, this low pressure area into tropical depression 08W at 02 HKT on August 3rd, predicting a recurvature towards eastern Guangdong and western Fujian.


4. The approach of a mid-latitude trough will cause the ridge to weaken, which should lead to a recurvature later in the forecast period.


5. A mid-latitude trough should arrive at that time to weaken the ridge so that a recurvature scenario could be observed with the storm making landfall in Guangdong.


6. A weakness has been induced in the subtropical ridge by the mid-latitude trough. FITOW started to turn NW last night, and a recurvature pattern is expected throughout the forecast period.


7. The subtropical high has broken into western and eastern halves. CHOI-WAN is expected to turn north gradually into the weakness, and a typical recurvature scenario follows.


8. It is now forecast that the weakness will be deepened by another trough which will allow a recurvature.


9. However uncertainties exist regarding the degree of recurvature - there is also a chance that WIPHA will make landfall at Eastern China if it is not picked up by the arriving mid-latitude trough.


10. NEPARTAK is expected to move in a northerly direction along the western edge of the subtropical ridge. Recurvature follows after it traverses the ridge axis.


11. This should induce a weakness for HIGOS to complete its recurvature and its forward speed should decrease soon.


12. CHOI-WAN is expected to turn north gradually into the weakness between the subtropical highs, and a typical recurvature scenario follows.


13. The current forecast calls for a recurvature less acute than that of the previous bulletin.


14. The ridge east of SINLAKU is expected to extend westward to allow a short-term northwesterly track, after which it will be eroded by a passing mid-latitude trough to provide room for recurvature.


15. After recurvature HIGOS is expected to land somewhere in Guangdong and will re-accelerate as it escapes from the pressure col.


16. Quite a number of numerical models now call for a recurvature due to an arriving mid-latitude trough that will widen the weakness sufficiently.


17. DOLPHIN should decelerate and move N to NNW along the western periphery of the subtropical ridge. A recurvature is expected in the extended taus.


18. Note that these depend greatly on FENGSHEN's point of recurvature, which is far from certain at this moment.


19. As stated in the previous bulletin, the time that this subtropical ridge retreats is a crucial factor in determing the time of recurvature.


20. recurvature point


21. It is expected that a passing mid-latitude trough will weaken this ridge to allow a full recurvature in 72 hours' time.


22. The approach of a mid-latitude trough will cause the weakness to widen, which should lead to a recurvature later in the forecast period.


23. The ridge is expected to be eroded by a mid-latitude trough so as to induce a recurvature.


24. The ridge is expected to retreat after t+24 and DANAS will track along the weakness to cross the ridge axis by t+36.A recurvature pattern should occur.


25. The ridge is expected to be gradually eroded so as to induce a recurvature.


26. Recurvature follows after it traverses the ridge axis.


27. This is expected to continue until the ridge weakens about 5 days later, which should lead to a recurvature later in the forecast period.


28. VAMCO is expected to travel N along the western periphery of the eastern subtropical ridge. Recurvature will occur soon after VAMCO traverses the ridge axis.


29. Between t+24 and t+36, NARI will cross the ridge axis, and will be subjected to the westerlies to induce a recurvature.


30. Between t+48 and t+72, NARI will cross the ridge axis, and will be subjected to the westerlies to induce a recurvature.

