
reelreelD.J.:[ri:l]K.K.:[ril]n.1.卷轴; 卷筒; 线轴vt.1.把东西用卷轴卷起来; 从卷轴上放出来vi.1.蹒跚地走路; 摇晃着移动2.发昏; 发热His mind was reeling at the shock.他吃惊得脑袋发晕。

reel1[ri:l; riəl]vi.1.倒退;退缩;站立不稳;趔趄:He reeled back when the heavy blow landed on his head.他的头受此重重一击,使他向后打了个趔趄。2.蹒跚;踉跄:He was a bit tipsy,reeling along the street.他已有几分醉意,沿大街蹒跚而行。They reeled out of the pub at midnight.他们在午夜时分摇摇晃晃地走出酒馆。3.摇摆,摇晃:The little boat was reeling on the surging sea.小船在波涛汹涌的海上颠簸不止。4.眩晕;震颤:My mind reeled when I heard the bad news.我听到这个坏消息后感到一阵眩晕。5.旋转:I felt faint and dizzy as if the sky and earth began to reel.我觉得昏昏沉沉,好像天旋地转。6.(军队)溃退:The enemy troops began to reel in defeat under our violent attack.敌军在我方的猛烈攻击下开始溃退。vt.1.使退缩;使摇晃;使眩晕;使旋转n.1.步履蹒跚;摇晃;踉跄2.眩晕;旋转3.倒退近义词staggerright (或straight) off the reel毫不犹豫地;立刻一口气,一连;不停顿地,连续不断地without a reel or a stagger脚跟稳固地;不摇摆地 reel2[ri:l; riəl]n.1.里尔舞(轻快的苏格兰双人舞);里尔舞曲2.Virginia reel 的缩略形式 reel3[ri:l; riəl]n.1.(棉纱、电缆等的)卷轴;卷筒2.(磁带、电影胶片等的)卷盘3.(钓竿上的)绕线轮4.(棉纱等的)一卷;(磁带等的)一盘5.(割草机上的)滚刀;(机器内的)卷轴装置6.手纺车;摇纱机vt.1.卷;绕;缠(常与in,up连用):They reeled the hosepipe in rapidly.他们迅速将水龙带卷好。2.收挠(钓丝等);收绕钓丝钓起(常与 in, up连用):She reeled up a big fish.她钓起一条大鱼。3.放出(钓丝)(常与out连用):He reeled out his finshing line and waited patiently.他放出绕线轮上的钓丝,耐心地等待。vi.1.卷;绕;缠2.收绕钓丝(常与 in 连用):Some anglers reeled in and went home.有些钓鱼的人绕起钓丝回家了。

reelreel[ri:l]vi.1.摇晃, 失去平衡2.眩晕, 震颤3.旋转4.蹒跚而行5.撤[倒]退reel like a drunken man象醉汉似地摇摇晃晃地走着His mind reeled at the news.他听到这个消息感到一阵眩晕。Everything reeled before his eyes.一切事情都在他眼前旋转起来。
词性变化reel[ri:l]vt.1.使眩晕, 使摇晃, 使动摇2.蹒跚地走在(街道上)reel the streets蹒跚地走在街道上reel[ri:l]n.1.摇摆, 蹒跚, 眩晕, 旋转, 动摇, 退缩
