

1. And how exactly do you reformulate "Have you screwed around?

"|那你怎么重新组织 "你是不是搞砸了?

2. With Descartes' influence, every branch of knowledge and art reexamined and reformulate in the light of reason and in the spirit of scientific method.


3. Where major studios reformulate each day an ideal reality in an ever-growing proximity to the economy and politics.


4. About a year ago, one group of their executive development classes suggested that they reformulate their values of the company in order to capture the spirit of GE as a growth company.


5. W3C's first step was to reformulate HTML 4.01 into XML, resulting in XHTML 1.0.


6. The present title suggests that release occurs of the whole particle. therefore,please reformulate.


7. I shall reformulate the problem of predication as the following two questions: (1) What justifies our univocal use of one and the same predicate expression to predicate of several different things?


8. Earth was able to redirect the dream from Alpha Centauri back into space so that it could not reformulate itself again here.


9. Based on a new smooth function, we reformulate nonlinear inequalities as a nonsmooth equation.


10. reformulate the plan


11. Reevaluate and reformulate it as life changes, for a lot more is needed to be successful than just working hard all day.


12. Employing two variables output-capital ratio and consumption ratio, we reformulate representative neoclassical growth models, including Solow-Swan model, Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, and Lucas model.


13. We reformulate the problem for finding KKT points of the nonlinear constrained optimization problem as a system of semismooth equations by using the new NCP function.


14. Han legislators saw no need to reformulate those categories since the "situations" which they described seemed an adequate basis for the imposition of liability and determination of punishment.


15. The frst answers give real-time feedback to the lecturer on how much the students comprehended the material, and if needed, how the lecturer should reformulate explanation of the concepts.


16. Not only were such implications not sought and tested,but there was a tendency,when there appeared to be a threat of an empirical test,to reformulate the theory to make the test ineffective.


17. We reformulate the communication cost in terms of the number of relay nodes, rather than the number of links, required for performing the multicast operation.


18. An other way is first to reformulate CPs as a system of nonlinear smooth equations with smoothing parameters, then use the classical Newton method.


19. Based on some mathematical features of the model, some reformulations are necessary to solve the problem.The surrogate functions are used to reformulate the objective function and some constraints.


20. First the caterpillar creates a cocoon; then it breaks itself down into primal goo, only to reformulate itself into a moth or butterfly.

