

1. Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, founded his ethics on a repudiation of Darwinism.


2. Microsoft has developed a way to categorize threats: Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, Elevation of privilege (STRIDE).


3. Zhou and Gollmann proposed a fair non repudiation protocol in 1996. But Kim et al found it unfair later and proposed an improvement.

Zhou和Gollmann于 1996年提出了一个简单有效的公平不可否认协议 ,但Kim等人后来发现该协议不具有时限性并提出了一个改进方案 .

4. unilateral repudiation of a debt

[经] 单方拒付债务

5. A repudiation threat involves carrying out a transaction in such a way that there is no proof after the fact of the principals involved in the transaction.


6. “The change of government in Japan is being presented domestically in China as a repudiation of policies Beijing didn't like, including closer US-Japanese ties and a more robust defence posture.


7. Analysis and Countermeasures on Repudiation Economy


8. A Non - repudiation Protocol Based E - mail Transmission Scheme


9. non - repudiation


10. Non repudiation consists of the sender's non repudiation and receipt's non repudiation.

不可抵赖分为发送方的不可抵赖和接收方的不可抵赖 .

11. non- repudiation


12. Non repudiation is one of the important questions of development of electronic business system.

不可抵赖性是开发电子商务系统必须要解决的问题之一 .

13. WESTBANK repudiation of the contract


14. A repudiation or denial of responsibility or connection.


15. The mid-term elections were not a repudiation of the war on terror, but of the conduct of the Iraq war, which the majority of Americans now regard as a horrible distraction.


16. He said that the repudiation of those guidelines by the Obama administration “will almost certainly have a greater impact than the guidelines themselves had.


17. "This budget taxes too much, spends too much, borrows too much," he said. "It is, in fact, a repudiation of the very goals he has established."


18. " and by breach in a fundamental respect, if the innocent party treats the breach as a repudiation of the contract."


19. Conduct by a party that indicates his doubt as to his willingness or ability to perform, but that is not sufficiently positive to amount to a repudiation


20. Repudiation of the Precondition of Traditional Concept of Development


21. total repudiation


22. Application of Repudiation Rules of Company Personalities


23. repudiation of corporate personality;


24. Several centrist leaders did well in a repudiation of the Kirchners' populist economic policies.


25. Analysis shows that this scheme has really completed unforgeability and unlinkability in the electronic tractions of business, and prevents the repudiation efficiently.


26. That was a major repudiation of Iran the other day at the Security Council .


27. The protocol not only guarantees the non repudiation and anonymity of the bidder,but also ensures the non repudiation of the bid received.

协议不仅保证了投标者对所投价位的不可否认性和匿名性 ,而且保证了拍卖代理对接收标书的不可否认性 .

28. Repudiation can result from actions which reasonably indicates a rejection of the continuing obligation


29. At the same time it discusses public key encryption system, digital signature, Fair Non Repudiation Protocol, Certified Electronic Mail Protocol etc.


30. recourse repudiation

否定追索权 拒绝偿还债务

31. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.


32. Certainly, however, it would be an exaggeration to see the Supreme Court opinions as a repudiation of the doctrines developed earlier by the lower courts in this area.


33. These threat types include: Spoofing identity, Tampering with data, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, and Elevation of privilege.


34. Each and every one of the crises that has beset the American economy in recent years has been, at heart, a crisis of debt repudiation.


35. 2. Barclay Card is authorised to accept claim, request additional claim information, make decision on claim payment or repudiation.


36. Existence of ethical components in market system is reaction of its morality, whereas some unreasonable and immoral elements indicate that it needs support as well as repudiation and guide.


37. American theologian whose repudiation of traditional Calvinistic austerity had a profound effect on liberal Protestant thought.


38. You might use this action when you want to keep a record of the workflow history for investigating errors or for tracking and repudiation purposes.


39. Certainly, or the esteem blue army somewhat is obviously biased by competition total repudiation Mancheng.


40. Not a repudiation of Darwinism as science, of course, for you cannot repudiate truth.


41. So in the western countries, the theory of repudiation of corporate personality has been created to solve this problem.


42. repudiation on debt


43. Repudiation is the ability of users (legitimate or otherwise) to deny that they performed specific actions or transactions. Without adequate auditing, repudiation attacks are difficult to prove.


44. Anticipatory repudiation centers upon an over communication of intention or an action which renders performance impossible or demonstrates a clear determination not to continue with performance


45. repudiation of claims


46. repudiation of claim


47. Digital signatures address authentication and repudiation issues, and message encryption addresses confidentiality issues.


48. Data origin authentication is an important part in the multicast security architecture.Data origin authentication can be classified as repudiation and non-repudiation.


49. Japan has the obligation of international law to compensate Chinese nongovernmental victims and it will bear the state responsibility for repudiation of liability. ?

日本对中国民间受害者赔偿负有国际法义务; 日本拒绝赔偿将承担国家责任。

50. explicit repudiation


51. A more difficult aspect for us to grasp is Emerson's deliberate repudiation of the "power of blackness" .


52. A more difficult aspect for us to grasp is Emerson's deliberate repudiation of the "power of blackness"


53. The Establishment and Repudiation of Plato's "Ideal Country"


54. As described above, it is important for security against repudiation to add both a nonce and the identity of the intended recipient to application data to be signed.


55. Whenever an economy allows debt to grow faster than wealth can be created, that economy has a need for debt repudiation.


56. Emerson’s anti-tradition relates to his repudiation of the European spiritual yoke such as Mamonism, Dogmatism and Formalism which overflowed the era and society he lived in.


57. Modern China saw the end of the imperial civil-service examinations he inspired, the end of the imperial regime itself and the repudiation of the classical Chinese in which he wrote.


58. Bankruptcy and repudiation are the springboards from which much of our civilization vaults and turns its somersets, but the savage stands on the unelastic plank of famine.

破产和拒付债务是跳板,多少文明从这里跳跃而起,筋斗一转就进入新境界了,而the savage没有这种弹性好的跳板,所以仍旧站在饥馑的木板上。

59. Bankruptcy and repudiation are the springboards from which much of our civilization vaults and turns its somersets, but the savage stands on the unelastic plank of famine.


60. Make sure that the XKMS service provider has a sound and robust key recovery policy as it has a direct impact on signed document repudiation and encrypted document authenticity.


61. It was ill-health and impending mortality, not any sense of failure or repudiation, that obliged Mr Castro to issue his statement that he would not seek to retain his posts.


62. That was a major repudiation of Iran the other day at the Security Council.


63. Although such a response ameliorates the risk of passivity or an inappropriately aggressive reaction to possible repudiation, it dose not entirely eliminate it.


64. Short-term trading, the sole objective of which is speculation in assets, and the evasion and repudiation of debts by enterprises, shall be guarded against.


65. On the Theory of Repudiation of Corporate Personality


66. The communication security techniques including confidentiality,integrity and authenticity are introduced in this paper. It can prevent concoction replay and repudiation.


67. In this paper, a novel synchronization scheme is introduced to improve Zhou Gollmann’s non repudiation protocol.

该文引入一种新的同步机制 ,并用它改进了Zhou Gollmann的不可否认协议 .

68. repudiation of a debt


69. The Declaration represented a repudiation of the pre-Revolutionary monarchical regime.


70. The next shoe to drop will be repudiation of unredeemable debt either directly by bankruptcy and confiscation, or indirectly by inflation.


71. the repudiation of the counter-revolutionary Hu Feng clique, and I think it remains correct because it accords with dialectics.


72. This landslide did not signify a repudiation of the League but rather revealed the confusion and growing popular apathy over that issue


73. Such a repudiation would be fecund.But this does not change that.


74. The word “repudiation” should be confined to those cases of an anticipatory breach, but it is also used in connection with cases of an actual breach going to the root of the contract (see Heyman v.


75. Breach of contract risk [MIGA]: Repudiation or Breach of a specified commitment by the host government to the guarantee holder

违约风险 [多边投资担保机构]:东道国政府不履行或违反与被保险人签订的合同中的具体义务。

76. Application of security technology in communications system--A new non repudiation protocol


77. anticipatory repudiation of a contract


78. Goldman's moves in recent days mark a repudiation of the strategy that catapulted the firm to enormous success.


79. Boris Yeltsin was about to be elected president of the Russian Republic with an even more explicit repudiation of Soviet economics and politics than Gorbachev had espoused.


80. implicit repudiation

