

1. Here you can change the size of the resize handle.


2. The width of the filename column in the transfer window. Set this to 0 to have this column automagically resize.


3. You can resize photos which are too big. If you have a photo which has a large file size, resizing it will also reduce the file size.


4. AVI - Animated button - The button will resize to match the size of AVI animation.


5. MOV Move specified window. /SIZ Resize specified window.


6. How to resize images for the web - The VSO free image resize software organizes your photos by shrinking their resolution or moving them within your hard drive.

VSO Image Resizer 为那些将数码照片和图像存在电脑中,并希望重新调整大小,压缩,转换,创建备份,导入或组织图片的人们设计的完美工具。

7. Windows can resize the pictures you send in e-mail so that they transfer faster and are easier to view by the recipient. What do you want to do?


8. The Windows Forms Designer uses this property to determine which snaplines to display during a control addition, resize, or move operation.


9. A program may address memory in data space regions made available by ALLOCATE or RESIZE and not yet released by FREE.


10. A simple application that allows you to resize images on your mobile phone. BMP, JPG and PNG formats are supported.


11. The following code example forces a column to automatically resize its width to fit its contents.


12. The following code example illustrates how you can set an image and resize the display area of the picture box.


13. However, there are many examples in current applications where components inside the application window resize or move the application window.


14. Like other Visio shapes, you can copy, move, and resize ink shapes, as well as add them to custom stencils to make them available for other drawings.


15. To ensure that the control resizes neatly, you should implement docking and anchoring, and possibly any resize event-handler update code.


16. Users can also double-click a divider to automatically resize the associated row, column, or header band based on its contents.


17. This action puts the form into a modal sizing loop until the resize operation is completed.


18. Programmatic resizing enables you to resize cells at specific times to avoid the performance penalty of continuous automatic resizing.


19. But once you‘ve created a good looking material, it‘s not that hard to resize and refine it for other models and/or scenes.


20. You can also move, resize and modifying objects on labels.


21. You can grab the sizing borders and resize the window.


22. Inaddition, you can capture and resize those parts, measure lengths and angles and pick color valuesoff the screen.


23. You can now resize Windows by dragging them to edges of the screen.


24. You have to resize the Stitching Window a little to refresh the display.


25. Do you know how to setup the photostat machine to resize mode?


26. Have you ever wanted to resize a window but NOT have to deal with all of that annoying control-repositioning?What a hassle!


27. If you want, you can throw in some cool resize effects. Edit the following code.


28. The use of GDI drawing procedures can drawcircle square and drag, resize, set properties and so on.


29. You can use the Size with window command to automatically resize charts that are located on chart sheets (chart sheet: A sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart.


30. Use the arrow keys to resize the task pane.


31. For example, you can configure the control to automatically resize the width of its columns based only on the values in rows that are currently displayed.


32. For example, you might programmatically resize all columns immediately after loading data, or you might programmatically resize a specific row after a particular cell value has been modified.


33. For example, setting Dock to Left causes the StatusStrip to align itself with the left edges of its parent control and to resize as the parent control is resized.


34. Fixed a problem where it was difficult to resize the grouping panel using the lower-right corner.


35. ImageWell is the easy way to edit, rotate, crop and resize your image and upload it to your iDisk (.mac account), FTP server, or WebDAV server.


36. There is a very powerful and useful variant of the resize handle: a vertex handle.


37. This is a small utility to magnify a portion of the screen where you can choose the zooming factor and you can resize the magnified portion itself to suite your needs.


38. Preserve, you can resize only the last dimension of the array, and for every other dimension you must specify the same bound it already has in the existing array.


39. After you have created the empty picture frame, you can resize it to the dimensions you want.


40. Click the frame of the control, position the mouse pointer over one of the resizing icons, and resize the container control.


41. To resize a control Click the control to be resized and drag one of the eight sizing handles.


42. Click the text box or picture frame that you want to resize to select it.


43. Click the FormView control to select it, and then drag the resize handle on the right side of the control to make the control as wide as the current page.


44. In addition, you can move or resize objects in the template.


45. You can resize the render region using the little blue boxes in its corners or on the sides and set the aliasing by dragging the little slider on the right side of the region.


46. Allows for maximum use of space or screen real-estate. Also allows the most control over sizing by the user, because a user can resize the website to their preferences.


47. You can resize the columns to be compatible with the destination columns in the Flat File connection manager, the Flat File source, or a transformation.


48. You can manually change the width of a table column in Table Designer by resizing it or you can automatically resize a column to fit its widest entry.


49. You can resize and move placeholders and format them with borders (border: The visible line around the edge of an object.


50. You can resize the text area, or use its scroll bars to view text that extends beyond its display area.


51. You can configure the DataGridView control to resize its rows, columns, and headers automatically whenever content changes, so that cells are always large enough to display their values without clipping.


52. Any picture can be used - just remember that if you resize the form, you'll need to re-tile the bitmap again.


53. Right click desktop, select Properties, choose Appearance, click Advanced, select one item and then resize.


54. Drag to the left or right to resize columns.


55. As with dragging, a meta-key is often used to constrain the direction of a resize interaction.


56. Because this widget doesn't know how to handle resizing, we fix its size.In the next chapter, we will show how a widget can respond to resize event from the user.


57. Hence, mechanisms which quickly resize individual images should be used.


58. In your publication, move or resize text, pictures, and any other objects as necessary for the new page width and margins.


59. In some cases, it's also useful to constrain the resize to either a vertical , horizontal, or locked aspect ratio.


60. Set the size of the control to a width of 500 and a height of 400 by watching the size information as you resize the control.


61. She lives in northern Northern California and resize raises a posion garded poison garden of her own.


62. If you just resize images by specifying a width and height in HTML or CSS, they will still be slow to download because the full file size is being used.


63. If you resize HELLOWIN's window, you'll see that the text string is redrawn to be in the new center of the window.


64. If you only resize the graphic, it will be displayed in a smaller area on a site visitor's screen, but its file size and the download time are unchanged.


65. To make the picture draw more quickly, click the View menu, click Picture Display , and then click Fast Resize and Zoom.


66. If the size and position of a shape are not the way you want them, you can move the shape around or resize it.


67. If you've added a lot of buttons, you might need to resize the Command bar to see them all.


68. If you are designing a form that the user can resize at run time, the controls on your form should resize and reposition properly.


69. You can resize the window if you need to.


70. If you need to resize the coupon, drag one of the coupon's corner handles.


71. You can resize the control at any point by dragging the sizing handles if you need to adjust it to the size of the animation.


72. You can move and resize the Expression Editor if you want a larger work surface.


73. It creates a box in the corner that the user can resize the window with.


74. Position and resize the test containers so that both of them are visible at the same time.


75. Both the width and height are changed based on a resize ratio.


76. Position the pointer along the right border of the column header for the column that you want to resize.


77. Assigning existing elements surely is more efficient than having to check and resize the array on each hit.


78. Dialog box, you can evaluate sample data and automatically resize the length of these columns to prevent truncation of data or excess column width.


79. The Navigator palette allows you to resize and move around within the image.


80. Sizer is a freeware utility that allows you to resize any window to an exact, predefined size.

将 滑鼠游标 移动到视窗右下角,视窗会出现外框并显示可调整大小的游标。
