

1. “If you are resolved, I must proceed to your initiation,” said the rhetor, coming closer to Pierre.


2. “Yes, that's as it should be,” thought Pierre, when the rhetor after these words left him again to solitary reflection;


3. They lay upon me the duty of rhetor.


4. He listened to the rhetor in silence, feeling from everything he said that his ordeal was soon to begin.


5. The rhetor cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands across his chest, and began speaking.


6. The third time the rhetor came back sooner, and asked Pierre whether he were still resolute in his intention, and whether he were prepared to submit to everything that would be demanded of him.


7. A hieroglyph,” said the rhetor, “is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol.


8. ” Pierre took off his coat and waistcoat and left boot at the rhetor's instructions.


9. Meanwhile, it points out, from a rhetorical angle, that deliberately applying the change of the word order will create unique rhetor...


10. SHORTLY AFTER THIS, there walked into the dark temple to fetch Pierre not the rhetor, but his sponsor Villarsky, whom he recognised by his voice.


11. In order for rhetoric to be effective, the rhetor, writer or speaker, needs to consider the functional needs of and cooperate with his audience.


12. It holds that the repetition in restatement helps the rhetor reach the optimum level of arousal and the different words in it give him the pleasure of change.


13. Besides pathos and Logos, Ethos, with which addressers persuade the addressees through establishing exclusive credit and power, which has been early realized by western rhetor.


14. For a long while Pierre could not utter a word, so that the rhetor was obliged to repeat his question.


15. Half an hour later the rhetor returned to enumerate to the seeker the seven virtues corresponding to the seven steps of the temple of Solomon, in which every freemason must train himself.

