

1. "Sanyi Rhetorical Theory" or "Sanyi Linguistics" is formed with the core ideas of Wang Xijie's works refined by a group of insightful and talented linguists.


2. Positive repetition is a significant rhetorical device and an important factor for a writer to form his writing style.


3. The rhetorical usages in Hamlet are the most distinguishing feature and the most important reason to attract the readers and audience.


4. The above rhetorical question quoted in the Times (12. 1. 95) was put by the Swedish Chairman of a stockbroking company in Russia.


5. A question to which no answer is expected, often used for rhetorical effect.


6. Their use is purely rhetorical: to help communicate to other members of the team that a persona should definitely not be the design target for the product.

不像被服务的人物角色,他们的使用纯粹是带修饰色彩的。 他们被用于和团队中其他成员进行交流,而完全不应该成为产品的设计目标。

7. However, video, when used with care, can sometimes provide a powerful rhetorical tool for achieving stakeholder buy-in to contentious or surprising research results.


8. Two obvious (and rhetorical) questions: Can we really not stop harassment? And does veiling really “protect” you?


9. The copy-writer employs various strategies in copy-writing to reach the persuasive destination,including rhetorical devices.


10. The rhetorical devices of the idiom can be divided into emphatic repetition, contrast of two alternatives, vivid comparison, allusion and personification.


11. It speedily became evident that these Bolshevik socialists were men of a very different quality from the rhetorical constitutionalists and revolutionaries of the Kerensky phase.


12. While in the rhetorical devices, punning, metaphors, and euphemism which make language more vivid and create more boundless association and imagination are discussed.


13. It maintains that this rhetorical device provides us a feeling of beauty at least in three points: symmetry and balance, unity in variety, and various aesthetical associations.


14. Particularly tens of rhetorical devices in both Chinese and foreign languages are introduced in the paper, with translating techniques involved.


15. And puns, similes. metaphors. personifications and repetitions are often used as its rhetorical characteristics.


16. As far as the rhetorical result is concerned , reiterative lo...


17. Suddaby, Roy and Royston Greenwood. 2005. "Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy." Administrative Science Quarterly 50:35-67.


18. This article analyzes the editing, diction, grammar and rhetorical features of English headlines.


19. They prefer a more subtle, indirect language, like to use the logic, Descartes and the rhetorical phrasing stated his views.


20. They lay upon me the duty of rhetor.


21. The researchers hold that metaphor is a fundamental way of human cognition rather than just a rhetorical device in traditional view.


22. Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of rhetorical terminology.


23. He has attracted the readers? attention to the Chinese figures of speech so that the readers can realize the aesthetic delight in interpreting the writers? rhetorical texts.


24. He listened to the rhetor in silence, feeling from everything he said that his ordeal was soon to begin.


25. Tear off the rhetorical top-dressing form his speech and you find there's very little solid content.


26. CC shows more ritualized and rhetorical phrases related to Chinese culture, whereas AC remains in the range of limited adjectives and verbs.


27. It can express special meaning and get effective rhetorical result.


28. But a rhetorical reading cannot guarantee authority over interpretations.


29. Perhaps, however, Mr MacAskill's moralising is merely rhetorical chaff, thrown up to disguise the realpolitik that lay behind the release.


30. Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question?


31. Rhetorical devices, as a kind of literary means, are largely used in advertisement, as a result, they make Ad language exciting and full of wit and humor.


32. RRT combines the two theories to account for rhetorical relations in a systemic-functional way.


33. There are both similarities and differences among the concepts as rhetorical mirage, Utopia in language, Utopian language, discourse pep pills, aesthetic mirage.


34. The rhetor cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands across his chest, and began speaking.


35. A hieroglyph,” said the rhetor, “is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol.


36. Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy, euphemism, garble and alias.


37. Metonymy is not just a rhetorical trope, but also a ubiquitous phenomenon in language, a mode of thinking in essence.


38. In order to persure the artistry, the public interest advertising expressions has used some rhetorical ploys.


39. A rhetorical perspective is controversial in regard to news because we are used to thinking of the news as“ objective”, as a report of what occurs.


40. These rhetorical methods attribute to the realization of evocative function in advertising English.


41. The right rhetorical and managerial style may allow secretaries-general to overcome, to some degree, the lack of formal authority.


42. And he needs to abandon the rhetorical high ground for the nitty-gritty of policy.


43. In everyrace she enters she sees huge leads in the opinion polls shrinkdramatically as Mr Obama works his rhetorical and organisational magic.


44. Mr Cameron has yet to hit on a rhetorical register between bitter and bumptious.


45. Tear off the rhetorical topdressing from his speech and you find there's very little solid content.


46. It also gives examples of rhetorical characteristics such as metaphor, contrast, rhyme, pun, metonymy and paradox and so on so forth.


47. Punning is a common rhetorical devices used in ads.


48. Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement.There are various ways to form puns in advertisements.


49. The first essential characteristic of the rhetorical device-pun, is that the main part of its meaning lies in equivocality.


50. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.


51. The traditional study of verbal irony from rhetorical and aesthetical approaches has been shifted to current cognitive and pragmatic investigation.


52. Rhetorical questions feel a little like interactivity, but really are not.


53. A rhetorical process, on the other hand, is a way of forming community that for one reason or another does not involve participants in a process of refutation. 5.


54. It was just a rhetorical question.

只是个反问 不需要回答的。

55. Only when we master their implicit word meanings, sentence structures and rhetorical usage can we put them into Chinese properly.


56. Meanwhile, it points out, from a rhetorical angle, that deliberately applying the change of the word order will create unique rhetor...


57. With the Relevance The ory, the author also probes into the correlation between the meaning of rhetorical shop names and real object.


58. The questions covering strategy, organization, and style make up the Rhetorical Skills subscore.


59. SHORTLY AFTER THIS, there walked into the dark temple to fetch Pierre not the rhetor, but his sponsor Villarsky, whom he recognised by his voice.


60. Concept of "development" is mainly a stylistic and rhetorical rather than substantial.


61. That is because sometimes obscure words are more appropriate for communication than precise words and it c an also produce special rhetorical effects.


62. Thus, decisions are often based on an extremely superficial appreciation of a scenario, and this can be strongly influenced by rhetorical trickery.


63. The unique usage of hyphen in Wei Cheng is discussed in terms of application mode, rhetorical function and pragmatic purpose in this paper.


64. During his presidential campaign in 2004, John Kerry waged a rhetorical assault on the 'Benedict Arnold CEO's who outsourced their company's workforce to 2007, Sens.


65. During the primaries Mr Obama joined Mrs Clinton in turning up the rhetorical heat against NAFTA.


66. In many countries politicians’ fealty to open markets is already more rhetorical than real.


67. In the normal expression situation, we must avoid equivocality in the communication as much as possible, but the key point of the rhetorical device-pun is just equivocality.


68. The rhetorical question, which is regarded as one of typical functional patterns and characteristic of a variety of expressions and functions, is very common in spoken Chinese.


69. English alliteration has different rhetorical functions in different texts.We can not only enjoy its beauty of vision, but also its beauty of musical rhythm.


70. English alliteration has different rhetorical functions in different texts, We can not only enjoy its beauty of vision, but also its beauty of musical rhythm.


71. A word has the function to express the additional and rhetorical meanings besides expressing rational meanings in speech communication.


72. In many countries politicians' fealty to open markets is already more rhetorical than real.


73. By 2000 B.C, Babylonian arithmetic had evolved into a well-developed rhetorical, or prose, algebra.


74. Intensive reading, writing, and discussion forced me to absorb and master new vocabulary and rhetorical tactics at a rapid pace.


75. Pretentiously rhetorical;bombastic.


76. Obama responded by saying that he and Patrick are friends and that they often share ideas and rhetorical flourishes.


77. Instead of directly expressing her dislike or disappointment, a woman asks rhetorical questions and unknowingly (or knowingly) communicates a message of disapproval.


78. Signed her name with a distinctive flourish; a long speech with many rhetorical flourishes.


79. Her queries were rhetorical,and best ignored.


80. Her rather rhetorical view of housing and its relation to the shape of society was incomplete.

