

1. Ribes aureum. A distant relative of the common Ribes, Buffalo Currant is probably closer to gooseberry.


2. Ribes mandshuricum

n. 东北茶藨子

3. Ribes orientale

n. 东方茶藨子

4. Ribes glabrifolium

n. 光叶茶藨子

5. Ribes glabricalycinum

n. 光萼茶藨子

6. Ribes burejense

n. 剌果茶藨子

7. Ribes henryi

n. 华中茶藨子

8. Ribes maximowiczii

n. 华西茶藨子

9. Ribes diacanthum

n. 双剌茶藨子

10. Ribes formosanum

n. 台湾茶藨子

11. Ribes setchuense

n. 四川茶藨子

12. Ribes ambiguum

n. 四川蔓茶藨子

13. Ribes heterotrichum

n. 圆叶茶藨子

14. Ribes multiflorum

n. 多花茶藨子

15. Ribes tianquanense

n. 天全茶藨子

16. Ribes meyeri

n. 天山茶藨子

17. Ribes moupinense

n. 宝兴茶藨子

18. Ribes horridum

n. 密剌茶藨子

19. Ribes fuyunense

n. 富蕴茶藨子

20. Ribes vilmorinii

n. 小果茶藨子

21. Ribes maximowiczianum

n. 尖叶茶藨子

22. Ribes kialanum

n. 康边茶藨子

23. Ribes griffithii

n. 曲萼茶藨子

24. Ribes laurifolium

n. 桂叶茶藨子

25. Ribes reclinatum

n. 欧洲醋栗

26. Ribes pubescens

n. 毛茶藨子

27. Ribes procumbens

n. 水葡萄茶藨子

28. Ribes takare

n. 渐尖茶藨子

29. Ribes hunanense

n. 湖南茶藨子

30. Ribes soulieanum

n. 滇中茶藨子

31. Ribes triste

n. 矮茶藨子

32. Ribes humile

n. 矮醋栗

33. Ribes saxatile

n. 石生茶藨子

34. Ribes fasciculatum

n. 簇花茶藨子

35. Ribes himalense

n. 糖茶藨子

36. Ribes luridum

n. 紫花茶藨子

37. Ribes rubrum

n. 红茶藨子

38. Ribes rubrisepalum

n. 红萼茶藨子

39. Ribes tenue

n. 细枝茶藨子

40. Ribes viridiflorum

n. 绿花茶藨子

41. Ribes pulchellum

n. 美丽茶藨子

42. Ribes americanum

n. 美洲茶藨子

43. Ribes fargesii

n. 花茶藨子

44. Ribes palczewskii

n. 英吉利茶藨子

45. Subgen. Ribes

n. 茶藨子亚属

46. Ser. Ribes

n. 茶藨子系

47. Sect. Ribes

n. 茶藨子组

48. Ribes laciniatum

n. 裂叶茶藨子

49. Ribes franchetii

n. 鄂西茶藨子

50. Ribes alpestre

n. 长剌茶藨子

51. Ribes longiracemosum

n. 长序茶藨子

52. Ribes stenocarpum

n. 长果茶藨子

53. Ribes komarovii

n. 长白茶藨子

54. Ribes latifolium

n. 阔叶茶藨子

55. Ribes aciculare

n. 阿尔泰醋栗

56. Ribes giraldii

n. 陕西茶藨子

57. Ribes pseudofasciculatum

n. 青海茶藨子

58. Ribes davidii

n. 革叶茶藨子

59. Ribes odoratum

n. 香茶藨子

60. Ribes altissimum

n. 高茶藨子

61. Ribes nigrum

n. 黑茶藨子

62. Embelia ribes

[医] 信筒子(植)

63. Champetier de Ribes' bag

[医] 尚普提埃·德里伯氏[子宫颈锥形]扩张袋

64. Ribes' ganglia

[医] 里伯氏神经节(大脑前交通动脉神经丛)

65. Distribution Survey of Ribes mandshricum


66. Ribes mandshuricum fruits once annually, accidentally interrupts.


67. The reproduction mature age of Ribes mandshuricum is 4-5 years, and the life span of it is about 20 years.


68. New taxa of Ribes L. (Saxifragaceae) from China.


69. Keywords ribes nigrum L seed oil;pharmacological experiment;lipid reducing;


70. ribes glaciale


71. ) Ribes burejense Fr.Schmidt.

刺果茶藨子 ( 刺梨 .

72. RIBE is one of the leading international suppliers of mechanical fasteners, technical springs and electrical fittings.


73. The RIBE Group has remained a family-managed company with a medium-size structure since it was founded in 1911.


74. reactive ion beam etching (RIBE)


75. On the basis of analyzing the construction characteristics and the working proce ss of a revolving spade soil opener a mathematical model was established to desc ribe spade moving trace.


76. In the present paper, the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 12 species of 6 genera berry plants, including Rubus, Ribes, Vaccinium, Hippophae, Sambucus and Schisandra were reported.


77. Champetier-De Ribes bag


78. Champetier de Ribes' stethoscopes for fetal heart sounds


79. Champetier de Ribes' colpeurynter


80. The bush resembles common Ribes, but is wider and weeping, with branch tips eventually touching the ground.

