

1. rife--vincent (Ⅲ) window


2. Rife method


3. RIFE uses some of the more radical techniques from non-Java languages.


4. be rife with

v. 充满

5. to be rife with

[+rumours,fears etc] 充斥着

6. "a combat zone rife with condemned buildings used by drunks, addicts, and prostitutes" (Edwin Chen)


7. A rifer and Vietnam veteran came to Miami from Detroit to look for work.


8. In some localities and government departments and among some leading cadres, formalism and bureaucracy are rife, deception, extravagance and waste are serious problems, and corruption is relatively conspicuous.


9. A new survey compiled for the University of Kent and the charity Age Concern showed ageism was rife in Britain where people, on average, see youth as ending at 49 and old age beginning at 65.


10. A survey of more than 2, 600 managers and perso el profe ionals showed that age discrimination is not only rife in the workplace, but is shot through with inco istencies.


11. A new form of cancer is running rife throughout the world.


12. Speculation about the next Bond has since been rife, with Jude Law, Hugh Jackman, Clive Owen and Eric Bana on the list.


13. On a recent Saturday, Dongguan was rife with trademarks of a thriving southern China city, with smog-choked skies and cars honking in traffic.


14. Yet acting out swapped roles of wife and husband is quite a tall order, for families of new type are rife with conflicts and pressure.


15. True, job interviews are rife with opportunities for you to embarrass yourself, but hiring managers are more forgiving than you might think.


16. The idea of an elopement with him will make your family rife with tension.


17. Meanwhile, component prices are plunging, overcapacity is rife and margins are meagre.


18. Meanwhile, rumour became rife in the American press and there was the prospect of Parliamentary reactions in London.


19. Professional negotiators and teams never suffer from it, but may find themselves sitting across the table from counterparts rife with its effects.


20. 22.The animosity between the two sides funnily enough doesn't seem to be rife amongst the players, but instead it is the managers where the problem seems to lie.


21. Searching After the Strategy Actualizing Our Country's Telecom Rife Service


22. " Speculation has also been rife that South Africa does not want to jeopardise its bilateral relations with China, one of its major trading partners.


23. One can draw two lessons: First,non-native speakers should use caution when speaking about ethnicity or race in English,as the English language is rife with linguistic traps in this area.

人们可从中获取两点: 首先,母语不是英语的人在用英语说到民族和种族时必须谨慎,因为在这一领域英语充满着陷阱。

24. One can draw two lessons: First, non-native speakers should use caution when speaking about ethnicity or race in English, as the English language is rife with linguistic traps in this area.


25. LAST August, after 14 yearsnese government at last imposed what was informally referred to as its “economic constitution”, a broad anti-monopoly law for a country rife with state-imposed monopolies.


26. Just over 18 months ago rumours were rife that a wave of mega-mergers was on the way, the product of persistently high commodity prices.


27. Reports were rife today that Elisabeth had slipped into court on Tuesday to watch the man who stole her life squirm as he heard her damning testimony.


28. Petroleum Exploration of Rife Basin Group in Area of Northeast Asia, Shown by the Erlian Basin


29. It was as though he and the host had a private vocabulary, rife with words like comp, whale, action, and RFB.


30. In a calm historian's tone, he proceeded to sketch for his friend some pictures of the corruption which was rife abroad.


31. His thesis is rife with errors.


32. 5.Sport is rife with pseudoscience, and it is difficult to disentangle the evangelical enthusiasm from research evidence.


33. The anti-Semitism which had been so rife throughout Mahler's career and on, had now been elevated to the status of a political system.


34. But speculation was rife that he would put in a cameo appearance to wow the faithful during the opening presentation.


35. But history is rife with examples of societies that have not managed address these inequalities in a timely manner.


36. Yet in a region where nationalism is rife, territorial disputes fester, and arms races abound, miscalculation or misplaced hubris could lead to tragedy.


37. But education systems are rigid and rife with cheating.


38. You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.


39. Speculation is rife, for instance, that Qatar and the United ArabEmirates are about to break their pegs.


40. rife with


41. Us with stories rife with emotion, intrigue, and psychological depth.


42. The whole city was rife with rumors of political corruption and bribery.


43. The speculation which for some time was rife concerning [the Book's] authorship made many turn to it


44. Rumour is already rife here as to Dr. Trefoil's successor.


45. Rumours have been rife that Benitez is a leading contender to replace Fabio Capello as Real Madrid coach in the summer.


46. Speculation concerning the books author was rife.


47. It is especially rife in Japan, China, Chile, Iceland, Austria, Finland and Hungary.


48. Farmers allege that the process is rife with corruption, with local officials profiting from these development projects and farmers not given adequate compensation.


49. Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.


50. Rumours about an impending royal divorce were rife.


51. Everything was damp and rife and hot.


52. Even when applications don’t crash, inconsiderate behavior is rife, particularly on the Web.

即使程序没有崩溃,不体贴的行为也是非常常见的。 尤其是在网上,这种问题更加突出。

53. Cuba does not produce enough and its population is ageing.Theft and absenteeism are rife in workplaces across the island.


54. To be sure, the rebel forces are often no kinder, and banditry is rife.


55. Geneius is nearly extinct, and the talent is unprecedentedly rife!


56. The resulting rootlessness has fed a wave of crime of a sort hardly ever seen elsewhere in China. Gunfights, kidnappings and gang warfare are rife, and crime rates are skyrocketing.


57. Past here, one finds the mysterious human nation of Araby, rife with proscribed cults and unknown magic, with the dark jungles of the Southlands engulfing the rest of the southern continent.


58. In a world rife with unsolicited messages ,typography must often draw attention to itself before it will be read .


59. Pentecostal churches offer a ready-made community and a source of discipline in an urban society rife with temptations.


60. Following the happy news, Danish media were rife with speculation over whether the royal couple would have a boy or a girl, and whether a first-born girl would be able to ascend the throne.


61. The wildest rumors of what might happen were rife in the capital that fateful winter weekend, and the most alarming of them, as it happened, were not without some foundation.


62. Revenge is a history and culture phenomenon which has been being rife in different nations.There is a characteristic motif of revenge in the nation literatures under different culture background.


63. Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.


64. The streets were rife with rumors of the President's resignation.


65. Amnesty International researcher Roseanne Rife said that according to official figures there is a big gap between the number of people arrested - and those charged or released.

大赦国际研究员罗西尼 里弗称中国官方公布的被逮捕的人数跟被起诉或被释放的人数相差甚远。

66. Kenya is rife with rumour.


67. The school is already rife with the 'Canton Clique,' the 'Stalwarts Clique,' and the 'Returned Students from Japan Clique.'


68. And it is rife with contradictions.


69. One obstacle to effective counter measures is that piracy tends to be rife in poorer regions where law and order has broken down.


70. For Mr.Hussein, the sentencing, nearly three years after American troops pulled him from a stifling earthen bunker that had been his hiding place near Tikrit, the sentencing was rife with ironies.


71. It went undiscussed,but they each knew the other was touched by a profound fear of the uncanny.And there was no city presently more inundated in unholy matters than Primordium.Rumour was rife here;


72. In other words, Shirley unfolds an era in which the narrative of "progress", consisting of confused noise and uproar, runs rife and rampant.


73. Especially when sleep has come, the gradual loss of protective subconscious when the chandelier rife in bed would subconscious feeling nervous.


74. Despite China's fondness for American chicken, the trade has been rife with problems since 2004, when the countries banned each other's poultry products after an outbreak of bird flu.


75. Although, he admits that the real world is rife with inequality.


76. Though this book is free but it's rife with errors.


77. Already speculation is rife that the Clinton visit inaugurates the prospect of a change of course of American policy and of a bilateral U.S.


78. Intrigue is rife in Barchester.


79. It is likely doping amongst athletes will be rife at the Beijing games, Punton said.


80. When you're down and you're rife

