

1. In 1935 the first children's fencing school was open in Leningrad.Some time later similar schools were opened in Moscow, Rostov, Kharkov and other cities.


2. Yeltsin dances at a rock concert in Rostov, Russia, on June 10, 1996. A few weeks later he defeats a Communist challenger and is re-elected.


3. ”“A lieutenant, Count Rostov.


4. “It's all over, but I am a coward, yes, I am a coward,” thought Rostov, and with a heavy sigh he took his Rook, who had begun to go lame of one leg, from the man who held him and began mounting.


5. “There, look!Denisov was always fretting about it,” said Rostov;“here are provisions come at last.


6. “Gentlemen, I'll do anything, no one shall hear a word from me,” Rostov protested in an imploring voice, “but I can't apologise, by God, I can't, say what you will!


7. “As to your business,” Prince Andrey turned back to Boris, “we will talk of it later,” and he glanced at Rostov.


8. “Aaah!”Rostov almost screamed, putting both his hands up to his hair.The seven he needed was lying uppermost, the first card in the pack.


9. the Alsatian said with simple-hearted good-nature to Rostov, when the horse was handed to the hussar.


10. “Now, let him come on, whoever it may be,” thought Rostov, driving the spurs into Rook, and outstripping the rest, he let him go at full gallop.


11. “Colonel,” he said, with his gloomy seriousness, addressing Rostov's enemy, and looking round at his comrades, “there's an order to go back and burn the bridge.


12. “What I say is,” he said, turning to Rostov, “he ought simply to petition the Emperor for pardon.


13. ”“I am living at Countess Rostov's,” said Boris, again adding: “your excellency.


14. “It's all very well for Rostov, whose father sends him ten thousand at a time, to talk about not caring to cringe to any one, and not being a lackey to any man.


15. “Rostov, come here, let's drink ‘begone, dull care!'


16. “Take him away, give him water,” said Rostov, indicating the Cossack.


17. With characteristic French courtesy one of the French officers turned to Rostov, as he sat in stubborn silence, and said to him that he had probably come to Tilsit to see the Emperor.


18. Again the crowd of the suite and the street gazers, among whom was Rostov, moved up closer to the Emperor.


19. Rostov had just been celebrating his commission as a cornet;he had bought Denisov's horse Bedouin, too, and was in debt all round to his comrades and the canteen keepers.


20. In reply to Rostov's inquiry as to how this matter was going, he promptly drew from under his pillow a communication he had received from the commissioner, and a rough copy of his answer.


21. He grew more eager as he began to read his answer, and specially called Rostov's attention to the biting sarcasm with which he addressed his foes.


22. He had behaved very well in the regiment, but he was not liked, and Rostov, in particular, could not endure him, and could not conceal his groundless aversion for this officer.


23. and riding up to Rostov he broke into a guffaw.


24. He besought Rostov to go to her and prepare her.


25. He took his bow from Rostov and gestured at Nogai.


26. Then the thought struck him that his enemy was now sending the squadron to a hopeless attack on purpose to punish him, Rostov.


27. He recognised her, guessed her feelings, saw that it was her debut, remembered what she had said at the window, and with an expression of pleasure on his face he approached Countess Rostov.


28. In the middle of the winter she was sitting in the schoolroom, supervising her nephew's lessons, when the servant announced that Rostov was below.


29. Ilagin, to efface the impression of his huntsman's crime, insisted on Rostov coming to his upland a verst away, which he preserved for his own shooting, and described as teeming with hares.


30. Rostov was particularly struck by the beauty of a small thoroughbred, slender, black and tan bitch of Ilagin's, with muscles like steel, a delicate nose, and prominent black eyes.


31. But that was not what struck Rostov: what struck him was that Denisov did not seem pleased to see him, and his smile was forced.


32. But just because the assistant was obviously disinclined to let him go in, Rostov went into the soldiers' ward.


33. But as they were driving into Moscow, he suddenly came to himself, and lifting his head with an effort, he took the hand of Rostov, who was sitting near him.


34. but among the men there was no one who could be compared with the cavalier of St.George, the gallant hussar, the good-natured, well-bred Count Rostov.


35. A valet was buttoning behind him some fine-looking, new, silk-embroidered braces, which for some reason attracted Rostov's notice.


36. Next day Rostov escorted Princess Marya as far as Yaroslavl, and a few days later he set off himself to join his regiment.


37. The two officers, Rostov's comrades, like the greater part of the army, were not satisfied with the peace concluded after Friedland.


38. “But I didn't say a word about the Emperor,” the officer said in justification of himself, unable to put any other interpretation on Rostov's violence than that he was drunk.


39. rang out the word of command, and Rostov felt the drooping of Rook's hindquarters as he broke into a gallop.


40. Rostov only bethought him of what he ought to have answered when he had gone.


41. But the colonel never once glanced at Rostov, and looked, as he always did at the front, stern and solemn.


42. At last the sledge turned to the right into the approach, Rostov saw the familiar cornice with the broken plaster overhead, the steps, the lamp-post.


43. So with them and the 13 Pz division Rostov was mopped up and 10.000 prisoners were taken when the operation ended.


44. Rostov did not succeed in being present at the review the Tsar held at Bartenstein;


45. Rostov did not succeed in being present at the review the Tsar held at Bartenstein; the Pavlograd hussars were at the advance posts, a long way in front of Bartenstein.


46. ” said Tushin, going up to the cannon on which Rostov was sitting.


47. In the Rostov offensive, Soviets capture Rostov-on-Don and move forward 300-450 km, liberating most of the Rostov region.


48. Several days before Rostov's departure there was a thanksgiving service in the cathedral for the victory gained by the Russian troops, and Nikolay went to the service.


49. Before Rostov could make up his mind what to do with him, the officer shouted, “I surrender.


50. During the three days preceding the occupation of Moscow, the whole Rostov family was busily engaged in various practical ways.


51. The hospital stench was so strong in that dark corridor that Rostov held his nose, and was obliged to pause to recover his energy to go on.


52. Dolohov was not now listening to stories, or telling them, he followed every movement of Rostov's hands, and from time to time took a cursory survey of his score with him.


53. Rostov was struck by the utterly transformed and unexpectedly passionately tender expression on Dolohov's face.


54. The uncle, Rostov, and Ilagin glanced stealthily at each other's dogs, trying not to be observed by the others, and looking uneasily for rivals likely to excel their own dogs.


55. She could not help loving the countess and all the Rostov family, but neither could she help loving Nikolay and knowing that his happiness depended on that love.


56. Her love for Rostov was not then a source of torment or agitation to her.


57. She turned away, and as though afraid Rostov might ascribe her words to a desire to work on his feelings, she glanced at him with a look of apprehensive inquiry.


58. A strange feeling of exasperation was mingled in Rostov's heart with respect for the self-possession of this person.


59. The general on hearing Rostov's story shook his head gravely.


60. On the same evening Rostov, taking advantage of the darkness to pass through unrecognised, came to Tilsit in civilian dress, and went to the quarters of Zhilinsky and Boris.


61. “One thing I wanted to tell you, princess,” said Rostov, “that is, that if Prince Andrey Nikolaevitch were not living, since he is a colonel, it would be announced immediately in the gazettes.


62. Though Rostov did tell the governor's wife that he should make no sort of declaration to Princess Marya, he promised to be there.


63. Almost in the corner there was, sitting on a military overcoat, an old soldier with a stern yellow face, thin as a skeleton's, and an unshaved grey beard.He was looking persistently at Rostov.


64. Young Rostov was standing at the window with Dolohov, whose acquaintance he had lately made, and greatly prized.


65. For the first moment when he recognised Rostov, his face betrayed his annoyance.


66. All that day and the next Rostov's friends and comrades noticed that, without being exactly depressed or irritable, he was silent, dreamy, and preoccupied.


67. Only as he approached Bagration, Rostov put his horse into a gallop again, and with his hand to his cap, rode up to him.


68. When Rostov reached the regiment, he experienced a sensation akin to what he had felt on reaching his home at Moscow.


69. Rostov and Ilyin had just let their horses race till they were weary for the last time before Bogutcharovo, and Rostov, outstripping Ilyin was the first to gallop into the village street.


70. The crowd found itself unexpectedly so close to the Emperors, that Rostov, who stood in the front part of it, began to be afraid he might be recognised.


71. Osterman's flattering words and promise of a reward should, therefore, have been a pleasant surprise to Rostov;


72. Quote:Rostov, with 525.000 inhabitants (at that time) was an important city on the Don river.


73. Rostov and Ilyin were in the liveliest spirits.


74. No one to whom Rostov applied could tell him where was the Tsar, or where was Kutuzov.


75. Zhilinsky was obviously not pleased to receive this unknown Russian outsider into his circle, and said nothing to Rostov.


76. A kind of gleam passed with the swiftness of an electric flash from Telyanin's eyes to the eyes of Rostov, and back again and back again and again, all in one instant.


77. There was no doubt that Denisov tried to take care of Rostov, and to expose him as rarely as possible to danger, and after action it was with unmistakable joy that he saw him return safe and sound.


78. Next day at eight o'clock in the morning, Pierre and Nesvitsky reached the Sokolniky copse, and found Dolohov, Denisov, and Rostov already there.


79. Besides, Rostov was a vital railroad hub;from the west, the line Dniepropetrovsk-Taganrog;


80. “Yes, always in front, in the meadow and here too,” answered Rostov, patting his foaming Don horse.

