
ruleruleD.J.:[ru:l]K.K.:[rul]n.1.规则, 规章, 规定, 条例You should be observant of the traffic rules.你应该遵守交通规则。He knows the decimal rules.他懂得十进制的用法。2.习惯; 惯常的做法She makes a rule of going for a walk every afternoon.她有每天下午散步的习惯。3.统治; 管理These are the countries that were once under French rule.这些是曾由法国统治的国家。4.尺, 折尺Use a rule to measure the width of that cloth.用尺子量一下那块布的宽度。vt. & vi.1.统治; 控制Obviously economic forces rule.很显然经济力量起决定作用。He ruled supreme.他享有最高统治权。The King ruled his people well and wisely.这位国王贤明地统治着他的臣民。2.判定, 裁定The king rules in that country.那个国家一切听从国王裁决。The judge ruled that the witness (should) be heard.那位法官裁定要传唤证人问话。vt.1.用尺子划; 在…上划平行线He ruled the test paper carefully.他小心地在考卷上画直线。

rule[ru:l]n.1.规则;规章;条例;法则2.(教会的)教规;教条3.规矩,规定;通例,惯例;习惯;普遍情况;规律4.统治;管辖;控制5.统治时期;管辖期间6.尺;直尺;标准;准则7.【法律】法规;章程;法律准则;法令;(法官等的)裁决8.【数学】法则9.【印刷】铅线;铅线图案10.[废语]行为vt.1.统治;管辖:Hilter ruled Germany for only 12 years.希特勒统治德国仅12年。2.支配,左右;控制;管理;在…方面居首位:It is said that Mrs White rules her husband strictly.据说怀特夫人对她的丈夫管得很严。Be sure not to be ruled by your sensations.千万别跟着感觉走。3.裁决;裁定:The supreme people's court ruled that she was not guilty.最高人民法院判她无罪。4.(用尺等)在…上画线;在…上画平行线,用尺画线将…分开:He ruled the paper with a ruler.他用尺在纸上画上平行线。vi.1.统治;管辖;管理:In England, the sovereign reigns but does not rule.在英国,君主是国家元首,但不治理国事。European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions.欧洲列强再也不能统治大块海外领地了。2.占支配地位;起控制作用:Silence ruled in the hall.大厅里寂静无声。3.占最重要地位:Teachers rule in classroom teaching.在课堂教学中教师占主导地位。4.做出裁决:I'm afraid that the court might rule against us.恐怕法院会做出对我们不利的裁决。5.(物价等)普遍保持在…水平:Prices of grain and cotton ruled low owing to a bumper harvest this year.由于今年的丰收,粮棉价格普遍偏低。近义词governlawas a(general) rule通常;一般说来;照例bend the rules灵活掌握规则,(根据实际情况)放宽规定;通融be ruled by受…所左右,受…支配by rule按规则,照规矩;循规蹈矩地机械地;刻板地;墨守成规地by rule and line准确地;精密地;周密地closed rule议会禁止对某一议案再提修正意见的规定divide and rule分而治之(帝国主义统治殖民地的手段之一)gag rule[美国英语](在审议等场合)禁止对某问题进行公开辩论或议论的规定go by the rules按照严格的(或刻板的)规章行事,墨守成规地行事(=go by the book)ground rule【体育】比赛场地临时规则行动准则;基本规则hard and fast rule硬性的规定,严格的规章制度home rule地方(或内部)自治majority rule少数服从多数的原则(或规定)make it a rule有…的习惯;通常;照例[亦作make a rule of]out of rule不按常规,违反惯例particular rule【法律】特殊裁决[亦作rule of court]rules and regulations繁琐的规章制度;清规戒律,条条框框rule with a heavy hand见handrun the rule over.粗略检查审讯(嫌疑犯等)(医生等)检查(病人)seniority rule[美国英语]按年资授职的规定(指国会把在某委员会内任职最久的多数党议员任命为该委员会主席的规定)standing rules(团体、公司等的)总章程;办事总则standing rule of court【法律】诉讼程序法stretch the rules=bend the rulesten minute rule十分钟的规定(指议员介绍自己提案的发言不得超过十分钟)[议会用语]the golden rule最重要的基本原则;金科玉律(推己及人的)金箴[指基督教的待人原则]:Do as you would be done by.(你想人家怎样对待你,你也要怎样待人。)There is no rule without an exception.[谚语]有规则必有例外;凡事皆有例外。work to rule(故意)死抠规章而减产(一种抗议形式),变相怠工变形vt.ruledruling

rulerule[ru:l]n.1.统治, 支配; 管理; 控制2.【律】命令; (对某一案的)裁决, 裁定3.规则[定]; 法则, 定律; 章程; 规章; (教会等的)教规, 条例, 教条4.常例, 习惯; 规律5.(界)尺, 比例尺, 刻度尺, 画线板6.【刷】嵌线, 嵌线图案; 破折号7.【数】法(则)8.[the rules ][英]【史】(允许囚犯交付保证金后迁往居住的)狱旁特区; 居于特殊犯人区的权利the rule of law法治the rules of basketball篮球比赛规则rules and regulations规章制度the golden rule金科玉律make it a rule to (get up early)惯于(起早), 照例(早起)a dotted [wave] rule【刷】点[曲]线He does everything by rules.他事事墨守成规。He was a prisoner on rule.他是居于特殊犯人区的犯人。
词性变化rule[ru:l]vt.1.统治, 管理; 控制, 支配2.裁决, 裁定3.(用尺)划线rule a country统治国家rule one's passions控制感情rule a motion out of order裁定某项动议不合程序rule paper with lines在纸上划线rule[ru:l]vi.1.统治, 管理; 控制, 支配(over)2.作出裁决, 作出决定3.【商】(价格)保持某一水平rule over a country统治国家rule on the matter对某事作出裁决rule against a motion否决一项动议Prices [Corn, The market]ruleed high [low].物价[谷物价格, 市场价格]偏高[低]。

继承用法rule-drillern.1.教法呆板的教员rulebook[ˈru:lbʊk]n.1.规则手册rule-of-threeadj.1.按比例计算的ruleless[ˈru:llɪs]adj.1.无规则的; 无约束的