

1. The "Traditional", hate Christianity, celebrate the Black Mass, in the cup they drink blood of a sacrificial animal or human, to mimic the Mass.


2. But, even if I am poured out as a libation upon the sacrificial service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with all of you.


3. The remains of some sacrificial slaves in the Warring States Period, Banpo site and Beishouling site in Chinese Neolithic Age have been studied with aDNA molecular biological methods.


4. "O Lord," I breathed as I watched him walk away, "thank you for Dave's sacrificial gift.


5. Three biblical and mythical motifs are embodied in Sula, namely the quest motif, the sacrificial scapegoat motif, and the rebirth motif.


6. It was thus that the battles over hunting and vivisection began, amid which the zoo became a sacrificial offering.


7. They reached the plum tree.After Liu had burned the sacrificial papers, bowed, and prayed to the angels and local deities that watch over the earth, Scabby Turtle began to dig.


8. Many of them regarded the sacrificial offerings much as the heathen looked upon their sacrifices,--as gifts by which they themselves might propitiate the Deity.


9. Just as a brahman priest reveres his sacrificial fire, even so should one devoutly revere the person from whom one has learned the Dhamma taught by the Buddha.


10. Mayan civilization is closely related with Mayan outlook of universe, philosophy and their sacrificial activities.


11. sacrificial dance in ancient China


12. The nave terminal is a semicircle saint institute, faces each other across a great distance with the entrance, the sacrificial altar supposes to the saint front.


13. To perpetuate those myths not only the Leader but his most loyal follower, the only one of the Old Guard who had not betrayed him, must die a sacrificial death.


14. You may have to be the sacrificial lamb in obtaining concessions from our opponents.


15. In addition, the state has allocated 66.2 million yuan and 650 kg of gold for the construction of the funerary stupa and sacrificial hall of the 10th Panchen Lama.


16. To guard Liao Dynasty tombs and sacrificial tomb town of Bong, the Mausoleum of the NATO two kilometers west of the valley.


17. Officiate at funeral or sacrificial rites


18. Clustering around the main building, which is 110 meters high and 360 meters wide from east to west, are 8 sacrificial halls housing tens of thousands of buddist statues.


19. Some would scatter lime, splash water, and strike peach tree branches.The most common defenses were the sacrificial ceremonies and affixing amulets.


20. And Clemente, blamed for all, joined his Basque countryman Zubizarreta on the breadline as sacrificial lamb.


21. Dear Father, we are awed by your great wisdom and by our Savior's sacrificial love.


22. The people become flesh for sacrificial vessels


23. The Shang aristocracy is believed to use a large number of bronze vessels for sacrificial offerings of food and wine.


24. Jade objects of that time include production tools, weapons, daily utensils, ornaments and sacrificial vessels.


25. The article has reviewed the anticorrosion mechanism and the sort of sacrificial anode coatings and introduced the recent development of these coatings.


26. In this paper, the material selection, installation and technical requirement of the external anti-corrosion coating and the cathodic protection with sacrificial anode used in the underground st.


27. Looking from artillery ruins and so on Taishan sacrificial altar and Fenglin old city, here at that time had the existence which the political power organizes, obviously entered the national stage.


28. He must have heard the bleating of the sacrificial Iambs waiting to be killed.


29. They engaged in the Taoist sacrificial rites and regimen practices.


30. They became furious marauders, driven to raid villages and caravans to sate their bloodlust and procure sacrificial victims for their demonic master.


31. And they will drink and be boisterous as with wine;And they will be filled like a sacrificial basin, Drenched like the corners of the altar.


32. They ran around its circumference, slapping everyone they met with goatskin thongs, februa, also cut from the sacrificial beasts.


33. He took the title of pontifex maximus, head sacrificial priest of the Roman dominion, the most ancient of all titles that the emperors had enjoyed.


34. Dividing into two portions a sacrificial bull, he wrapped all the eatable parts in the skin, cunningly surmounted with uninviting entrails; but the bones he garnished with a plausible mass of fat.


35. Although in that position, he doesn't take responsibility for any work. He is exactly like a person at ancient sacrificial rites who sat as a god but didn't have to do anything.


36. Previous research revealed various sources of bone strength, such as sacrificial bonds between fibers that break and re-form to dissipate stress, but researchers had yet to discover exactly how they all worked.


37. Later the dance was used to praise the virtues and achievements of Huangdi, and then became a sacrificial dance in ancestral ceremonies asking for ample harvests.


38. The existence of Fubo sacrificial offering circle was helpful to strengthen the cohesive force that Hua Xia civilization to the border area.


39. Look, the central part was the hall for holding sacrificial rites.


40. The healthy church teaches its members that they are stewards of their God-given resources and challenges them to sacrificial generosity in sharing with others.


41. Ever since Yaji Mountain became a royal sacrificial center in Yuan and Ming dynasties, it has being an important part of Beijing regional culture with its broad impacts on the life of Beijing people.


42. Its third wealth newspaper achievement is higher than the analyst to forecast that specially these thought the valley songfest becomes the economic recession sacrificial victim's people's guess.


43. In a grim, inexorable circle they waited until the sun's level rays, relentlessly reminiscent of a bygone sacrificial day, fell full upon another victim, and Tess,deserted by all the gods, awoke.


44. Celibates offer for sacrificial obligations the senses such as hearing and seeing into the fire of renunciation; householders offer the objects of the senses such as pleasing sounds and pleasant sights into the fire of the senses.


45. Fish and fleas for the sacrificial vessels


46. With these performance of '3 layers' PE anticorrosive system, there was no disbonding problem due to the over-protection potential when using sacrificial type CP.


47. The creative process couldn't be summoned at will or even cajoled by sacrificial offering.


48. The Incas, from about 1100to 1532, thought highly of peanuts.The peanuts were eaten in several forms and used as sacrificial offerings(祭品)to the Incas Sun god.


49. The primitive wizard sacrificial rites offered the objective environment for the appearance of Ci Fu and the wizard incantation marked the beginning of Ci Fu.

原始巫祭仪式活动造就了辞赋产生的客观环境 ,巫祭咒语成为辞赋的萌芽。

50. Another is its complete detachment from the sacrificial priest and the temple.


51. Comparing with all the existing sacrificial layer materials, the photoresist being used as sacrificial layers has some advantages.


52. Later, it gradually evolved into a kind of sacrificial dance.


53. Later it was divided into two parts : the west chamber for sacrificial ceremony and the east chamber used as the wedding the empress for the first two nights after their wedding.


54. The Duke of Zhou gathered the six dances and amended them into a whole set that served as the ritual system of the country and was widely used in sacrificial and festive occasions.


55. The Shang Dynasty rulers treasured bronzeware, especially the bronze sacrificial vessels.


56. Enclosed by a high fence, the lud contained a place for a fire and tables for the sacrificial meal.


57. Synopsis:As a highly developed cultural center in Bronze Age all over the Middle Asia,the settlement in the south of Turkmenistan was mysterious and distinctive in its funeral rite and sacrificial architecture.


58. Altar:In Mayan society,sacrificial altars were sometimes associated with stelae.Carved out of a monolith,they often took the form of monsters and earth deities.


59. We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation.

圣经 : 我们相信圣经是神的话语,由圣灵默示写成,原始抄本毫无错误,记载上帝对世人的启示,且为基督徒生活信仰之最高准绳。

60. In 3 crowned head's different sacrificial offering form, presented the mask or the net image.


61. In the process of development Japanese flower arrangement experienced such forms as offerings in front of Buddha,sacrificial offerings in temple, decorations in the palace, spread among the people and finally the modern flower arrangement.

在其发展过程中经历佛前供花、寺庙祭坛插花、宫庭插花、民间插花和现代插花几个过程 .

62. In ancient times, this kind of sacrificial ceremony was already dramatized.


63. The rows of hogs laid out on racks at large sacrificial offerings or other temple activities on Taiwan certainly leave a deep impression on anyone who has seen them.


64. In Christianity, the concept of sacrificial worship has been given a particular and often highly allegorized, interpretation in the central service of the Mass, or Holy Communion.


65. In Changyeh's meats food, grasps the mutton and the consomme mutton besides the hand, the sacrificial mutton element has the great reputation.


66. In Changyeh's meats food, grasps the mutton and the consomme mutton besides the hand, the sacrificial mutton element has the great reputation, the sacrificial mutton uses area Yanshan's mutton.


67. All our sins and mistakes were in the future, and they were covered by that one incredible act of sacrificial love.


68. On the eve of a sacrificial ceremony, the corridor would be lit by lanterns as jade, silk, grains and fruit was transported to the altars.


69. Tomb in pottery, bronzes, jade, lacquer, such as appliances and precious life of sacrificial lambs.


70. The initial low IFT is very advantageous to enhance oil recoveries, petroleum carboxylat of compound surfactant play the sacrificial agent role in the process of absorption and reduced the sulphonate absorption loss.


71. Big drum is a kind of Jino sacred sacrificial utensil and musical instrument.


72. The Temple of Heaven, as an outstanding example of Chinese classic structure complex, possesses not only splendid palaces and imposing sacrificial altars, but also beautiful scenery.


73. What then are these good deeds? Are they not your sacrificial living for the glory of the Lord and King! This, will surly draw people!


74. Break it sauce shape, wear with posse tampon Taoist sacrificial ceremony the sauce inunction of tomato is on your abluent face.


75. Although ancient people held sacrificial ceremony and beat drums to drive out pestilence on Laba it is Buddhism that really takes it as a festival.


76. In the Palestinian Sa's 9 winning streaks, the Lisbon athletics is the first sacrificial victim, Palestinian Sa easily defeats the match.


77. Bayaer that early July, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the two archaeologists will Turkic sacrificial site in southwestern Mongolia and other areas of the site to conduct joint research study.


78. Perhaps they're having a sacrificial ceremony. Or would you go ask someone to find it out?


79. I'll tell you: that's what those Sacrificial Pits in Demon towns are for.


80. When the skin grass mounts the fashion stage time, namely becomes “the fashion sacrificial victim” as raw material life.

