

1. Using standardised formats assists those users primarily concerned with peer group and cross-border study without sacrificing accuracy or detail.


2. "For that reason, Dei Fratelli continues to look at ways we can help them to meet their needs for lower-sodium alternatives, without sacrificing taste.


3. Not only can gain mismatch of the sigma-delta modulator be minimized, but the overload of the later stage sigma-delta modulator can also b e resolved without sacrificing the signal noise ratios( SNR) of the over all system.


4. Not only can gain mismatch of the sigma-delta modulator be minimized, but the overload of the later stage sigma-delta modulator can also b e resolved without sacrificing the signal noise ratios (SNR) of the over all system.


5. Finite-state machines, however, have not lent themselves to being reprogrammed readily, thus sacrificing the flexible, general-purpose quality of the von Neumann-based CPU.


6. A dour,self - sacrificing life.


7. China is sacrificing her own carbon for the whole world consumption.


8. Add complete Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol security or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol security to your Internet communications without sacrificing development time or incurring security risks.


9. To remain undercover , he had to pretend to be Peluso's loyal servant, which meant sacrificing his own dignity and reputation.


10. Is it worth sacrificing one's personal interests for health?


11. Sacrificing an ally to help achieve America's goals of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons may require a much stronger consensus within the Chinese elite.


12. To be more competitive, you should try to reduce your price to the bottom without sacrificing the quality.


13. Sacrificing the Material Body For the Sake of Religion?


14. For example, a player can't sacrifice just one creature to play the activated abilities of two permanents that require sacrificing a creature as a cost.


15. Maybe you would like to try out an alternate platform without sacrificing your existing application infrastructure.


16. Even with these words, they had difficulty keeping the crowd from sacrificing to them.


17. Thus at the shameful Belgrade conference free Western diplomats in their weakness surrendered the line where enslaved members of Helsinki Watchgroups are sacrificing their lives.


18. The worship of Molech, the god of the Ammonites, was accompanied by the detestable heathen practice of sacrificing children in the fire.


19. Man possesses the power to obliterate himself, sacrificing the whole race on the altar of some God-substitute.


20. The humanity has plundered the "false profit" by sacrificing environment and natural resources in the history of economic development.


21. Humankind should end the perverse cycle of sacrificing our children's lives and squandering astronomical sums of money to fight wars.


22. Sacrificing time from one's busy schedule to give to another is often more meaningful than a pricy gift from an upscale department store.


23. They spend their lives preparing for the Games, dedicating themselves to training and sacrificing time, money and energy, all fro a few weeks of glory.


24. Who on this battlefield displayed heroism unsurpassed sacrificing all in support of their cause.


25. Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Lich is a murderer without a trace of warmth.


26. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made.


27. He saved the day be sacrificing himself.


28. He makes absurd moves, sacrificing his queen for a pawn and losing a rook for no reason at all.


29. He blames Ms Tymoshenko for sacrificing the ideology of the 2004 orange revolution to political expediency and populism.


30. Our enthusiastic member Anna Un should be highly commended for her own initiative to offer them flowers and birthday cake by sacrificing her work during that period.


31. But can't regard sacrificing efficiency as the cost in this course, otherwise violate the equal principle of proportion of economic justice.


32. They fought valiantly to the last man, sacrificing themselves to keep the beast from rampaging across the countryside and taking who knows how many innocent lives.


33. Composers write music that is more easily comprehensible without sacrificing originality.


34. Try to shorten that number and see whether you can do it without sacrificing the smoothness of your MA.


35. Would you like to attend household mgt. and cooking training in school by sacrificing some day-offs?


36. That redemption is the unexpected love for Lucie Manette that even extends to deliberately sacrificing of himself to save the man Lucie Manette loves.


37. Your familiar leaps to deflect an attack, sacrificing itself to save you.


38. Do you approving of sacrificing health for appearance?


39. Do you approve of sacrificing comfort to appearance, e g. by wearing formal clothes during hot weather?


40. Do you approve of sacrificing comfort to appearance ?


41. Making a flower offering, when you make offering, we're detaching, we're sacrificing something.


42. Conciseness means complete message but briefest expression with no sacrificing carity or courtesy.


43. That the party was the eternal guardian of the weak, a dedicated sect doing evil that good might come, sacrificing its own happiness to that of others.


44. The programs include "The Frog Is Born", "Sacrificing for the Frog"and "Worshipping the Frog".


45. The regulation for a good purpose is to protect and boost more valuable social relationships by sacrificing part of true facts, which balances the multifold values of society.


46. Significantly reduce costs without sacrificing quality by leveraging low cost talent in India and gaining economies of scale that only a large Help Desk center can achieve.


47. Scalping achieves results by increasing the number of winners and sacrificing the size of the wins.


48. Officers and men at the front are shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives.


49. I cried again. Thank you Teresa's mother for sacrificing your daughter to the public, we need her.


50. Pisces believes in sacrificing for the greater good and Uranus is a huge fan of humanitarianism.


51. Good relations with Iran are worth sacrificing for the bigger aim of preventing a chain reaction of proliferation across the Middle East.


52. The super value DDD/IDD rates of 197 will make your communication expenditures more cost-effective without sacrificing voice quality.


53. The advantage of RPN is that you can get rid of parentheses, without sacrificing the order of execution.


54. Only in living the life of sacrificing for others, in other words, only when you live the life of serving and loving others can you make eternal connections with God.


55. Since MI6 looks for maladjusted young men, who give little thought to sacrificing others in order to protect queen and country.


56. Sacrificing speed and power in favor of a clumsier but easier-to-learn idiom is out of place here, as is providing only sophisticated power tools.


57. For Minority Tujia,sacrificing Land Deity is for the sake of imprecation:produces are good,dump things are prosperous,and the village is peaceful and safe.


58. Data displays that provide information on multiple, related variables should be able to display them all simultaneously without sacrificing clarity.


59. The CLS specification tries to ensure that language interoperability is possible without sacrificing the constructs in your favorite language.


60. And in your attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids.


61. In navigating the first tempest, he was accused by some of protecting those nearest to him while sacrificing more expendable MPs.


62. In a state of honor, spirit retracts knowing that it is sacrificing itself and feels not the pain.


63. I told you at the beginning of this article that I needed to lighten up my bike without sacrificing my suspension.


64. In the prevailing religious tradition, Zoroaster probably found that the practice of sacrificing cattle, combined with the consumption of intoxicating drinks (haoma), led to orgiastic excess.


65. In that short space of time he had gallantly gone upstairs in a glow, resolved upon sacrificing his earnings for the sake of telling the truth.


66. The sons of the landlords wanted no part of dangerous patriotism;the sans of the poor rushed into the war, many of them sacrificing their lives.


67. Mr. Seyoum warned that Ethiopian forces would not stay long in Somalia sacrificing themselves in defense of the government.


68. The composite protective structure is worked by sacrificing the exterior ach and foam concrete to protect the whole structure.


69. She died a glorious death, sacrificing herself for the property of the country.


70. How to ensure that these pillars of the concrete structure, without sacrificing the "nest" of the overall aesthetics?


71. If you check out the moves this offseason, he's been ardent about not sacrificing the future to make sure he has an office in the new stadium.


72. Ggong) I like it though, I'm professional. Because I invite you all CP people for broadcast sacrificing myself.


73. The concept involves someone avoiding trouble themselves by betraying and sacrificing a former colleague, friend or supporter.


74. Enjolras, who was grave, dominated it, in the attitude of a young Spartan sacrificing his naked sword to the sombre genius, Epidotas.


75. The experiments in the expression database show that it is a faster way of extracting expression features without sacrificing the expression recognition precision.


76. For the consumer, we will provide an environmentally friendlier, low-GWP solution without sacrificing comfort or reliability.

对于消费者来说,我们将提供一种更环保的,低GWP 的解决方案,而不会降低汽车舒适度和可靠性。”

77. The time-transformation of the cumulative exposure m odel used to analyze step-stress accelerated life testing simplifies the mathema tical mode without sacrificing flexibility for fitting data.


78. The hope is orange and glistening in sacrificing oneself for life-saving green sacredly.


79. It's inadvisable for young ladies to lose weight by sacrificing health.


80. Sacrificing the pawn, White gets the development advantage.

