
a stuffed shirt

1. 妄自尊大之人

He's nothing but a stuffed shirt.


put one's shirt on

1. 孤注一掷

I think I've quite a good chance of getting the job, but I wouldn't put my shirt on it.

我认为自己很有可能得到这份工作, 可是我不想把宝全押在这上面。

习惯用语bet [put] one's shirt [boots] on [upon]1.把所有的钱都押在上面; 有绝对把握; 确信(某人或 某事)会成功get sb.'s shirt off [out]1.[俚]触怒某人, 惹某人冒火give away the shirt off one's back1.送掉身上所有的东西give sb. a wet shirt1.使(某)人劳累到汗流浃背have not a shirt to one's back1.穷得衣不遮体have one's shirt out [off]1.发脾气in one's shirt1.只穿一件衬衫; 没穿外衣keep one's shirt on1.[俚]保持冷静, 不发脾气lose one's shirt1.[俚]失去一切, 丧失全部财产; 发怒, 冒火, 失去自制Near [Close] is my shirt, but nearer [closer] is my skin.1.[谚]为人不如为己; 自己的利益最切身, 首先考虑自己(资产阶级的人生哲学)。strip to the shirt1.脱得只剩下衬衣; 降到只剩下最低限度的需要stuffed shirt1.[口]自以为了不起的老顽固; 华而不实的浮夸者wave the bloody shirt1.挑唆冲突斗争; 煽动仇恨情绪