

1. Coming hard on the back of the Blackburn game when Chelsea had three strong penalty claims denied, it was hard to shrug off.


2. "Or perhaps not," the Abbot said. His shorter companion could hear the shrug in his voice. "There is goodness in nobility and nobility in goodness. You cannot separate the two."


3. “Why, no, my dear fellow,” said the astonished vicomte, with a shrug.


4. "Each to his own," she said with a shrug, and turned away.


5. United fans will help Cristiano Ronaldo shrug off the abuse of opposition supporters, according to his team-mates.


6. “Just like a hysterical woman,” he muttered, turning, with a contemptuous shrug of his shoulders, to tramp impatiently up and down the room.


7. "It's not my affair," said he, with a final shrug of the shoulders.


8. "It's a Studio Ghibli movie," Miyazaki says with a shrug.


9. 'It's not my affair,' said he, with a final shrug of the shoulders, 'The people from the market did it.

“那不关我的事,”他最后耸了耸肩说。 “是市场的人弄翻的。

10. "Marry her then," said the count, with a significant shrug of the shoulders.

“那么就娶她吧。” 伯爵说道,暗含讽刺地耸了耸肩。

11. "Marry her then," said the count, with a significant shrug of the shoulders


12. "As you wish," I said with a shrug.


13. they shrug their shoulders and answer, "Everyone doesn't act that way."


14. People shrug their shoulders, head leaning toward onside with both palms facing up when feeling helpless.


15. God embarrassedly Song shrug shoulders, answer a way: "Is really sorry, at that time, the car bump you hour...........My DOing not recognize be you."


16. Never discuss anything of substance with anybody. Grunt, shrug, dump on teachers, laugh at wimps, talk about comic books. Anything else is risky.


17. Never rat. If your parents ask about bruises, shrug.


18. Don't just shrug your shoulders. Say something.


19. ” Don't just shrug and say, “Oh well, at least you tried” or “Maybe next time.


20. Markets responded with a shrug, however, partly because there are glimmers of a turnaround.


21. Why did humanity evolve a way to shrug off romantic loss and easily renew the quest to find a suitable reproductive partner?


22. Why hasn't someone outlawed the “shrug”? Aren't most answers attainable with a little elbow grease?


23. Optimists shrug that politicians always talk populist claptrap during primaries and that Mr Obama has actually committed himself to very little.


24. It would be hypocritical unethical, in fact for the paymaster to shrug off responsibility.


25. So with a shrug of her shoulders she tackled the advertising assignment she needed to complete.


26. They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child.


27. They just shrug.


28. Palin's stoutest defenders are often the Joe Sixpacks in her crowds, who shrug off her critics, ridiculers and perceived adversaries in the news media.


29. They shrug off the defeat.


30. [1]"When they tell me such things, I only shrug my shoulders and say nothing."


31. He brushed off every suggestion with a shrug and raised eyebrows


32. He had been misfiring for a week, with the most recent misses or turnovers quickly accompanied by a shrug and shake of the head.


33. He dismissed the event with a most unsympathetic shrug.


34. He meant to shrug her off but he ended up clinging to her instead.


35. With a shrug, he went out of the room.


36. Giving his shoulders a slight shrug, he straightened up to his full height.


37. He turned off the question with a shrug of the shoulder.


38. He gave a shrug of the shoulders.


39. He shrug his low opinion of the occupant of the room


40. He shrug his low opinion of the occupant of the room.


41. He shrug his shoulders, shake his head, eyes towards to the air without a word.


42. He gave a self-deprecating shrug.


43. Any vehicle with decent armor can just shrug it off, but it can still deal a world of pain to Allied man-spam.


44. But look again and see if you can spot the similarities-such as the way people shrug their shoulders, frown when they are thinking, wave good-bye, or laugh at a joke.


45. But some News Yorkers shrug ged off the news and said they are not planning to change their travel plans.


46. But ask them if they're'serious'about it, about half will shrug.


47. " Would you shrug your shoulders, and write the whole thing off as a "bad debt," as an unwise entrepreneurial decision on the part of the warehouseman?


48. Knowledge@Wharton: You say several times in the book that these problems are so serious that we can no longer just shrug our shoulders as citizens and say "Well, that just the way that politics are.


49. You usually eat with your friend, but you can;t seem to find her anywhere. You shrug it off and go eat by yourself.


50. As usual they would cast the blame upon the woman and shrug at the man's guilt.


51. 10、Ten years on, Mr Brown has left it too late to shrug off a record of overspending, overtaxing and overborrowing.


52. One-sided shrug shows I've absolutely no confidence of what I just said.


53. Even the influx of protectionists into America's Congress has been met, by and large, with a shrug.


54. Obama and his supporters to offer a bemused shrug shows how hard it has been for the Hawaii-born candidate to campaign on his merits.


55. Given freedom to shrug off the heresy-hunters and their cries of “politicization!


56. And since it contains its share of articulate losers,it is also about mockery,the put-down,the loser's shrug("whaddya gonna do").


57. And launching at his wife a shrug of the shoulders which M. Leblanc did not catch, he continued with an emphatic and caressing inflection of voice:--


58. And since it contains its share of articulate losers, it is also about mockery, the put-down , the loser's shrug (“whaddya gonna do?


59. After listening to the young man's account, he shrugged his shoulders and left. / he left with a shrug.


60. This made it easy for Mr Brown to shrug off Mr Clinton's endorsement of Mr Newsom this week.


61. The careless, half-humorous shrug thus hears a visual affinity to the nod or bow of submissiveness and also to a turtle's retraction of its head into its shell.


62. In a different society, your disappointment might be something that you could shrug away, but no in ours.


63. In the first half of Game 1, a scorching-hot Michael Jordan hit his sixth 3-pointer and then looked over to the broadcast table and gave a disbelieving, palms-up shrug.


64. This background helped UK equities to shrug off both the interest rate rise to 5.5% and the prospect of further rises to come.The FTSE 100 Index closed 2.7% higher during the month.


65. The urban middle-class may shrug off rising food prices, but the poor are being hit harder.


66. Said Andrei Kirilenko with a shrug: "What can we do? We can only stop fouling him."


67. Buoyed by years of continuous growth and prosperity, the region seemed ready to shrug off numerous structural weaknesses and continue its march into the next century.


68. Despite the inevitable user reaction, most programmers just shrug their shoulders and put error message boxes in anyway. They don’t know how else to create reliable software.


69. Most Indonesians seem content to shrug off any doubts about the process and to congratulate themselves that democracy seems to be working.


70. with a shrug of disappointment


71. Osler, with a smile and a shrug, replied,


72. She wanted to be reassured and to see her father shrug his shoulders and say to her: "You are a little goose.


73. She dances in a ring of fire. And throw off the challenge with a shrug.


74. She can shrug off her troubles and met smiling.


75. She can shrug off all her trouble.


76. She brushed off every suggestion with a shrug and raised eyebrows.


77. She replied by an elevation of the eyebrows, which did the office of a shrug of the shoulders.


78. She gave a careless shrug.


79. She saw the doctor lean down from the platform and whisper something to Rhett Butler. Probably telling him she was in mourning and it was impossible for her to appear on the floor. She saw Rhett's shoulders shrug lazily.

她看见大夫从台上俯下身来在瑞德 - 巴特勒耳旁低语些什么,也许是说她还有服丧,不好出来跳舞吧,她看见瑞德懒洋洋地耸了耸肩膀。

80. It was almost as though she could dismiss this latest snafu the way a cyclist might shrug off a punctured tire after a thousand-mile journey.

