

1. Fenoxaprop applied singly or sequentially controlled barnyardgrass and bearded sprangletop,but failed to control flatsedges or Eclipta.


2. The reason for these numerous trips is because relatives do not arrive in a batch but arrive singly, randomly, coming and going at their whim, totally be yond prediction and defying conjecture.


3. Groovy lets you run tests singly or in batches.


4. After singly stimulating MsC in vitro by IL 6, IL 1 and PDGF, the OD value an LI are both higher than that in 2% FCS.

IL- 6组、IL- 1组和 PDGF组 12 h及 2 4h的光密度 (OD值 )与标记指数 (L I)均比 2% FCS组高 ;

5. E-keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.


6. Attack these problems singly, don't try to solve five at a time.


7. deal with the questions singly


8. It was just that it would haveseemed odd to walk singly when we were going the same way and to the same place.


9. A common species (Ref. 9710) found singly or in small groups in exposed outer reef slopes and occasionally in clear lagoon reefs.


10. Sets of valves ,inserts and bear boots should not be got disordered, they should be singly placed and have identifying marks.


11. Occurring singly; not one of a pair, as a vein or muscle.


12. Very few atoms, however, can exist singly by themselves in a free state, but they usually combine together to form molecules.


13. Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair.


14. Attack these problems singly, don't try to solve six at a time.


15. English: misfortunes never come singly.


16. The abundant system of racing, play the leading role of singly independently, the match that form a team, the whole country ranks contest, etc.


17. Why is the person has bad luck always misfortunes never come singly?


18. Arranged singly at each node, as leaves or buds on a stem.


19. Experience holds no educate, IT teaches IT pupils singly.


20. Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.


21. They say that misfortunes never come singly.


22. What fruit is never found singly?


23. What fruit is never found singly ?


24. Today, the uncle brought some of our crab, Do not look at them not singly, but they are a pair of vise-like claws that and Nafuxiongshen-like appearance, people looked at the scared heart.


25. He took his pleasures in general singly.


26. They came singly.


27. They were arranged singly.


28. Some went as mercenary soldiers, others as merchants or craftsmen, some in organized groups, others singly.

他们要么作为雇佣军,要么作为商人或工匠艺人; 要么有组织地成群结队或单独前往。

29. He has some notion of the insights that these ideas, singly or in combination, pro-ride concerning human experience.


30. Canadian researchers expected resistance genes to accumulate, he says, and because there are more herbicides than resistance genes, the plants are just as easy to control as singly modified varieties.


31. He had eyes that assorted very well with that decoration, being of a surface black, with no depth in the colour or form, and much too near together--as if they were afraid of being found out in something, singly, if they kept too far apart.

他那眼睛跟帽子很般配,表面是黑色的,色彩和形状都缺乏深度。 他的双眼靠得太近,仿佛若是分得太开便会各行其是。

32. He had eyes that assorted very well with that decoration,being of a surface black,with no depth in the colour or form,and much too near together--as if they were afraid of being found out in something,singly,if they kept too far apart.


33. Transmission spectra of 20 samples of synthetic corundum do-ped singly or multiply with transition metals Fe, Ti, Cr, Ni, V, Co were me-asured with a UV-365 spectrophotometer.


34. A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing but together can decide nothing can be done.


35. A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.


36. But these, singly or together, are not greater than free will.


37. You can attack these problems singly,and you don't try to solve six at a time.


38. You can buy them singly or by the dozen.


39. Do you teach your students singly or in groups


40. Do you teach your students singly or in groups ?


41. Using a singly linked list.


42. Using a singly linked list saves the overhead of updating an additional pointer for all operations as well as the memory for that pointer.


43. The emotions of Faith, Love, and Sex, when mixed with any thought impulse, give it greater action than any of these emotions can do singly.


44. So big Hong door, how can let he one person possess singly!


45. Photoflash'bulbs which usually have a duration of about 20 milliseconds above half peak intensity can be used either singly or flashed in sequence.


46. All these actions, singly and in combination, are part of the tested and true armamentarium of science.


47. Its fusion of various compositionses moderate, making it possess singly originally and respectively of various protect effect to repair diapason with each other, perfect unify.


48. Next,if we consider the guerrilla base areas in the enemy's rear,each area taken singly is surrounded by the enemy on all sides,like the Wutai mountain region,or on three sides,like the northwestern Shansi area.


49. Next, if we consider the guerrilla base areas in the enemy's rear, each area taken singly is surrounded by the enemy on all sides, like the Wutai mountain region, or on three sides, like the northwestern Shansi area.


50. Next, if we consider the guerrilla base areas in the enemy's rear, each area taken singly is surrounded by the enemy on all sides, like the Wutai Mountains, or on three sides, like the northwestern Shansi area.


51. The folk culture that Peking possess singly enrichesed his artisticed, and bring to him the reputation, at the same time his artistic again increase the higher culture state the folk romantic feeling of Peking's bystreet.


52. SRO (Singly Resonant Oscillator)


53. Solitary plants have larger space demands to the side and are best planted singly; group plants mostly have a slender shape and look best, as the name tells, when planted in groups.


54. enter singly into a contest with sb.


55. When using the machine singly, please follow the below step.


56. Problem :Given a singly linked list, find the middle of the list.


57. Singly linked lists are a powerful abstraction that allow you to represent numerous types of data.


58. The fluorescence in PAA originates from the coactions of the singly ionized oxygen vacancies (F+ centers) and the luminescent centers transformed from oxalic impurities.


59. The psychosocial attitudes of the rich country families in the Song Dynasty weren"t existent singly, but various psychosocial attitudes were coexistent.


60. Experience keeps no school, she teachers her pupils singly.


61. The holy strain arose singly on the breathing silence of the wilderness.


62. Simultaneously, the paper clarifies that it is not reliable and even is not feasible singly to use the distance estimated inluitively as the base of adjusting vv or void in mineral aggregate.


63. If the similarity value is more than the threshold,the neighbour block and the encoding image block uses the same codeword to encode, otherwise , the neighbour block singly encodes.


64. Such cysts occur either singly or scattered around the renal parenchyma and are not uncommon in adults.


65. Slewing bearings (fig 1) are ball or cylindrical roller bearings which can accomodate axial, radial and moment loads acting either singly or in combination and in any direction.


66. Stringing To insert and tie string on hanging cards, catalogues, etc., And other work either singly or in batches.


67. To insert and tie string on hanging cards,catalogues,etc.,and other work either singly or in batches.


68. The earthquake has caused severe damage to the affected area,misfortunes never comes singly,the weather is really bad for the salvage for the time being.


69. Soldiers came singly and in pairs and dozens and they were always hungry.


70. The Head Node and Singly Linked List


71. Her hubby is singly crazy about football.


72. She still lives singly.


73. How to reverse a singly linked list


74. If a binary tree becomes degenerate, we run into the same efficiency problems as we did with the singly linked list.


75. If your audio interface supports both mono and stereo input, sources will be listed both singly and in odd-even pairs in the Input Source pop-up menu.


76. Inserting a new item into a persistent singly linked list will not alter the existing list but create a new version with the item inserted into it.


77. Marius and Jean Valjean would have stood a chance of extricating themselves singly.


78. Alone, we accept that experiences unshared are barely worthwhile, that sunsets viewed singly are not as spectacular, that time spent apart is fallow and pointless.


79. It may be singly used as a sintering furnace.or as a furnace for both sintering and phosphatizmg,or a furnace for three uses:cementation, quenching and phosphatizmg.


80. Guests arrived singly or in groups.

