

1. Estimate not calculated due to negative sire variance components.


2. AKC is a registry body.A registration certificate identifies the dog as the offspring of a known sire and dam, born on a known date.


3. The dam of the sire is “Reflection” a direct daughter from Myrtle Lofts famous breeding pair “Jester” &“Carrie”.


4. "As you say, sire," the man replied to the king, but having roamed all over Toranavatthu he did not see the sort of brahman or contemplative the king might visit.


5. "Oh, sire," replied the minister, "we have no occasion to invent any;


6. "Oh, sire, what a dreadful misfortune! I am, indeed, to be pitied. I can never forgive myself!"


7. “Sire, I ask your permission to give the Legion of Honour to the bravest of your soldiers,” said a harsh, precise voice, fully articulating every letter.


8. "In France, sire,--at a small port, near Antibes, in the Gulf of Juan."


9. "Admirable, sire; but my messenger is like the stag you refer to, for he has posted two hundred and twenty leagues in scarcely three days."


10. "Say this to him: 'Sire, you are deceived as to the feeling in France, as to the opinions of the towns, and the prejudices of the army


11. "Say this to him: 'Sire, you are deceived as to the feeling in France, as to the opinions of the towns, and the prejudices of the army;


12. "fortunately, sire," said M. de Blacas, "we can rely on the army


13. "Sire, I thought his name was unknown to your majesty."


14. "I think not, sire."


15. "I do not know, sire," answered the minister of police


16. "We hae called you here to remind you that it cannot continue, Sire," said Arid of Andrath.


17. 'Our inventory is not yet complete for this season, sire, but I would calculate a minimum of another three million talents.”


18. "I will but go and return, sire


19. "Shall I convey your regrets, sire?" asked Darned.


20. "And I, sire," said M. de Blacas, "will go and find my messenger."


21. "That I am exceedingly disquieted, sire."


22. "I have things to discuss with you, sire," he said, taking a menacing step forward.


23. "I realise that, Sire," said Rashin, "but there must be something we can do besides sit and wait to be destroyed!"


24. "I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable that I am in error.


25. "By the Minister of Science, Sire?


26. "It would be pleasant to hear, certainly, but what would it accomplish, Sire?


27. then he continued, "Your pardon, sire," he said, bowing, "my zeal carried me away.


28. "No, sire, but I am hourly expecting one; it may have arrived since I left my office."


29. "It is probable, sire," replied Villefort


30. "Sire, I have every reason to believe that a storm is brewing in the south."


31. "Then, sire, may I present him?"


32. "Sire," said M. Myriel, "you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. Each of us can profit by it.


33. "Sire, it is fatality!"


34. “Sire,” he said, with a respectful playfulness of expression, “they fear only that your majesty through goodness of heart may let yourself be persuaded to make peace.


35. “Sire!” he said, “your majesty is signing at this moment the glory of the nation and the salvation of Europe!”With a motion of his head the Tsar dismissed Michaud.


36. --"Sire," said the Minister of the Interior to Napoleon, "yesterday I saw the most intrepid man in your Empire.


37. "Sire," said M. Myriel, "you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man.


38. "Sire," replied Villefort, bowing, "in an hour I shall have quitted Paris."


39. "Sire," said Villefort, "I will render a faithful report to your majesty, but I must entreat your forgiveness if my anxiety leads to some obscurity in my language."


40. "Sire," said Villefort, "your majesty mistakes; this is an officer's cross."


41. "Everything points to the conclusion, sire," said the minister of police, "that death was not the result of suicide, as we first believed, but of assassination.


42. "Sire, the duke is right, and I believe your majesty will think it equally important."


43. "Sire, I went straight to the Duc de Blacas."


44. "Sire, I am sorry to tell your majesty a cruel fact; but the feeling in dauphin is quite the reverse of that in Provence or Languedoc


45. "Sire, I fear it is more than a plot; I fear it is a conspiracy."


46. "Sire, they are the results of an examination which I have made of a man of Marseilles, whom I have watched for some time, and arrested on the day of my departure.


47. "Sire, your majesty will, I trust, be amply satisfied on this point at least."


48. "Sire, I listen," said De Blacas, biting his nails with impatience


49. “As for him, sire,” Paulucci persisted desperately, as though unable to restrain himself, “I see no alternative but the madhouse or the gallows.


50. "Sire, I believe it to be most urgent, but I hope, by the speed I have used, that it is not irreparable."


51. 'The light is indeed dim, sire, I must get my glasses. '


52. "Sire, it was impossible to learn; the despatch simply stated the fact of the landing and the route taken by the usurper."


53. "Well, sire, the usurper left Elba on the 26th February, and landed on the 1st of March."


54. "Sire, it was really impossible to learn secrets which that man concealed from all the world."


55. "Sire, the kindness your majesty deigns to evince towards me is a recompense which so far surpasses my utmost ambition that I have nothing more to ask for."


56. The son of a politician was schooled by his crafty sire before the down was off his cheeks.


57. A man who cannot 7)sire a son, and then a 8)cuckold?


58. A colony consists of one reproductive queen and two siring males.This is an example of a eusocial society, where worker individuals put off reproducing for the good of the colony.


59. a good sire


60. litter sire


61. In with Drusilla is Nigel, the 30-year-old, bald-kneed sire of many of the sifakas at the center.


62. Specialized sire line


63. "No, sire, for that would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity


64. 7. The gaoler replied: 'the light is indeed dim, sire, i must get my glasses.'




66. The calves have about a 20% mortality rate, so mating with bigger females could increase a male's chance of reproductive success by siring larger, hardier offspring, Pack says.


67. The principle, structure, technical feature and result of industrial test of the 2ZKQ1230 type siring vibration screen were, introduced in this paper.


68. What do he de sire?


69. It even suggested there might be a compensation for the intolerable ennui of surviving his genial sire


70. His Sire is “Nistleroy” bred &raced by Nigel Langstaff to take 1st Section, 30th Open NFC National from Guernsey in 2002 from 7,190 birds.


71. Or bastards, sire? "Your own Hand is a smuggler."


72. Despite siring the Gods and Goddesses, El and Asherah, no longer remain the only key players in the cosmic drama.


73. prepotent sire


74. And when a non-union worker is found dead in Queens, Aiden Burn learns the hazards of construction work extend far beyond the actual sire.


75. You can breed a mare to a brother or a sire to a daughter and get good results if you know your blood strains, but in people it just doesn't work.


76. The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes.


77. The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes .


78. You ask much of them, Sire.


79. Maximizing the Response of Selection with Control of Inbreeding and Different Number of Age Class between Sire and Dam


80. sire size

