
sitsitD.J.:[sit]K.K.:[sɪt]vt. & vi.1.(使)坐I'd rather stand than sit.我宁肯站, 不愿坐。He sat there (as) a guest.他像个客人似的坐在那儿。She sat silent in her own room.她在自己的房间里一动不动地坐着。He sat propped up in the bed by pillows.他靠着枕头坐在床上。He sat thinking for a long time.他坐着想了很久。She sat the baby on the grass.她让婴儿坐在草地上。She sits her horse well.她善骑马。vi.1.(动物或鸟)栖息; 蹲, 坐There was a bird sitting on the branch.一只鸟栖息在树枝上。2.坐落; 位于The hotel sits on a hill.这家旅馆位于一座小山上。

sit[sit]vi.1.坐,坐下,就座:to sit in the sofa坐在沙发上Please sit down.请坐下。2.坐落,位于:to sit on the slope坐落在山坡上3.坐着让人画像(或照相);作模特:to sit for a portrait坐好让人画肖像4.坐在(议会等的)座位上,担当职务:to sit for a church作主教5.(议会等)开会;(法院)开庭:The court of first instance will sit at two in the afternoon.初审法庭将于下午两点开庭。6.静坐示威;参加示威:They sat in at the government house.他们在政府大厦静坐示威。7.搁置;搁置一旁:They let the matter sit.他们将此事搁置不问了。8.停留;滞留:to sit by the shop停在商店边上to sit for business因公滞留9.被安置,被安放:to sit on the desk安放在桌上10.代人临时看管小孩,做临时保姆:to sit for somebody为某人做临时保姆11.(衣服)合身,合体;适合:The coat sits well on you.那件外衣你穿着很合身。12.(鸟)栖息,停落,(动物)蹲伏:A bird sits on the house.有只鸟落在了房上。13.(鸡等)抱窝,孵蛋14.(风自某个方向)吹来:the wind that sits in the west西风15.[主英国英语]应试,参加考试:to sit for graduation参加毕业考试vt.1.使坐,使就座:Sit yourself down.请坐。to sit the child at a talbe让小孩坐在桌子旁2.(汽车等)有…坐位;可供…坐:to sit five people可坐五个人3.骑(马等):She sits her horse well.她的马骑得好。4.代人暂时照看(小孩等):I can sit your children while you go out.在你外出时,我可以临时照看一下你的小孩。5.(鸡等)孵(蛋):to sit eggs孵卵6.[主英国英语]参加(考试):to sit one's entrance examination参加入学考试n.1.坐;坐着的时间2.(衣服)合身,合体;适合sit at someone's feet见footsit like a jellyfish(或vegetable)坐着一动不动sit loose见loosesit on one's hands见handsit tight见tightsitting pretty见pretty变形vi.satsat或 sittensitting

sitsit[sit]1.=spontaneous ignition temperature 自燃点, 自燃温度