
sitesiteD.J.:[sait]K.K.:[saɪt]n.1.位置, 场所, 地点The site for the new factory has not been decided yet.新厂的地址尚未选定。Protective helmets must be worn on site.在工地必须戴防护帽。The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.滑铁卢战场的遗址在比利时。vt.1.使坐落在; 设置It is safe to site a company here.在这里建造工厂安全。

site[sait]n.1.位置,地点2.场所,地方3.地皮,地基,选址4.遗址,遗迹5.【计算机】网站,站点 [1994]vt.1.给…造址;为…提供场所;坐落于:to site a new building为新建楼房选址2.设置:to site a roadblock设置路障on site临场;在现场变形vt.sitedsiting

sitesite[sait]n.1.地点, 所在地, 发生之处; 位置; 现场2.准备盖房子的地方, 修建地点, 地基3.遗址construction site建筑工地the site of the recent fire最近失火现场buy a site for building购置建筑地基historic sites历史遗址
词性变化site[sait]vt.1.定...的地点2.使就位以备发射site a machine gun安置机枪以备发射Where have they decided to site the new factory?他们决定新厂址设在什么地方?

继承用法site-assemblyn.1.现场装配, 就地组装site-plann.1.总平面图; 平面布置图site-qualityn.1.地位质量siteweldn.1.工地焊接; 现场焊接 sited
