
smothersmotherD.J.:[ˈsmʌðə]K.K.:[ˈsmʌðɚ]vt. & vi.1.(使)窒息, (使)透不过气Don't put that cloth over the baby's face, you'll smother him!不要把布盖在那个婴儿脸上, 会使他窒息的!vt.1.覆盖In autumn the grass is smothered with leaves.秋天草地上盖满了枯叶。2.忍住, 抑制I just managed to smother a yawn.我刚设法忍住了一个呵欠。3.闷住, 闷熄The fire is smothered by ashes.火被灰闷熄了。

smother['smʌðə]vt.1.使窒息,令…透不过气;把…闷死:to be smothered by the heavy smoke被浓烟呛得透不过气I went out of the meeting room; the atmosphere there smothered me.我走出了会议室,那里的气氛令我透不过气来。2.把(火)盖熄,闷住(火等):to smother the fire with ash用灰盖住火3.笼罩,覆盖:to smother the top of the mountain with white clouds山头笼罩在白云之中to smother the cake with thick cream给蛋糕盖上厚厚一层奶油4.压制,平息;抑制:to smother one's tears忍住悲伤to smother feelings抑制住情感5.把…镇住;使大败:She was smothered by his despotic power.她被他的淫威镇住了。to smother the home team使主队大败6.(把…)过多地给予(with):It's no good smothering the children with money.给孩子过多的钱不利于孩子的成长。7.【烹饪】熬,煮;炖,煨:smothered chicken and mushrooms蘑菇炖鸡vi.1.窒息,透不过气;闷死:to smother to death窒息而死2.被忍住;被扼杀,被抑制:Her anger smothered and she smiled at him.她强忍住她的忿怒,并且还朝他笑了一笑。The feelings that smothered burst all of a sudden.被抑制的感情一下子爆发了。3.[方言] 闷烧,阴燃:smothered wastes阴燃的垃圾n.1.浓烟;令人窒息的浓烟(或尘埃、浓雾等)2.窒息状态;被抑制状态;文火燃烧状态3.一团浓雾(或尘埃等)4.阴燃,闷燃5.杂乱无章的一大堆;充斥,泛滥;混乱

smothersmother[ˈsmʌðə]vt.1.使窒息, 使透不过气来, 把...闷死2.闷熄, 闷住(火), 扼杀3.抑制, 忍住; 遮掩4.扣压; 笼罩, 密密地涂上; 覆盖5.[美运]使对方大败6.蒸, 闷, 煨smother up a scandal掩盖丑闻be smothered with [in] dust by passing cars被汽车驶过时扬起的尘土所笼罩The killer smothered the victim with a pillow.杀人犯用枕头闷死了受害者。They tried to smother the flames with a damp blanket.他们试图用一条湿毯子去灭火。We tried to smother our laughter.我们强忍住笑。
词性变化smother[ˈsmʌðə]vi.1.透不过气来, 窒息2.用文火闷烧, 闷燃, 熏, 冒烟3.给包住, 隐藏4.被抑制, 被忍住n.1.浓烟[雾], 浓尘, 冒烟, 冒着烟的火2.窒息物; 窒息状态; 被抑制状态3.制止, 抑制4.混乱
