

1. The structure within which spores of the sporophyte generation of mosses and liverworts are formed.


2. 3.A tubular extension of the thallus of hornworts that rises up and surrounds the base of the sporophyte.


3. Apospory, aposporous The development of a gametophyte directly from a sporophyte without the occurrence of meiosis or spore formation.


4. The term also describes the development of an unfertilized female gamete into the sporophyte, a phenomenon described as PARTHENOGENESIS.


5. diploid sporophyte


6. Garden soil medium was testified to have shorter germination time and higher germination rate, but the formation of sporophyte on soil was obviously later than those on MS culture media.


7. lower vascular plants having dichotomously branched sporophyte divided into aerial shoot and rhizome and lacking true roots


8. lower vascular plants having dichotomously branched sporophyte divided into aerial shoot and rhizome and lacking true roots.


9. Examples include male and female plants in dioecious species, aerial and submerged leaves, alternation of gametophyte and sporophyte stages of a life cycle, and mesophyll and bundle-sheath chloroplasts.


10. The haploid plant produces gametes mitotically and is thus termed the gametophytes while the diploid plant produces spores meiotically and is called the sporophyte.


11. monoploid sporophyte


12. Haplobiontic Describing life cycles in which only one type of somatic body is formed, which may be either haploid or diploid, i.e. either the sporophyte or the gametophyte generation is missing.


13. The base of the sporophyte in mosses and liverworts.


14. In lower plants such as mosses and liverworts the persistent vegetative plant is haploid, the sporophyte being a relatively short-lived phase.


15. Compared with collecting in Hubei Institute for Nationalities, shaded prothallium and sporophyte after collecting Osmunda japonica Thund. spores germinate in Hangzhou both have better heat-tolerance.


16. In vascular plants the diploid sporophyte is the dominant phase and in the ferns, for example, the gametophyte is a small prothallus.


17. 2. In bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and horworts) the haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase of the life cycle and the sporophyte is represented only by the capsule, seta , and foot.


18. 4. In bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and horworts) the haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase of the life cycle and the sporophyte is represented only by the capsule, seta, and foot.


19. Foot The basal portion of an embryo, sporophyte, or spore-producing body, which is embedded in the tissue of the parent.


20. If such gametophytes produce fertile gametes, the resulting sporophyte is then tetraploid, and large polyploid series may subsequently be developed.


21. The sporophyte, which is wholly dependent on the gametophyte, is simply a spore capsule borne on a stalk.


22. It is the main generation in the life cycle of the Bryata, in which the sporophyte is completely or partially dependent upon it.


23. In vascular plants, the sporophyte is the dominant generation, while in bryophytes it is parasitic on the gametophyte.


24. sporophyte cell


25. 3.Sporogonium The sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts.


26. Sporogonium The sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts. It develops from the zygote and comprises the foot, seta, and capsule. The sporogonium is parasitic on the gametophyte generation.


27. 1. Sporogonium The sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts. It develops from the zygote and comprises the foot, seta, and capsule. The sporogonium is parasitic on the gametophyte generation.


28. Sporophyte The diploid generation in the life cycle of a plant, which gives rise asexually to haploid spores.


29. juvenile sporophyte


30. The 1st frond of a young sporophyte has a midrib and is pinnate.


31. So, it is necessary to study whether the sterility of male sterile lines with Ae. bicornis cytoplasm is gametophyte or sporophyte.


32. Laminaria is a genus to which diverse brown macroalgae belong.The members of this genus have a life cycle consisting of a monoploid gametophyte generation and a diploid sporophyte generation.


33. The development of a gametophyte directly from a sporophyte without the occurrence of meiosis or spore formation.


34. Apospory The devlopment of the gametophyte directly from the cell of a sporophyte, thus bypassing meiosis and spore production.


35. sporophyte generation


36. Keywords Porphyra yezoensis;sporophyte;gametophyte;PSII;


37. Construction of the cDNA Library of Filamentous Laver Sporophyte and the Identification of Disease Resistance Gene Tags


38. Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags of Filamentous Sporophyte of Porphyra Yezoensis


39. The result was that the latter two methods could be used for extracting genomic DNA from sporophyte of Laminaria, and that the improved CTAB method was the best ones through which the production had the highest purity.

结果表明除SDS法外,其余两种方法均可获得完整的海带基因组DNA,RAPD扩增谱带清晰稳定。 尤以改良CTAB法提取的DNA质量较好。

40. Effects of Spore Storage Time and Culture Conditions on the Formation of Gametophyte and Sporophyte of Adiantum reniforme var.sinense


41. Keywords Huperzia serrata;Sporophyte;Sterilization;Tissue culture;


42. The possible transformation of the message from sporophyte generation to gametophyte generation in microsporogenesis was discussed.


43. It derives from the germination of haploid spores produced by the SPOROPHYTE generation.


44. The gametes fuse to form a zygote, which develops into the sporophyte, and the spores germinate and produce the gametophyte, so forming a cycle.


45. To obtain the active thylakoid membranes of sporophyte and gametophyte,three different buffers are used: 20mM Mes-Na (pH6.4) ,30mM Naphosphate buffer(pH7.0), 50mM Hepes buffer(pH7.8).

采用了三种不同的缓冲液分离类囊体膜:20mM Mes-Na(pH6.4),30mM 磷酸纳缓冲液(pH7.0),50mM Hepes缓冲液(pH7.8)。

46. (botany) development of an embryo without fertilization; (especially in some ferns) development of a sporophyte from the gametophyte without fertilization


47. (botany) development of an embryo without fertilization; (especially in some ferns) development of a sporophyte from the gametophyte without fertilization.

