

1. The Meaning and Practical Value of "Statesmen publish newspaper"


2. In 1912 emperor Meiji died, and the era of the ruling clique of elder statesmen (genro) was about to end.


3. "His well-known financial ability made men turn to him in the hour of distress, as of all statesmen the most fitted to palliate it" (William E.H. Lecky).

“他广为人知的融资能力使得人们在痛苦的时候向他求助,就象最合适的政治家来减轻它一样” (威廉E·H·勒凯)

4. "Time and again the monarchs and statesmen of Europe approached the brink of conflict" (W. Bruce Lincoln)


5. the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen;


6. The great statesmen of all modern nations,almost without exception,have comprehended the great influence of manufactures and manufactories on the wealth,civilisation,and power of nations,and the necessity of protecting them.


7. "All responsible statesmen and governments must abide by the purposes of the UN Charter and universally acknowledged norms governing international relations, and work for a universal, lasting and comprehensive peace."


8. an august group of statesmen


9. an august body of elder statesmen


10. Normally, statesmen with a strategic vision are the product of large countries. Restricted by their geography, small countries have little need for global strategies, and therefore can hardly produce statesmen of international stature.


11. They should refrain from making a showy display of their abilities and considering themselves statesmen, but should learn to make political explanations appropriate to different people.


12. It would be wrong to fail to realize this and to debase the politics and the statesmen of the proletariat.


13. Statesmen, generals, and admirals, and air marshals-even populations-must develop confidence in the concept of single command and in the organization and the leader by which the single command is exercised.


14. 2 However, California power crisis in early 2000 and later Enron Scandal waked up many statesmen to have more concern on the cause relating to people's life.


15. The destinies of famous statesmen in the world


16. Churchill's is the most recognized one of the great orators and statesmen.


17. The two statesmen differ greatly in their perceptions of the world.


18. China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers,thinkers, statesmen, strategist, scientists, writers and artistsand left us numerous volumes of literature.


19. The second one is its influence on the statesmen.


20. Two persons who saw the road accident corroborated the driver's statesmen.


21. Seven Great Statesmen in Warfare of Humanity withUnreason


22. He was the rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics.


23. He was that rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics.


24. They visited some older statesmen.<=>They visited some elder statesmen.


25. They are provident statesmen


26. His well - known financial ability made men turn to him in the hour of distress,as of all statesmen the most fitted to palliate it(William E.H.Lecky.


27. His well - known financial ability made men turn to him in the hour of distress, as of all statesmen the most fitted to palliate it(William E.H.Lecky.

他广为人知的融资能力使得人们在痛苦的时候向他求助,就象最合适的政治家来减轻它一样(威廉E H 勒凯)

28. With his brilliant, incisive intellect, he is one of the world's most outspoken and respected statesmen."


29. He is a very forward-looking statesmen.


30. He is among the most prudent statesmen .


31. He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen mustlive as the world lives.


32. He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen must live as the world lives.


33. His cartoon is a relentless satire on the elite of nowaday statesmen.


34. He knows it so well that he is often consulted by statesmen and politicians concerned with their public image.


35. He is ranked among the world's great statesmen.


36. Statesmen are the owner of the government contract and the core of the modern government governance are the party and multiparty competition.


37. Located 23 miles (37 kilometers) south of Kyoto, Nara was Japan's first real capital city, where artists, scholars, and statesmen began to develop an artistically and religiously rich civilization.


38. However, if the statesmen can teach us anything perhaps it's that a little handholding wouldn't go amiss.


39. He was a surprisingly unassuming man for such a titan among statesmen.


40. Would you rank him among the world's great statesmen ?


41. The unquestionable authority of the founder of the monastery provided from the fourteenth century onwards an influx of the best intellectual and artistic forces, a flood of rich donations from noted statesmen and the richest families.


42. It had played a great role since Japanese Confucianism was dragged into the political arena by Tokugawa Ieyasu and many Tokugawa statesmen after him.


43. Statesmen of the nation are brawling with each other.


44. There is a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen.

关于这点, 两位政治家的政见有很大分歧。

45. "When the spirit left great statesmen, on walls of the Hall of Fame The point of your brush preserved their living faces."


46. ROBERT SKIDELSKY, Biographer of J.M. Keynes: All the statesmen of Versailles could think about was how to squeeze money out of an already bankrupt Germany.


47. ROBERT SKIDELSKY, Biographer of : All the statesmen of Versailles could think about was how to squeeze money out of an already bankrupt Germany.


48. "To strengthen S&T exchanges and cooperation has become the consensus of the statesmen, the science community, and the business community in Asian and European countries. "


49. There are meaningful warnings that history gives a threatened or perishing society.Such are, for instance, the decadence of art, or a lack of great statesmen.


50. In the same way, to say "statesmen" is sometimes equivalent to saying "traitors.


51. Premier Zhou was one of the greatest statesmen in the world.


52. It would be wonderful if someday China had a contingent of fine 30-to-40-year-old statesmen,economists,military strategists and diplomats.


53. As a famous representative person of Legalists in the period of War State, Shang Yang was a distinguished statesmen and jurist from the new emerging landlord class.


54. "These primitive statesmen and their compeers- who were elevated to power by the early choice of the people, seem to have been not often brilliant, but distinguished by a ponderous sobriety, rather than activity of intellect."


55. The bourgeoisie then, as well as the statesmen, required a man who should express this word Halt.


56. In China's each historical period, Shanxi once emerged many statesmen, the strategist, the scientist, the writer, the historian.


57. Upon his death, the Queen granted him the honour of a state funeral, which saw one of the largest assemblies of statesmen in the world.


58. Beaverbrook and Lloyd George were among the elder statesmen who attended these functions.


59. In late Republic, religion is abused by statesmen and thus becomes a tool used to fight for power.


60. Under this class of men are comprehended all contemplative tradesmen, titular physicians, and statesmen that are out of business


61. During the period of history when the Rome was the strongest power in the Western world, Gaius Julius Caesar emerged as an important leader, and one of the most well-known Roman statesmen.


62. Adherence to the Statesmen's Principles of Running Newspapers and Managing to Honour"Three Representations"


63. Cities have already become the focus of attention of statesmen, economists and social activists around the world.


64. Even responsible foreign statesmen would acknowledge that China must remain stable.


65. There's an august group of statesmen in the auditorium.


66. In addition, the statesmen and the educators, especially Thomas Jefferson andHorace Man , make deep effect on the ESS.


67. Crafty men and statesmen will be shown misled by all their elaborate calculations.


68. Several statesmen from western countries are meeting to discuss defence problem.


69. But the thoughts and viewpoints of the statesmen of Song and XiXia had a significant function.


70. Religion and politics are connected with each other in three aspects. In Roman Republic,the influence on the political ideas from relig ion,ideas are that the Citizens Meeting and House of Senior Statesmen have diff erent religious roles.

宗教与政治在三个层次上发生关联 ,就罗马共和国而言 ,宗教观念对政治观念的影响 ,首先表现在公民大会与元老院扮演着不同的宗教角色 ;

71. There was a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen on the bilateral cooperation


72. "Restricted by their geography, small countries have little need for global strategies, and therefore can hardly produce statesmen of international stature."


73. The true men of action in our time,those who transform the world,are not the politicians and statesmen,but the scientists.


74. Of course not all those who quit school can succeed just as not all those prisoners can become statesmen.


75. Yi thinkers and statesmen did not abandon traditional identities based on descent and locality, but began to recognize a larger pair of oppositional ethnic categories: Ne (Yi) and ?a (Han).

彝族政治家思想家没有放弃以氏族部落为基础的传统身份,但是他们认出来了两个总体性的民族种类,即 尼(彝)与 夏(汉)。

76. A lot of statesmen were involved in the scandal.


77. No revenge was taken by the triumphant Union on any of the separatist statesmen who had brought on the great struggle


78. devilish schemes; the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen; the diabolical expression on his face; a mephistophelian glint in his eye


79. devilish schemes; the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen; the diabolical expression on his face; a mephistophelian glint in his eye.


80. 3. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

