

1. "Storytelling introduces me to things I might never have noticed,"" said Waddie Mitchell, a former Nevada cowboy "

"讲故事会使我注意到平常不会注意的事情,"曾是内华达牛仔的Waddie Mitchell说。

2. "Storytelling introduces me to things I might never have noticed," said Waddie Mitchell, a former Nevada cowboy who became a traveling poet and is now a festival regular.

"讲故事会使我注意到平常不会注意的事情,"曾是内华达牛仔的Waddie mitchell说。 这位游历诗人经常参加讲故事盛会。

3. "Storytelling was once the only real form of communication. Stories spread the news and helped people to remember history,"said Jimmy Neil Smith. "

"讲故事曾是人们真正交流的唯一方式。故事可以传播信息,帮助人们铭记历史,"教师jimmy Neil Smith说。

4. "Storytelling was once the only real form of communication. Stories spread the news and helped people to remember history,"said Jimmy Neil Smith, a schoolteacher who started the festival and continues to promote it."


5. (10) Especially in a world of insatiable electronic storytelling, real history procreates, endlessly conjuring new versions of itself.


6. It is worthy to promote the creative digital storytelling in composition teaching for primary school educations.


7. *Discussions (elementary school): Use books, storytelling and videos to " focus on moral or ethical issues," says Esther F.Schaeffer, executive director of the Character Education Partnership (CEP).

* 讨 论 (小 学 ): 通 过 图 书 、 讲 故 事 和 录 像 , “ 集 中 讲 解 道 德 问 题 和 伦 理 问 题 , ” 性 格 教 育 联 合 会 (CEP)的 执 行 主 任 埃 丝 特 · 谢 弗 说 。

8. *Discussions (elementary school):Use books,storytelling and videos to " focus on moral or ethical issues," says Esther F.Schaeffer,executive director of the Character Education Partnership (CEP).


9. "People will come and go.That's the nature of this kind of storytelling," Kring told critics.


10. "He is one of the main writers who brought ambition, a sense of play, a joy in storytelling and an exuberant experimentalism of form back to the novel in the late '80s and early 1990s," Ulin said.


11. "demonstrates a sure-footed storytelling talent" (Michiko Kakutani)


12. Mastery of ASL and skillful storytelling are highly valued in Deaf Culture.

“物以类聚,人以群分”,故事讲的就是这个 道理。聋人是手语族。

13. the motif of storytelling


14. "storytelling was once the only real form of communication


15. "Lie " the meaning evolves by fudge for crammer, explain storytelling is later than somniloquy.


16. ” It is a good example of how the Pierces mix a folk music sound with creative and funny storytelling.


17. An intense Storytelling method is to roleplay mortal characters before they become initiated into the supernatural world.


18. An 11-year-old Huntsville boy gets high marks in storytelling after staging a hoax to cover up his bad grades.


19. That a lengthy and complicated novel such as Middlemarch should allow its characters to pursue their own paths, despite such pleading from the public, is a testament to George Eliot's storytelling ability and to her artistic vision.


20. storytelling accompanied by sanxian


21. 14 Storytelling in Emergent Literacy: Fostering Multiple Intelligence, Brand, S. T. and J .M. Donate (2001) Delmar Thomson Learning.


22. But number one I think traditional noir doesn't work in contemporary storytelling because we don't live in that world anymore.


23. New Approaches to the Stylistic Features of the Ancient Chinese "Storytelling" Novels


24. It might take a little exaggeration or dramatization, but that's what good storytelling is all about.


25. storytelling stage


26. Possible attitude of storytelling theatre that the children's library promotes.


27. The humans and dwarves shared many secrets of metal-smithing and engineering and discovered a common love for battle and storytelling.


28. From Orality to Literacy: An Anthropological Breakthrough in Storytelling


29. His technique is admirable as storytelling and now and then preposterous as historical inquiry.


30. He was famous for sentimental storytelling, but his new novel is subtle, humorous and fluid.


31. He listens to the storytelling program every day, and has almost become an addict to it.


32. He says that movie-making is still storytelling, but engineers like him are spurring a transformation.


33. He says: "I dare not have the evidence of rebel in storytelling, but without doubt, this book has many felonious evidence truly.


34. a play,dance,or other theatrical performance characterized by such wordless storytelling


35. The outstanding storytelling and character building is reminiscent of "Star Wars.


36. THE PRETENDER 2001 blends contemporary storytelling with deeper explorations into the show's mythology.


37. But in its attempt to be all things to all demographics, it squanders a promising cast in favor of eye-candy and ephemeral storytelling.


38. You like words and how they are used in reading, writing, or speaking.YOu may enjoy word play and word games, foreign languages, storytelling, spelling, creative writing, or reading.


39. You will learn how to create a shared vision and how to keep your team aligned with that vision through storytelling.


40. Using old-fashioned good storytelling, "Red Cliff" restores credibility to the genre of Chinese historical epics that have often been tainted by pointlessly large-scaled and action-packed productions.


41. storytelling for children


42. Free classes, dance performances, 5)storytelling, guided tours, and art collections all make sure people get a lot out of visiting Eden.


43. More, she ingeniously combines the elements of storytelling and chanting into written forms, giving native poetry a role of tradition-carrier and a new meaning.


44. Other old ladies had told their memories in two or three sentences, but in spite of her laborious method of storytelling, Clara told her story in detail.


45. Critics applauded Baum's simple storytelling, his message, and his imaginative, believable characters.Readers fell in love with the wonders of Oz and demanded more books about this enchanted land.


46. Liu Lanfang gave one beat of the gavel and began his storytelling.

刘兰芳把醒木一敲, 开始说书了。

47. Today, Jonesborough is the home of the National Storytelling Festival, which attracts more than 10,000 visitors every October.


48. "Shrek kind of looks at all the fairy tale traditions we grew up on," says producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, "and takes great fun turning all those storytelling conventions upside-down and inside-out."


49. Distinguish in two separate documents questions that will provide factual information, yes/no answers, from those that will engage your respondent in a conversation and storytelling.


50. Distinguish in two separate documents questions that will provide factual information, yes/ no answers, from those that will engage your respondent in a conversation and storytelling.


51. Keeping the audience guessing is a common technique in storytelling, the term for it is Liukouzi.


52. Storytelling is a rich and compelling way to involve the user in a design, evoke an emotional response, or enhance a user's learning experience. The question to ask is


53. Ye Fang said, “Nowadays, I often arrange gatherings for pingtan (a combination of storytelling and ballad singing) and Kunqu lovers in my garden.


54. Ceilidh: folk music and storytelling party: a party with singing and dancing to Scottish or Irish traditional music and storytelling


55. An Irish or Scottish social gathering with traditional music, dancing, and storytelling.


56. Similarly, tiny Colquitt (population 1,900) in southern Georgia, one of the poorest parts of America, has been revived by a storytelling festival known as “Swamp Gravy”.


57. A play, dance, or other theatrical performance characterized by such wordless storytelling.


58. Hip-hop has its roots in the African traditions of percussion and oral storytelling.


59. Similarities and differences of the storytelling activities and storytelling theatre.


60. Their style combines singing and storytelling to tell the unique history of the Gullah culture and the influence it has on today's culture.


61. 9 In his memoir, Stephen King shows that he knows the ropes when it comes to storytelling.

在他的回忆录中,史蒂芬 •金表示他很懂讲故事的诀窍。

62. In his memoir, Stephen King shows that he knows the ropes when it comes to storytelling.


63. Storytelling became popular in the early 1980s in the US.


64. Before the storytelling program,I like to listen to English sentences.


65. The simplicity of storytelling is attractive in such a complicated world.


66. In a storytelling game, the players use the game's rules to create characters to serve as alter egos of a sort.


67. Specifics: SmileKid Training Center is a small and cozy training place, suitable for training of English teachers or English storytelling.


68. The site offers tips, news and commentary about online journalism,citizen's media, digital storytelling, converged news operations and using the Internet as a reporting tool.


69. Sky fireballs are great storytelling devices. I use them in everything I write.


70. Her unique art of storytelling employs iconographic elements to create a concentrated narration.


71. Her storytelling language is neither refined nor earthy; When she doesn't work at it, it just rambles on uncontrollably, but when she really tries, it becomes affected.


72. And she's done wonderful work showing that, particularly with middle school girls, if you present it as a storytelling activity, they're perfectly willing to learn how to write computer software.


73. Storytelling can have a great effect on either side of the manager-worker relationship, she says.


74. Zidishu is a special storytelling type originated in Peking in Qing Dynasty.


75. On Forms and Acting Skills of Storytelling Art in Song Dynasty


76. In the storytelling program, I like to read English sentences aloud in class.


77. In the storytelling program, I think retelling story is not difficult.


78. In fact, telling a funning story is not easy, particularly over the phone, where a big part of the storytelling -- facial expressions and body language ? is missing.


79. With irreverent storytelling, spunk and wit, Hoodwinked delivers a comedy caper for the young, the young at heart and everyone in between.


80. Dietz's wonderful storytelling voice is wasted on this get-rich-quick scheme.

