
straightenstraightenD.J.:[ˈstreitn]K.K.:[ˈstretn]vt. & vi.1.(使)变直; 把…弄直There's a series of bends, then the road straightens out.经过一个一个的弯道以后, 路就变得笔直了。

straighten['streitən]vt.1.把…弄直,使挺直;使平正:to straighten a nail with a hammer用锤子把钉子敲直Help me to straighten the wall clock.帮我把挂钟摆正。2.整理,清理:to straighten the sitting room清理起居室I was straightening my schoolbag when you phoned me.你给我打电话时,我正在整理书包。3.使改正,使校正;使好转:The deviation made by the wind could be straightened by the computer.由风引起的偏差可由计算机予以校正。4.据实告知,使告知实情:to straighten the news据实报道新闻5.还钱给:I have straightened her for you.我已替你把钱还给她了。6.[俚语]向…行贿vi.1.变直,挺起,直起:The road will straighten after bypassing the hill.绕过小山之后,道路就会变得笔直了。straighten one's face见 facestraighten up and fly right改邪归正;规规矩矩做人

straightenstraighten[ˈstreitn]vt.1.使直, 使平正2.整顿, 整理straighten your shoulders把肩膀挺直straighten up your room把你的房间整理一下straighten one's face板起面孔
词性变化straighten[ˈstreitn]vi.1.变直; 变正, 变挺2.改下; 好转(out, up)The bent strip can straighten up by itself.这弯曲的金属片自己可以变直。