
stumblestumbleD.J.:[ˈstʌmbl]K.K.:[ˈstʌmbəl]vi.1.绊脚She stumbled on a stone.她被一块石头绊了一脚。2.(说话、演奏等)出错He stumbled over every sentence.他讲每句话都结结巴巴。n.1.绊脚; 出错

stumble['stʌmbl]vi.1.绊跌,绊倒,跌倒:She nearly fell down by stumbling over my stretched leg.她绊在我伸出的腿上,险些跌倒。He stumbled on the floor flat on his back.他仰面绊倒在地板上。2.蹒跚,东倒西歪地走:He stumbled down the stairs like a madman.他像狂人般地跌跌撞撞地走下了楼。to stumble out of the bar东倒西歪地走出了酒吧3.失足;失误,犯错误;铸成大错:to stumble into the water失足落水to stumble into leading a wrong way误将…引入歧途4.结结巴巴地说话(常与 along 连用):to stumbled through a recitation结结巴巴地背诵He stumbled over that question.他对那个问题闪烁其词。5.踌躇,迟疑;生疑(常与 at, along 等连用):He stumbled for a while and went back.他迟疑了一会儿,然后走回去了。to stumble at one's belief对信仰产生了怀疑6.偶然碰见;偶尔发现(常与 across, on, upon 等连用):They stumbled on a little bar.他们无意间发现了一家小酒吧。to stumble across one's old friend不期遇到老朋友vt.1.使绊倒;使跌跌撞撞:When running, he stumbled me.跑动之中他把我绊倒了。2.使为难,使困惑,使犹豫不决:What stumbles you?什么让你这么犹豫不决?n.1.绊脚;绊倒;失足2.差错,错误;大错A stumble may prevent a fall.[谚语]小疾防大病。变形vi.stumbledstumbling

stumblestumble[ˈstʌmbl]vt.1.使绊倒, 使失足; 使迷惑He was stumbled by the problem.这问题使他迷惑不解。
词性变化stumble[ˈstʌmbl]vi.1.绊[跌]倒, 绊一下脚2.失足, 走入歧途3.蹒跚, 迟疑, 踌躇4.结巴地说话5.偶然碰见[发现](upon, across)a stumble ling block绊脚石stumble over [against] a stone被石头绊跌stumble over one's words结结巴巴地说话stumble at a step对某一步骤踌躇不决stumble upon a rare book偶然发现一本少见的书stumble[ˈstʌmbl]n.1.绊倒, 失足[失误]

继承用法stumble-bumn.[美俚]1.笨手笨脚的人, 无能力的人2.喝醉酒的拳击手3.穷醉鬼, 街头流浪汉 -blingly

词性变化stumble[ˈstʌmbl]adv.stumblern.1.跌跤者; 有过失者; 结结巴巴说话者, 蹒跚行走者