

1. Results in differentiation of subclass of ABO blood groups


2. GORM supports configuration of Hibernate types via the DSL using the type attribute.This includes specifing user types that subclass the Hibernate org.hibernate.types.

As an example GORM还可以通过DSL的type属性来支持Hibernate类型,包括特定Hibernate的org.hibernate.types.

3. The pattern A lipoprotein subclass is the least atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype and the AB pattern carries an intermediate risk.


4. In AIHA,the basic predominant IgG subclass is IgG 1.IgG 3 has a greater potential for red cell destruction than IgG 1 and C 3d .

IgG 亚型中以IgG1 +IgG3 为主。 IgG3 阳性的患者临床表现及溶血程度严重,治疗效果差

5. TTF_SUBCLASS If you use this flag, it means you tell the tooltip control to subclass the window that the tool is on so that the tooltip control can intercept mouse messages that are sent to the window.


6. A subclass with explicit opacity components should override this method to return a color with the specified alpha.


7. Equivalence Structure of a Subclass of Minimal Unsatisfiable Formulas


8. A class that passes properties and methods to another class is called a superclass.A class can be both a subclass and a superclass.


9. Once the superclass constructor is done, the subclass constructor completes initialization and turns the superclass object into a subclass object.


10. A Deadlock Prevention Strategy for a Subclass of FMS


11. A Subclass of Certain Starlike Functions with Negative Coefficients


12. Basis-Free Expressions for the Derivatives of a Subclass of Nonsymmetric Isotropic Tensor Functions


13. Q-quadratic Convergence for A Subclass of Nonlinear ABS Algorithms


14. Such sources are believed to be either quark stars or neutron stars, and a subclass of these are already observed by conventional means as pulsars or X-ray emitting celestial objects.


15. The following example shows how to subclass an instance of an edit control in a dialog box.


16. A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below a subclass and above an order.


17. The table below lists the event subclass values for this event.


18. disproportionate subclass numbers


19. Analysis of nested design with unbalanced subclass numbers


20. However, the ability to project arguments in this way is limited among nouns to a subclass that I will refer to as process or event nominals.


21. Pain-sensing neurons, however, possess a subclass of voltage-gated sodium channels, known as the TTX-resistant type, that do not occur in the CNS.


22. Pain-sensing neurons, however, possess a subclass of voltage-gated sodium channels, known as the T TX -resistant type, that do not occur in the CNS.


23. coextensive with the genus Sphagnum; in some classifications isolated in a separate subclass.


24. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,we detected the levels of total IgE,cad-dis fly specific IgE and caddis fly specific IgG subclass in 60 patients with caddis fly allerglc rhini-tis.


25. Sampled. Spi Supplies abstract classes for service providers to subclass when offering new audio devices, sound file readers and writers, or audio format converters.


26. a large order of dicotyledonous plants of subclass Dilleniidae


27. a large order of dicotyledonous plants of subclass Dilleniidae.


28. What is the class and/or subclass of the primary antibody.


29. Any of various minute, chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace.


30. Extend an existing View class or subclass with your own class.


31. Replace Type Code with Subclass


32. Directly, they are actually designed for you to subclass and fill in your specific behavior.


33. You will learn that all classes are derived from the Object class, and how to modify the methods that a subclass inherits from superclasses.


34. What visa subclass do you currently hold


35. Using DDX is simple, but doesn't help us if we need to subclass a control that already exists.


36. For example, the OrderService could have an operation to add any subclass of Item to an existing Order.


37. For example, the class Person could be stated to be a subclass of the class Mammal.


38. Matter leaching and chemical weathering are weak. The main mineral element moving is less obviously. The soils belong to 2 soil class,2 subclass,3 soil great group and subgroup.


39. Reservior micro structure is a small subclass on the oilfield structure because of fine distinction of the layers depth.


40. keyword operator that allows a subclass to invoke it's superclass's method.


41. relating to or characteristic of fungi of the subclass Discomycetes


42. relating to or characteristic of fungi of the subclass Discomycetes.


43. Several Inequalities about Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions


44. Their Ig class and subclass were determined as IgG1 and IgG2a respectively.

其抗体类别均为IgG ,亚类分别为IgG1和IgG2a .

45. Karyotype analysis shoved that the chromosome mode was 91. The immunodif fusion test showed that ANl McAb belongs to IgGl subclass.


46. A Subclass of Meromorphic P-Valent Functions with Positive Coefficient


47. Application of Fractional Calculus on Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions


48. Task instances can be customized. The easiest way to do this is to create a subclass of TaskInstance.


49. How do I subclass the Desktop Window


50. Any of various minute , chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace.


51. Cover-up investigation is a subclass of forceful investigation.Like enticing investigation, it is included in disguised investigations.


52. The previous bits, in combination, identify which requests/notifications are supported by a CommunicationsClass interface with the SubClass code of Abstract Control Model.


53. 3. a large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles;


54. A large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles; alligators; dinosaurs; pterosaurs; plesiosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts.


55. A handler is not overridable in a subclass, so you can add as many handlers as you like to an event and they will all fire.


56. On the other hand, it makes you write more code, and it is harder to re-use (because it is not a subclass).


57. Use predefined classes for scene organisation if they suit or plug in your own subclass to gain full control over the scene organisation.


58. Also, each subclass inherits methods from the superclass.

同时, 每个亚纲继承来自总纲的方法。

59. Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit.


60. Therefore, plasma samples were sent to Dr Ronald Krauss, University of California at Berkeley, for the identification of participant LDL subclass patterns and their categorization into either the pattern A, AB or B phenotype.

因此,血浆样品被送到Donald Kranss博士那里,他是伯克利加利佛尼亚大学的教授,样品用于鉴别参加者LDL分子类型,以及它们是A,AB或B哪类表现型。

61. Investigators therefore hope that drugs able to block this subclass could be administered systemically (throughout the body) without ill effects.


62. When a method accepts a superclass instance, yet uses the derived type of this instance to control its behavior, changes are required for the introduction of each new subclass.


63. Before a subclass constructor performs its own initialization, it is required to call the superclass constructor.


64. In our study, 15 of the 23 participants were of the B subclass pattern. Actual LDL particle size was not significantly different between egg treatment groups at baseline (initial) or at the conclusion (final) of the study.


65. The largest subclass of dietary polyphenols is flavonoids, and it has been reported in the past that those who consume lots of flavonoids have a lower incidence of dementia.


66. Recently renamed" subclass" to" derived class"( on7/00). Click here to go to the next FAQ in the" chain" of recent changes.


67. If a class that is designed for inheritance is not serializable, it may be impossible to write a serializable subclass.


68. If one interface describes a component that has an "is-a" or "has-a" relationship to another component, you can let interfaces subclass or reference each other.


69. If a class is both a subclass of and in the same package as the class with the protected member, then the class has access to the protected member.


70. If a component class is a subclass of another component class, then it inherits that base class' message catalog.


71. It is ok if you subclass only a few controls but it's going to be a nightmare to subclass a dozen or so controls.


72. If your application needs to process user entry forms you might subclass


73. A true object-oriented approach would define a class representing a sprite, possibly as a subclass of


74. If one did a search for a term contained in the ontology, the query could be expanded with subclass information in order to find more relevant answers.


75. If the application wants to subclass a window from this ID, it news up the appropriate object and returns the new pointer back to the window.


76. If the application needs to subclass a window, it fills in the function pointer with the address of its own function.


77. If a subclass of one of these classes needed to override the default behavior, it could do so by overriding the method.


78. If you need to process a multi-page entry into a single form you can subclass


79. I monitor the individual methods being executed in these dispatch actions by matching any methods with the signature of a Struts action in a subclass of a.


80. A subclass constructor should first let the superclass constructor do that part of the initialization which turns plain memory into the superclass object.

