
surprisesurpriseD.J.:[səˈpraiz]K.K.:[sɚˈpraɪz]vt.1.使惊奇, 使诧异He may surprise us all yet.他总有一天会让我们大家惊奇。I surprised everyone by wearing a terrible mask.我带了一副可怕的面具, 使大家受惊了。They surprised us with a visit.他们突然来访使我们大感意外。It surprised me to see so many people there.在那里看到那么多人使我感到意外。It surprised them that she was such a fine swimmer.她游得这么好, 使他们都很惊奇。2.意外发现[撞见], 出其不意获得We surprised the burglars opening the safe.窃贼在开保险箱时被我们撞上了。The police surprised the thief into confessing.警察出其不意地使小偷招认了。n.1.惊奇, 惊讶I'll never forget his surprise when we told him.我永远不会忘记我们告诉他时他所表现出来的惊讶表情。Sue was overcome by surprise when Peter walked in.当彼得走进屋时, 苏吓了一跳。He looked up in surprise.他惊奇地抬头看了一下。I got a big surprise.我大吃一惊。2.令人吃惊的事物We've had some unpleasant surprises.我们得到了一些令人不快的意外消息。The whole thing is a surprise to us.整个事情出乎我们的意料。

surprise[sə'praiz]vt.1.使惊奇,使诧异,使感到意外:Her beauty surprised me.我惊讶于她的美貌。His coming surprised me.他的到来令我感诧异。2.使震惊;使产生反感:I was surprised at the news about his death.他去世的消息令我感到震惊。Does his unbridled behaviour surprise you?是不是他的放肆行为令你感到不快?3.意外发现;撞见,当场捉住:His real identity was surprised by me.我无意间发现了他的真实身份。He was surprised when he stole an exhibit from the museum.当他从博物馆偷盗一件展品时被当场捉住。4.出其不意地让…吐露真情:to surprise the facts from the witness出其不意地让证人说出实情5.以出其不意的方式让(某人)做(某事):to surprise a witness into telling the truth以突如其来的方式让证人说出了实情6.突然袭击(无防备的军队、防线等),奇袭;使措手不及:At the beginning of the match, we surprised the visiting team.比赛刚一开始,我们就打了客队一个措手不及。7.[废语]强占;俘虏,俘获vi.1.惊奇,吃惊,诧异,感到意外:I did surprise for his stupid.他的愚蠢真让我大吃了一惊。Nothing you give her would surprise her.无论你送给她什么,她都不会感到意外。n.1.惊奇,诧异2.出人意料的事(或长相、语言等);令人惊奇的事物3.突如其来的消息(或礼物等)4.无意碰见,撞见5.出其不意,攻其不备;奇袭adj.1.令人惊奇地,出人意料的interj.1.[常含讥讽口吻]真奇怪!啊!真想不到!近义词amazeastonishastoundflabbergastcatch by surprise使吃惊,使诧异,使感到意外spring a surprise on someone使某人大吃一惊take by surprise出其不意地捉住;乘其不备攻占使吃惊,使诧异撞见;正巧捉住;使措手不及to someone's surprise出乎某人意外地,使某人惊奇地变形vt.surprisedsurprising

surprisesurprise[səˈpraiz]vt.1.使惊奇, 使感到意外2.突袭, 突然攻占3.出其不意地揭发4.意外遇见; 当场捉住; 忽然发现5.使无意间做某事surprise sb. in the act冷不防地当场抓住了某人surprise a witness into telling the truth使证人不知不觉中说出真实情况surprise a confession from sb.趁某人不备时使其供认You surprise me!你吓了我一跳!lt's nothing to be surprised about[at].这事不值得大惊小怪。I am surprised at you.我对你的举动感到诧异。I was surprised at seeing [to see] him there.我真想不到会在那里见到他。We surprised the enemy while they were sleeping.我们在敌人睡觉时奇袭他们。She came home early and surprised a burglar.她回家早了一些, 结果撞见了一个夜贼。
词性变化surprise[səˈpraiz]n.1.惊奇, 吃惊2.可惊的事情, 意外的事情3.出其不意, 偷袭be great surprise to sb.使某人感到十分惊奇capture sb. by surprise出其不意地俘获某人What a surprise!多么令人吃惊的事!We have some surprises in store for you.我们还有些出乎你意料的话[礼物]奉告[奉赠]。surprise[səˈpraiz]adj.1.出乎意料的, 令人吃惊的a surprise visit突然的拜访surprise roll-call【军】紧急点名


参考词汇surprise;astonish;amaze;astound;都含“使人感到惊奇”的意思。1.surprise 指“由于出乎意外而惊异或诧异”, 如:His coming surprised me.他的到来使我感到惊奇。2.astonish 指“由于出乎意料而又不能理解而感到吃惊”, 语意较强, 如:I was astonished to see he got up so early.见他起得这么早我感到惊讶。3.amaze 指“由于认为似乎不可能或极少可能发生的事出现而感到大为诧异、迷惑不解”, 语意较强, 如:I was amazed at his impudence.他竟然无耻到这种地步使我感到惊愕。4.astound 指“使震惊”, 语意比amaze强, 如:I was astounded at the news.我听到这个消息大吃一惊。