
surveysurveyD.J.:[səˈvei]K.K.:[sɚˈve, ˈsɚˌve]vt.1.眺望; 纵览I surveyed the view from the top of the hill.我从山顶眺望景色。2.测量; 勘察They are surveying the land before it is divided into house lots.他们要在土地被分割为住宅用地前先勘察这块土地。3.检查, 鉴定Survey the car before you buy it.买车之前先对它鉴定一下。4.通盘考虑, 回顾Let's survey the events leading up to the crime.咱们全面回顾一下导致这一罪行的所有事件。[ˈsə:vei]n.1.调查The reporter is doing a survey of public attitudes.那位记者正在进行民意调查。

survey[sə:'vei; 'sə:vei; sə-]vt.1.概括(局势、情况等);全面考察(或研究):He surveyed Arthur Hailey's novels before presenting the award.颁奖之前他概括地评述了阿瑟黑利的小说。a report surveying the economic development概括经济发展的报告2.调查,向…调查;考察;检验:to survey the will of the people调查民意to survey the students in the universities向在校大学生进行调查3.测量,勘测,测绘:to survey one's land丈量土地to survey the store of mineral resources勘测地下矿产资源的蕴藏4.审视;审阅:Before going out, she surveyed herself in the mirror.出门之前,她在镜子中审视自己。to survey papers审阅文件5.环视,眺望;俯视,鸟瞰:to survey Paris from the top of Eiffel Tower从埃菲尔铁塔上鸟瞰巴黎vi.1.测量,勘测,测绘:to go the mountain area to survey去山区测绘n.1.概览,概况,概略,概论;全面的考察(或研究)2.(正式或官方的)具体调查3.调查,勘查;检验4.调查(或检验)报告;民意调查,民意测验5.抽样调查6.测量,勘测,测绘7.测绘记录;测量图8.被勘测地区9.测量单位;测量局10.审视;审阅11.环视,眺望;俯视变形 n.surveys

surveysurvey[sə:ˈvei]vt.1.眺望, 纵览2.通盘考虑, 审度, 评述, 概述3.测量, 勘查(地区, 海岸等)4.考查, 查看, 检查; 调查, 研究; 鉴定survey the countryside from the top of a hill从山顶眺望乡村survey the international situation概括评述国际形势survey a railway测量一条铁路Have the house surveyed before you offer to buy it.在你出价买那房子之前, 先找人鉴定一下。
词性变化survey[sə:ˈvei]vi.1.测量土地n.[ˈsə:vei, sə:ˈvei]1.俯瞰, 环视, 眺望2.评论, 概观, 概括的研究; 检查, 调查(报告); 查看, 考察3.测量, 勘察(图)monthly survey月评a survey of English literature英国文学概观geological survey地质调查[勘察]

继承用法surveymetern.1.(射线)探测仪, 巡测仪, 检测仪surveyabilityn.1.一目了然surveyableadj.1.可观察的, 一目了然的