
sweepsweepD.J.:[swi:p]K.K.:[swip]vt. & vi.1.扫, 打扫, 拂去She is sweeping with a broom.她在用扫帚扫地。My mother sweeps the kitchen every day.我妈妈每天打扫厨房。She swept the floor clean.她把地板扫干净了。2.扫视His glance swept from right to left.他左右扫视了一下。The captain swept the horizon.船长向地平线扫视了一下。n.1.打扫, 清扫This floor needs a good sweep.这地板需要好好清扫一下。2.挥动, 摆动With a sweep of his sword he cut through the rope.他用剑一挥把绳子砍断了。3.大面积搜索The rescue services did the last sweep to try and find the missing boy.救援队展开最后一次大面积搜索, 设法找到失踪的男孩。

sweep1[swi:p]vt.1.扫,打扫,清扫;掸,拂(常与away, out等连用):to sweep the yard清扫庭院to sweep the dust away on the table掸去书桌上的尘土2.清扫(或清除)出(道路、空地等):They swept a road through the thistles and thorns.他们在荆棘丛中清除出一条道路。3.扫去,清除出;拂去,掸去:He swept all glasses on the table with one of his arm.他用胳臂把桌上的玻璃杯一下子胡噜到了地上。Please help me to sweep the dust on my back.请帮我掸一下我后背的尘土。4.擦,揩:to sweep the glasses in the window擦窗子5.猛推,猛拉,使快速移动;(风、浪等)刮,吹,冲:The bridge was swept by the flood.洪水冲垮了大桥。6.触碰着移动,拂掠;(衣裙)在(地面)上拖曳:The painter swept a brush over his canvas.画家的画笔在画布上飞掠。to sweep one's hands on the keyboard双手在键盘上掠动7.扫掠;向…扫射:sandstorms sweeping the plains扫掠平原的沙暴8.用(目光等)扫视:to sweep the forest with a telescope用望远镜扫视树林He swept the persons who sat in the room.他扫了一眼坐在屋里的人。9.彻底消除,打消;消灭(常与away, off连用):He soon swept the idea away.他很快就打消了那个念头。The enemy guarded the door was swept off.守卫大门的敌兵被消灭了。10.彻底搜查(或搜索):Soldiers swept the town, looking for deserters.军队把小镇搜查得十分彻底,想搜出开小差的士兵。11.在…迅速传播;在…迅速蔓延:The rumour about his scandal swept the state where he was running for the state's congressman.在他竞选的那个州正在迅速传播着有关他丑闻的谣言。The economic crisis was sweeping the whole of Europe.经济危机迅速席卷了整个欧洲。12.在…中大获全胜(或一举获胜);全胜,彻底击败:He swept the presidential election of 2,000.他在2 000年的总统选举中大获全胜。He swept his match winning 3 sets in a row in the finals.在决赛中他以三连胜大败对手。13.(用拖网等)在(河、湖、池塘等)打捞14.(以扫雷舰)扫除(海洋等)中的水雷15.姿势优美地向(某人)行礼(或鞠躬等):He swept her a bow.他潇洒地向她一鞠躬。16.画出…的轨迹:He swept a triangle with his finger.他用手指在空中画了个三角形。17.[废语]在…范围内肃清vi.1.打扫地板(或房间);从事打扫工作:The bedroom sweeps well.卧室已打扫干净了。2.迅速移动,掠过(常与along, down, by, into等连用):A plane swept over our heads.一架飞机从我们的头顶上一掠而过。3.扫掠;扫视:He swept at the gun that pointed at him.他扫了一眼指向他的枪。Searchlights are sweeping in the night sky.探照灯在夜空中扫掠。4.迅速传播;迅速蔓延:The news about the war ending swept through the whole country.战争结束的消息很快传遍了全国。Fire swept across the building.大火很快波及整幢大楼。5.延伸;(蜿蜒)伸展:The country road sweeps up to the top of the hill.那条乡间小路一直延伸到山顶。6.威仪堂堂地走过,昂首走过:She swept in, with her complacency.她喜形于色地昂首走了进来。7.拂掠;(衣裙等)拖曳:Her dress swept along the floor.她的裙裾拖曳在地板上。8.用拖网在水下寻找物品,用网在水下打捞n.1.扫,打扫,清扫,扫除;掸,拂2.扫过;掠过3.搜索,巡戈;军事行动4.扫雷;扫荡;(飞机的)出动5.挥动;掠6.[用复数]扫集之物;尘土,垃圾;(金银加工场的)金银屑7.从事打扫工作的人8.[俚语]无赖汉9.=chimney sweep10.范围;区域11.视野;广度;射程12.向前移动;猛力推进13.磅礴的气势14.拂掠;(衣裙等的)拖曳15.(道路等的)拐弯处;弯曲的道路(或河流等);(木材等的)弯曲部16.连绵的一片;连续的一段时间17.呈弧状的线(或形状、物体、部件等)18.(井边的)杠杆式吊水设备;(泵的)把手19.=sweep oar20.(风车的)翼板 21.双翼除草铲21.=sweepback22.倾斜度23.=power sweep24.完胜,全胜25.【纸牌】26.(惠斯特牌戏等的)满贯27.(卡西诺牌戏等的)通吃,统拿28.【物理学】热平衡的稳定过程29.【电子学】扫描;扫描电压(或电流)30.【冶金学】车板a clean sweep清除,彻底扫除偿清全部撤换完胜,全胜A new broom sweeps clean.见broomat one(或a) sweep一下子,一举sweep all before one完胜,所向披靡sweep everything into one's net见net¹sweep someone off his feet见footsweep the board (或boards, table)赢得桌上所有赌注获全胜,完胜;胜过所有对手sweep the seas见sea变形vt.sweptsweeping sweep2[swi:p]n.1.[俚语] =sweepstakes [亦作sweeps]

sweepsweep[swi:p]vt.(swept [swept])1.扫, 扫除2.扫荡, 肃清, 消灭3.(风等)刮起; 席卷; (浪等)冲走, 带走4.环视, 扫视5.扫过, 掠过6.在...中获全胜, 全盘得胜7.用网打捞8.描绘...的轮廓9.【军】扫射, 扫(雷)10.(电视)扫描11.(铸造)刮(模型)sweep away [off] rubbish扫去垃圾sweep up dead leaves扫(拢)落叶sweep the harbor for mines扫除海港中的水雷sweep the sea of pirates扫荡海盗sweep one's hand across把手急速挥动了一下sweep an election在选举中获得全胜A blizzard swept the country.暴风雪横扫全国。Many bridges were swept away by the flood.洪水冲断了很多桥梁。His fingers swept the keys of the piano.他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动。
词性变化sweep[swi:p]vi.1.扫除; 打扫2.掠过, 快速通过; 疾弛; 急速移动; 威风凛凛地行走, 昂然地走3.伸展; 连绵4.扫视; 环视5.袭击; 刮起; 席卷6.拖曳着衣裙走动The pirates swept down on the town.海盗猛烈袭击那座小城。She swept out of the room.她大模大样地走出房间。His glance swept from right to left.他从右到左扫视了一下。The plane sweeps across the sky.飞机掠过空中。sweep[swi:p]n.1.打扫; 扫除2.掠过3.肃清; 清除4.范围; 视野5.连绵区域; 一带坡地; 弯曲(处)6.全胜7.[常用复] [英]打扫烟囱的人; [英俚]下贱的人8.井边有支柱的杠杆式吊水设备; (风车的)风帆9.长桨10.攻击; 搜索; 扫雷11.(电子)扫描12.[pl.]【军】机枪队a sweep of mountain country山国风光一瞥Give the room a good sweep.好好打扫一下这间房间。You dirty sweep!你这坏蛋!

继承用法sweepagen.1.拂掠, 扫掠sweepback[ˈswi:pbæk]n.1.(离心压缩机叶片)后掠, 后弯; 后掠形; 后掠角sweepforward[ˈswi:pˌfɔ:wəd]n.1.【航空】前掠sweep-secondn.1.长[中心]秒针; 中心秒针计时器sweepswingern.1.大桨划手sweepwoodn.1.沉底木sweep-workn.1.刮板造型, 车板造型sweepup[ˈswi:pʌp]n.1.大扫除