

1. 4.Take up smoking: this may be a tough one, but you can always just swish the smoke around in your mouth rather than inhale.

4. 开始抽烟:这可能会难为你,但你总可以只让烟雾萦绕在嘴里而并不吸入。

2. Swish Application in Homepage Making


3. "Good luck, Harry," he murmured. He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.


4. "a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac" (Julia Child)


5. stalk, press their bodies to the ground, swish their tails and give every sign of going for the kill.Then they would register the chicken’


6. A lone bag made a break for freedom and buoyed by the swish of air it lifted across the room like a jellyfish.


7. A din of shouting and cursing suddenly broke out, then stopped abruptly, only to be replaced by the swish and thud of bamboo and wood on human flesh, voices snarling through clenched teeth, blood-curdling howls, and a sudden rush of feet.

一片叫骂声突然起来,又突然没有,突然变成了人肉和竹木的击冲,拍剌!拍剌! 咬紧了牙齿的嘶叫,裂人心肝的号呼,火一样蓬蓬的脚步声。

8. The Effects of Various Release Parameters on Hit Rate of Swish Shot


9. The paper presents the method to make character cartoons special efficacy in Swish.


10. His conscience could enjoy the crisp swish of a departing skirt


11. He struck off the head of the dandelion with a swish of his cane.


12. He swish off the tops of the nettle with his cane


13. The first technique you will try is the Swish Pattern.


14. Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?


15. Keep the coffee in your mouth without swallowing and swish it about.


16. Swish! A bird flew out of a tree.


17. Swish! He slipped and fell.


18. Take a small cups worth of the mouth wash and swish around the teeth and gums holding in the mouth for 30 seconds and then spit out.


19. A light swish of powder bronzer on the forehead, nose, cheekbones, and chin was all it took to achieve that sun-kissed glow they desired.


20. Class: The swish and flick.


21. Tell the boy not to swish the flower heads off with his stick.


22. Sniff, savor and swish that around for a few moments.


23. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.


24. a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac(bJulia Child)

在鲁 杜 别克大街上的高级点心店(b朱丽亚 蔡尔德)

25. a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac(Julia Child)

在鲁 杜 别克大街上的高级点心店(朱丽亚 蔡尔德)

26. Students learnt a new way to read a story, called SWISH.


27. She turned away with a swish of her skirt.


28. Again she charged me and I dodged, just missing the stinging swish of the wet towel.


29. She likes that it makes hermouth messy and foamy and that she can swish and spit to get it allout!


30. She swish across the floor in her long silk dress.


31. Her skirts gave a swish .


32. Her skirts gave a swish.


33. If somebody gave Gilbert Arenas a water bottle, he could swish a game-winning trey with it.


34. If you use mouthwash, make sure you swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds before you it it out.


35. From time to time they would, press their bodies to the ground, swish their tails and give every sign of going for the kill.


36. Bink passed a field of sea oats, hearing the pleasant swish and gurgle of their oceanic tides.


37. Swish in the solution a second time, rinse and drain on tissue paper.


38. There are many sicknesses doctors can cure with the swish of a pen across prescription pad.


39. When I first sprint off, nothing happens for a split second, just like when you swish that bamboo cane.


40. As data courses through the system, the electrons swish around thousands of millions of times per second with such frantic activity no wonder your laptop gets so hot.


41. Place liquid under the tongue, allow to remain for 30 seconds, and swish before swallowing.


42. We can make it more interesting - Now snap your fingers (getting complicated? Good, you learn fast) as you say SWISH.


43. We heard the swish of a cane.


44. I hear the swish of the sword that is being sharpened to cut off a suitor 's head.


45. I like the deadlines,esp the swish they make when they fly past.


46. Biomechanical analysis of shooting speed and angle for swish shot


47. The wiper on the glass goes swish, swish, swish


48. High-rise buildings are marching across the flatlands and swish malls are springing up, offering global favourites (Häagen-Dazs ice cream) and local ones (Genghis Khan wine).


49. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, all day long.


50. One image might be more repeatable than the rest. This is your cue image, the one that we'll swish soon.


51. Twice in the post with left-handed miniature hooks, one a swish, the other enjoying the backboard.


52. From time to time they would stalk, press their bodies to the ground, swish their tails and give every sign of going for the kill.


53. The article talk about some example using Swish, it introduce making process and technique step by step.

本文涉及swish的实例应用知识 ,从步骤上由浅及深地介绍了制作过程及手法。

54. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,


55. The wiper on the glass goes swish, swish, swish All through the town


56. a swish gown


57. Now swish your hand out and away from your body, as if you are pushing something away.


58. The tea drinker is then expected to add the tea bag to the rapidly cooling water and swish it around, if by that time there is enough heat left to dissolve anything at all.


59. The tea drinker is then expected to add the tea to the rapidly cooling water and swish it around, if by that time there is enough heat left to dissolve anything at all.


60. Then the swish of leaves colliding as my rake herded them together.


61. But when I focused on that photograph, I remembered how much I loved to stretch my arms up to the sky, let go a jump shot, and watch the ball swish majestically through the hoop.


62. But cats swish their tails when they are ready to fight.


63. Chinas:A Zildjian Series 18” Swish、A Zildjian Series 22” A Swish Knocker。


64. Now move quickly, SWISH them - shrink the first one quickly, and as you do enlarge the tiny dot into the full size confident new positive compulsion image, along with the sounds and feelings it holds.


65. Joan: Well he paid me lots of sweet comments, bought dinner for me and then took me to a swish nightclub.


66. Making Character Cartoons Special Efficacy in Swish


67. Stir one teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water, swish it around in your mouth, then spit it out.


68. Set up Swish Swash profile by administrator

由管理员设置Swish Swash配置文件

69. next Richards began to imagine that he had heard the swish of a gown in there at that time;


70. A trading pit in a swish new building will be linked to trading floors in Ethiopia's regions and from there by mobile phone to traders in villages, chalking up prices on a board.


71. IMPORTANT: Do not swish the images back! Do not shrink the positive image after you've swished it.


72. a swish restaurant


73. Whenever they came to a flat open stretch, Xiangzi would tun with only one hand steadying the shaft, the soft swish of rubber tyres behind spurring him on to run swiftly and steadily.


74. Long minutes passed. He felt his heartbeat slow. Then he heard the swish of the doors opening.


75. Also, when you swish the wine around, the aromas are released into the bowl, then you can smell them easily, and finally you can slurp or sip the wine.


76. This may be a tough one, but you can always just swish the smoke around in your mouth rather than inhale.


77. Through setting animated cartoon, scene jump and event, it make reader understanding homepage making by Swish.

通过对动效、场景跳转及事件的设置 ,使读者对swish在网页制作中应用有了充分的了解和掌握

78. It was a sound like a cold wind that passed through with a swish.


79. Public areas of the hotel are open to the elements, but everywhere you turn pitched roofs protect from sun or rain and the swish guestrooms bring the outdoors in.


80. Complete the Receipt Address section by typing the Swish Swash host IP address and port number.

键入Swish Swash主机IP地址和端口号完成Receipt Address区段。
