

1. The temblor was felt 130 miles away in Mexico City.


2. The violent temblor that happened 1976, make national economy of Tang Shan suffers annihilative loss.


3. Italy's first modern law on antiseismic norms was passed in 1976, as a response to the temblor that devastated the Trentino Alto Adige, a northern province in the Alps.


4. After the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, more than 97 percent of the 902 patients who eventually required hospitalization were admitted in the ?rst six days after the temblor.


5. The china sichuan generants temblor is misery in the 12may 2008.


6. Chinese people contributeis exceeding fervency to the temblor area people, moreover the temblor causes chinese people much more solidaritythan beforetime.


7. But given the military's lack of airlift capacity, just a fraction were able to arrive in the quake-hit area by plane in the first day or so after the temblor hit.


8. Minutes after the western temblor, a second, smaller quake struck hundreds of miles away, in an outer district of Beijing.


9. Even if hospitals survive a temblor, many victims will be unable to reach these facilities as a result of injury, damaged roads, and a lack of transportation.


10. The deadly temblor in southwestern China was huge because, like the 1906 quake in San Francisco, a lot of the fault gave way at once.


11. There's been more destruction in central China today after a powerful aftershock. The latest temblor destroyed another 71,000 homes. At least one person was killed, more than 400 were injured.


12. California faces an almost certain risk of being rocked by a strong earthquake by 2037, scientists said last month in the first statewide temblor forecast.


13. The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor.


14. An earthquake (also known as a tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.


15. The temblor was felt as far away as Pakistan , Vietnam and Thailand .


16. The temblor rattled a large swath of Southern California but caused little damage.


17. A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hitted south central Mexico today. The temblor was felt 130 miles away in Mexico City. There have been no reports of heavy casualty or damage.


18. The nearly one-minute long temblor finally subsided, and my reasoning came back to me.


19. Some geologic materials, such as volcanic tuff or partially molten rock, can muffle or even block a temblor's normally intense S waves as they travel through the earth's crust.


20. Euphoria for the August Games has understandably been overshadowed by the devastating magnitude 7.9 temblor that resulted in more than 67,000 deaths and left millions homeless.


21. Report says, this pair suffers the Hawaiian house price after violent temblor is invaded, it is needle of potion strong heart undoubtedly, have " stable soldier's morale " action.


22. The epicenter of the latest temblor was located 32.1 degrees north latitude and 105 degrees east longitude, it said.


23. The temblor measured 5.1 on the Richter scale, the Geodynamic Institute at the University of The ssaloniki and Skopje's Seismological Observatory reported.


24. The Japanese Meteorological Agency put the temblor even higher at 7.8.


25. the epicenter of the latest temblor


26. The U.S.Geological Survey measured the temblor at 7.9, which CNN has been reporting.


27. Water also can infiltrate the rock and significantly increase the rock's "pore pressure," which also can set off or hasten the arrival of a temblor.


28. The PLA have a immediate response and a quick action in Wenchuan temblor among few hours.


29. Haiti's earthquake dashed hopes for economic revival that had been building credibility among aid workers and businessmen days before the temblor hit.


30. Simply put, an earthquake comes to a stop when the pent-up energy propelling the temblor can no longer overcome the friction holding it back.


31. The US Geological Survey and the Pakistan Meteorological Department said the quake measured 7.6 on the Richter Scale, while the Japanese Meteorological Agency put the temblor at 7.8.


32. Since that April temblor, the governors of Illinois and Missouri have formed task forces to assess earthquake preparedness.


33. The buildings around the school withstood the temblor and remain standing.


34. The May 12 temblor, the most powerful in 58 years, toppled 1.5 million houses, buried entire villages and displaced more than 15 million people.


35. The temblor, which was felt as far away as Vietnam and Thailand, injured more than 100 students in Chongqing in cenral China, the official Xinhua News Agency said.


36. The building where I stayed in Qinghai was a four-story concrete box that I had no doubt would be a one-story tomb in a temblor.

