
testifytestify[ˈtestifai]vi.1.作证; 证明The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.指纹专家应邀出庭作证。vt.1.证明; 证实His look testified his guilt.他的神态表明他有罪。

testify['testifai]vt.1.作证;证实,证明:She testified under oath that the defendant was innocent.她发誓证明被告无罪。to testify someone's honesty证明某人诚实2.声明;表明;表白:to testify one's regret说对不起,表示歉意The boss testified his appreciation of Tom's work by raising his pay.老板给汤姆加薪,以示对他的工作的赞赏。3.[古语]宣称;确言vi.1.作证;证实:He testified against the accused.他作了不利于被告的证词。His friends will testify for him.他的朋友们将为他作证。2.表明;证明(与to连用):a look testifying to his impatience显示他已不耐烦的脸色to testify to one's genius证明了某人的天赋变形vt.testifiedtestifying

testifytestify[ˈtestifai]vt.1.证明, 证实2.声明, 确言, 宣称testify one's regret表示歉意Her tears -fied her grief.她的眼泪显示她的悲伤。He -fied that the car was being driven slowly at the time of the accident.他证明事故发生时这辆车开得很慢。
词性变化testify[ˈtestifai]vi.1.证明; 证实, 提供证据testify to his innocence证明某人无罪

继承用法-fication[ˌtestifiˈkeiʃən]n.1.证明, 证言, 证书 -fier
