

1. Different teas had different theine contents and the theine content inlow-grade tea was higher thanthat in high-grade tea.


2. The author analyses some obstacles that exist in the development of countryside market and thein causes.


3. Never argue with en idiot They drag you down to thein level and beat you with enperienee.


4. Canada's International Trade Minister David Emerson announced thein greement late Saturday in Toronto followilows between our two countries.”


5. Also Thursday, security forces arrested Myint Thein, the spokesman for opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi's political party, family members said.

同时周四,安全部队逮捕了myint thein ,发言人为反对党领导人昂山素季的政党,家庭成员说。

6. " TheIn other new reseacheresearch, a study has found that sition circumcision does not decrease the risk that H.I.V. p positive men will infacted infect women.


7. Mr Obama also met leaders from the Association of South-East Asian Nations, including Thein Sein, Myanmar's prime minister, the highest-level American contact with the Burmese junta since the 1960s.


8. President Barack Obama has made a personal appeal to the Burmese Prime Minister General Thein Sein for the release of the pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.


9. Germany has strict laws banning the use of Nazi symbols, but Thein, sporting a Hitler-style mustache and military tunic, said he didn't understand what the fuss was about.


10. Occupational Hazard of Adhesives and Thein Control Measures in China


11. Bring forward two ways to compute the center line of steel tube and analyze thein respectie application.


12. Abstract : Tea is an important cash crop of our country.Tea-Polyphenols, catechins, amino acid and theine are the elements of tea quality that are widely accepted in the world.

摘要 : 茶叶是中国重要的经济作物,茶多酚、儿茶素、氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物为国际上公认的茶叶品质成份。

13. Beach, Amanda Thein, Amanda Haertling Thein, Daryl L.

放大图片 作者: Richard Beach, Richard W.

14. Abstract: The author analyses some obstacles that exist in the development of countryside market and thein causes.


15. TheIn this thesis an ICAI system is built for this subject using automatic reasoning.


16. Police investigated the man after members of the public complained they had seen Roland Thein giving the stiff-armed "Hitler salute" and telling his dog: "Adolf, sit! Give me the salute!"


17. It is one of the difficult technoogies to wed the theine suhassembly of hydraulic torque converter as a key component in auto-shift on with elecbe bo welding.


18. Because theine can be excited central nervous, enhance the excited process with coriaceous cerebra, achieve hearten spirit thereby, eliminate the fatigue, goal that improves labor efficiency.


19. At the conference, Burmese Prime Minister General Thein Sein said his government welcomes more aid as long as it comes without "strings attached" and without "politicization.


20. Just recently the Burmese government has arrested one of the Generation 88, a female, Nilar Thein.


21. Myanmar's ambassador to China, Thein Lwin, told China Daily: "I thank the government of China for taking care of the people who have fled (Myanmar) in fear."


22. Those that make the best use of thein time have none to spare.


23. Keywords Ilet latifolia Thunb;Theine;Ethanol;


24. Tea contains a lot oftea much phenol, theine, amino acid, vitamin and a variety of microelement, have nutrition and sanitarian effect.


25. Furthermore, tea wine has lots of healthcare compositions (the content of tea polyphenols and the content of theine was about 1%).


26. Alan Thein Durning ;

著者: John C Ryan ;

27. Minister of Development of Border Areas and National Races: thein Nyunt


28. DrinkTeaThe excited effect that causes, it is the effect of theine.

