

1. In October a memo came to light detailing the junta's plans, through spreading black propaganda and fomenting anti-Thaksin protests, to subvert the election to thwart a PPP victory.


2. Wheat and rice half as tall as their normal counterparts helped to thwart famine all over India and southeast Asia in the 1960s.


3. NIV] For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?


4. "I can remember the tail slapping and banging and the thwart breaking and the noise of the clubbing.


5. "It will be odd if I thwart myself," he muttered, unconscious that I was behind him.


6. For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?


7. Three young detectives, led by Chen Jin (Nicholas Tse), are soonassigned to thwart another massive bank robbery organized by the RoninGang.


8. Reading offered very little going forward in the first half and when they did the powerful Drogba helped to thwart any imminent danger.


9. In Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and other cities, some secondary schools have divided classes up by gender in a move to thwart puppy love.


10. But, given the rising tensions, Iran's strategy could well be to show sufficient flexibility and thwart possible Israeli plans until a new US administration takes over.


11. Meanwhile, Microsoft has been trying to thwart Google by investing billions in the development of its own search engine and making an unsuccessful attempt to buy Yahoo Inc. for $47.5 billion.


12. A presumptuous nickname, whether applied directly to a person or one's profession, can thwart communication by its offensiveness as much as by its ambiguity.


13. To concentrate on service and activity for God may often actively thwart our attaining of the true, God himself.


14. The history of PC malware is humbling, but it offers lessons that will help us to anticipate some of the ways in which mobile virus writers will strike next and to take steps to thwart them.


15. China's rage is out of all proportion to the alleged offences.It reflects a fear that a resentful, threatened West is determined to thwart China's rise.


16. We may have learned to thwart our feelings in response to our parents' passive-aggressive style of relating.


17. An iron curtain bisects this paradise erected by the Soviets in 1980 along the border to thwart escapees to Poland's renegade Solidarity movement.


18. God knew that he had never wished to thwart her in anything!


19. Both feared that Hanoi in its intractability might thwart major designs with us that had matured over a period of years.


20. These huddle with LDP members, the cosmetically enhanced politician included, who resent the resurgence under Mr Abe of grubby factional politics and backbenchers with the power to thwart market-oriented policy.


21. He sat down and, clinging to the thwart, began to sob quietly.


22. He made the fish fast to bow and stern and to the middle thwart.


23. He made the fish fast to the bow, the stern and to the middle thwart.


24. He also predicts interest rates will reach double digits in the coming years in order to thwart inflation.


25. So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely.

以便对抗,阻碍,或反对地; 任性地

26. 3.So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose;perversely.


27. 3, to elude or thwart by as if by outwitting.


28. But he told a conference sponsored by the Center for a New American Security that China's "size and importance" create a "risk of competition and rivalry that can thwart" such cooperation.


29. But the generals will surely do their damnedest to thwart a Thaksinite restoration.


30. Yet both feared that Hanoi in its intractability might thwart major designs with us that had matured over a period of years.


31. But if the minority votes strictly on party lines the rule cannot work this way and becomes something less defensible in a democracy: a way for the minority to thwart the majority's wishes.


32. However, two countervailing forces could thwart a rally.


33. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company's main incentive for entering the deal was to thwart Microsoft, which had been stalking Yahoo to mount a more serious challenge to Google on the Web.


34. You may be drawn to powerful, charismatic, willful people that challenge, thwart, and ultimately evoke your own power and strengths.Your marriage is likely to be the arena for your greatest growth.


35. To frustrate or thwart.


36. To prevent from being successful; thwart.


37. To thwart the plans of; frustrate.


38. Protecting larger businesses that refuse to adapt would thwart a healthy process of corporate Darwinism.


39. The political instability surrounding the Clone Wars prompted the Republic's most important leaders to travel in well-armed conveyances, in order to thwart would be assassins and kidnappers.


40. Their general objective is to thwart us in our task of armed resistance in defence of the motherland and to accomplish their aggressive plan for subjugating China.


41. Writing with indignation, fear, the sense of superiority, and the masculine power, will thwart the completeness and wholeness of its artistic expression.


42. The junta tried its utmost to thwart the relatively benign outcome that now seems possible.


43. Liverpool responded and could have extended their lead soon after with Bogden making smart saves to thwart both Pacheco and Bruna.


44. The costs of using the immune system to thwart the invasion of potential pathogens come in two primary forms.


45. To that end, particularly in the case of companies with problems, it seems designed to thwart the casual visitor who wants to look deeply into the enterprise and its doings.


46. To thwart this activity, state-of-the-art firewalls control inbound and outbound communications.

到阻碍这次活动, 艺术级的防火墙控制入站和出省的通讯。

47. European hackers discovered a hole in the costly software code that Hollywood banked on to thwart movie pirates.


48. The anti-satellite test may not prove that China can thwart such efforts, but it can certainly complicate them.


49. To go counter to; thwart.


50. In some of these cases, where medication is not helping recurrent outbreaks, a daily medication may be prescribed to thwart outbreaks.


51. Unfortunately, both of them have an inexplicable history which is a thwart to their love.They finally find that they can no longer living together and get apart.


52. But Japan and South Korea are also big farm protectionists, and India has helped thwart Doha by its resistance to broader trade liberalisation.


53. Meanwhile, the INS Tabar, a Russian-made, high-tech Indian warship, managed to thwart the attempted hijacking of an Indian cargo ship off the coast of Somalia.


54. This pass still appeared in the meantime thwart put to put of infrared monitor, because of cellular phone key not operation, this place I am usually disheveled hair now the shot die, miserably.


55. Meanwhile, world health officials have gathered in Ottawa, Canada to discuss efforts to thwart a possible global pandemic.


56. Meanwhile, Kuyt paid tribute to the performance of Wigan goalkeeper Chris Kirkland after the former Liverpool custodian produced two top-class saves to thwart the Dutchman.


57. And, in fact, that knowledge is so basic within you that when someone attempts to thwart your own creation, you feel an immediate discord within yourself.


58. Zhou immediately figured out that Jiang must have come to persuade him to surrender. Zhou Yu devised a clever plan to thwart his efforts and enlisted the help of his subordinate to carry it out.


59. For nine could thwart this evil trick with just some quick arithmetic.


60. They visited Earth many times in an attempt to thwart the Earth Experiment.


61. Cathay Pacific and Air China own 17.5% of each other's shares, and analysts have said they may work together to thwart the Singaporean deal.


62. Circling it is a wide and repellent moat of horrors designed not so much to prevent entry as to thwart escape, a no-man's-land of snares and mazes to deter the seeker of bucolic ease.


63. Rediscover Faydwer as you strive to thwart the plans of the evil gnomish necromancer, Meldrath the Malignant.


64. In Sri Lanka the Tamil National Alliance, once seen as a proxy for the Tigers, has announced its backing for Mr Fonseka, as the only way to thwart Mr Rajapaksa.


65. In some cases, companies have used tactics such as changing their name to thwart workers legal efforts.


66. Meanwhile, Microsoft has tried to thwart Google by investing billions in the development of its own search engine and making an unsuccessful attempt to buy Yahoo Inc. for $47.5 billion.


67. Electronic warfare, the use of elctronic technology to thwart enemy weapons and disrupt communications, was employed during the Gulf War.


68. to put obstacles in the way of; check or thwart


69. In Malaysia, it is primarily used to thwart any opposition to the ruling government and silence the voice of dissidents like Raja Petra.


70. The losers, keenly aware of their losses, have often tried to use the political process to thwart the changes that adversely affect them.


71. She intends to thwart his plans, and be revenged on him.


72. If a 160-pound human must give up telomerase to thwart cancer, then what does a 250,000-pound whale have to do to keep its risk of cancer at bay?


73. If they tried to expand their exports, they would thwart each other, driving down the price of their commodities.


74. If he can thwart a scheme of any priestess and escape detection, he will; he hates the cruelty and wanton destructiveness of most drow priestesses.


75. It seems highly likely that if the government continues to thwart the aspirations of young voters, they will punish it at the next election.


76. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.


77. Viewers will be annoyed if restrictive copy prevention schemes thwart them from watching or listening to programs they have already paid for.


78. If the least-populous states ganged together, senators representing 11% of the population could theoretically thwart the will of the other 89%.


79. They can become strong allies of the school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and thwart curricular objectives.


80. It reflects a fear that a resentful, threatened West is determined to thwart China's rise.

