

1. Water-proof performance:Tith sealed craft can work at the depth of underwater 100m.


2. The tears happy.Engure,grieve,and move on.The only person who is tith us our entire life is owselves.Be ALIVE while you are alive.


3. "Does God's Work necessarily include vows of chastity, tithing, and atonement for sins through self-flagellation and the cilice?


4. "Many people have had a psychological block against tithing (giving), because so many theologians have stressed what tithing would do for the church rather than what it could do for the individual.


5. He has told us from the very beginning to give and last week, talking about tithing, I wrote something that I want to share with you.


6. Tithing and giving generously without thought of reward.


7. Say, okay Im going to start tithing today. Im going to make a commitment and Im going to start giving ten percent.


8. And so today I want to give you another acrostic. Last week I gave you an acrostic for tithing.


9. His father was a Jehovah's Witness and he had to pay a tithing to the church.


10. I learned in serving almost 20 years as bishop and as stake president that an excellent insurance against divorce is the payment of tithing.


11. You can use allowance to pay tithing.


12. If you want to tithe to this ministry you can write to us and we will send you tithing envelopes.


13. Your order is reveiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well tithing your time limit.


14. Tithing security system


15. Here’s an example to help clarify: Suppose you like the idea of tithing 10% of your income to worthy causes.But your finances are too tight for you to feel comfortable tithing right now.


16. Why do Christians having tithing ?


17. If you want your passport returned to you by mail, you must attach a safe-address passport-size envelope, tith sufficient postage for the type of delivery you require.


18. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,dosen't mean they don't love you tith all they have.


19. This is called the spiritual law of tithing,and it is the greatest action you can take to bring more money into your life.


20. "You Ruo replied,"Why not introduce tithing?


21. combination learning tith working


22. To develop the spiritual life of believers towards maturity and build up the spiritual habits, such as , Bible study, prayer, to join cell group and tithing .


23. Pray for them to understand tithing and to honor God with their resources.


24. My opinion is: you may give the tithing to the church, Christian charity or help poor people directly.


25. This isn't a matter of starting some altruistic foundation, of tithing 10% of your income, or even of constantly focusing on the needs of others.


26. We will make regular and sacrificial financial contributions to this church as God prospers us by tithing, and even giving beyond that as we exercise our faith in giving.


27. and we are all united as CHINESE in other word,China is just as Multicutural as Canada, so DEAL TITH THAT!


28. This much I can say to you, tithing is a measure of our faith. If we have faith in God, God will supply our needs.


29. I can change the form of my tithing, I can even change the amount of my tithing, but I will never stop tithing.


30. I practice tithing.


31. I was surprised actually, I didnt think he did. He said, I heard youre sermon on tithing Sunday.


32. This is an attempt to put forward the challenge that we have to face tith and question that we have to resolve a...


33. Worship, tithing, Sunday School or bible study, fellowship with other believers have all taken a back seat.

敬拜、 什一奉献、 主日学或查经班、与其他基督徒的团契生活,全被视为等而次之。

34. Whatever is decided on, I'm tithing most of my share.


35. Is it too much to ask these people (at least those who lead) to spend one-tenth of that time studying subjects related to the Bible and theology (concept similar to tithing)?

有了这些,即使未懂原文或未看很多书,但 至少会知道要向甚麽正确方向寻找答案 ,和知道怎样才算是好的查经。

36. Because of that attitude, tithing usually doesn't have the effect of opening the prosperity flow.


37. Tithing of airway opening


38. Payment of tithing seems to facilitate keeping the spiritual battery charged in order to make it through the times when the spiritual generator has been idle or is not working.


39. The previous week’s sermon had been on tithing, and these animals represented one tenth of a new member’s flock and herd.

由于教会对上一周的讲题是关于十一奉献,这些牲畜刚好是一位新会友所养的家畜的十分之 一。

40. tithing man


41. In vs.44-47, he was writing about how people brought their tithing to the temple;Levites, the singers and those who worked in the temple were taken care of.

第 44-47 节中,他写到人们如何将供物带到圣殿献上,利未人、歌唱者和守门的人也都得到他们应得的份。

42. I also believe tithing is a good thing.


43. Let’s return to the tithing example.


44. This principle of tithing goes throughout the Bible and we, if we desire to please the Lord, should vow to tithe to Him as well.


45. We were learning about tithing at the time.


46. The shell is of diecasted A1-alloy tith plastic-sprayed surface.


47. So what is the first critical step in tithing? Number one would be to face your fears.

