

1. Integer determining the minimum number of notes to show in the Tomboy note menu.


2. Indicates that the Sticky Note Importer plugin has not been run, so it should run automatically the next time Tomboy starts.


3. If enabled, all notes that were open when Tomboy quit will automatically be reopened at startup.


4. Whitespace-separated list of note URIs for notes that should always appear in the Tomboy note menu.


5. ‘If Jo is a tomboy and Amy a goose what am I please?’ asked Beth ready to share the lecture.


6. "If Jo is a tomboy and Amy a goose, what am I, please?" asked Beth, ready to share the lecture.


7. Suddenly it was OK to be a tomboy, and girls across China posted blogs saying that the ballsy and idiosyncratic Li had inspired them to be themselves.


8. He made a little small talk with her, found out about what she had been like as a kid, whether she had been a tomboy or boy crazy, whether she had been homely or pretty, lonely or gay.

他同她瞎聊天,了解到她的一些情况:她小时候是个像男孩子一样顽皮的姑娘呢,还是一个迷恋男孩子的娇嫩姑娘? 她原来长得普普通通呢,还是很漂亮? 生性孤僻呢,还是很开朗?

9. 1. His daughter is a saucy tomboy .


10. Tomboy A girl considered boyish or masculine in behavior or manner.


11. She is such a tomboy that bustles about all day long.She 's anything but a lady.


12. Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skateboarding to playing with tea sets as a tomboy growing up in Philadelphia, PA.


13. She explained: 'Cho Chang is a girly girl.She likes skirts and I am much more of a tomboy.


14. and above all, with Use, a tomboy with a blazing temper.


15. Mmm i don't know, but at my age i think tomboy suits me better. But personally i want to be a strong woman.


16. because his wife is such a Tomboy.


17. For the most part, and on the outside, I was a good kid, a giggly tomboy who liked to play sports and who was good at competition.


18. For the most part, and on the outside, I was a good kid,a giggly tomboy who liked play sports and thrived on competition.


19. My natural tomboy affinities have bagged me some great seats and quality dates starting, but not necessarily ending, at a sports venue.


20. She had always been a tomboy, unlike her sister.


21. She has been a tomboy since she was born.


22. She was not exactly a tomboy.


23. She had always been tomboy, unlike her sister.


24. She was 19 when I was born, a tall tomboy with flyaway blond hair and the wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs of an athlete which she was.


25. She was a tomboy who liked to keep company with the servants, worrying about their wages, and with the mahouts, learning their songs and stories of elephants.


26. She's a little bit of a tomboy.


27. Anyway, the song Tomboy is receiving lots of love.


28. Kangin: anyway, the song Tomboy is receiving lots of love. The performance, it's really cute, really, you're really like a tomboy, it's really cute


29. English: If enabled, all notes that were open when Tomboy quit will automatically be reopened at startup.


30. English: Enable this option if you want to be able to middle-click the Tomboy icon to paste timestamped content into the Start Here note.


31. English: The note URI of the note that should be considered the "Start Here" note, which is always placed at the bottom of the Tomboy note menu and also accessible by hotkey.


32. You can create new notes to hold your ideas by selecting the "Create New Note" item from the Tomboy Notes menu in your GNOME Panel.

您能够通过单击 GNOME 面板上阿帖便笺菜单中的“创建新便笺”来创建新便笺,以记录您的想法。

33. I used to be a tomboy.


34. I will continue to perform Tomboy in music programs, show programs, radio shows, and here, i will visit regularly. I will work very hard.


35. BSG: i will continue to perform Tomboy in music programs, show programs, radio shows, and here, i will visit regularly. i will work very hard


36. You know, I grew up with brothers and I was sort of a tomboy because I always wanted to hang out with my brothers' friends and be with them.


37. I think she was either just a knock-around tomboy kind of gal, or maybe she was desperate to touch such a fine example of manly manhood.


38. Although I am long am the girl type, is actually real “the tomboy”.


39. I was a tomboy.


40. I've gotten better. Tomboy's dance step is famous on the internet right (as in lot of ppl are searching for it?


41. She is a really very elegant and feminine lady whereas I am a careless tomboy.


42. OP: I asked why would you be shy about a tomboy to see how he feels and he said I like tough women.


43. Week by week her list grew: I was skinny; I wasn't a good student; I was a tomboy; I talked too loud; I was stuck-up, and so on.


44. Yeah, I was a, I was a tomboy.


45. LL: You? A tomboy? You"re kidding, right? You always wear dresses and you act very feminine. I don"t believe it.


46. A mystery for most of the film, she gets close to a slack-jawed tomboy and joins the fly-fishing club, the mystery unravels.


47. Privately, Emma has no clever and wit of Hermione, but she is a live and active neighbor girl, even a bit like a tomboy.


48. Cho is more of a girly girl, and I'm more of a tomboy.


49. Piper is Fender's tomboy kid sister, who surprises everyone with her determination and strength.


50. the looking-glass incidents ; the tomboy code ; the family heritages ; the sexual abuse ; personae ; self


51. In the main competition she sang other songs written for male performers and called herself "a tomboy.


52. In recent months, Katie has transformed herself from her tomboy Dawson's Creek character Joey Potter into a sleek fashionista who is never uncomfortable on the red carpet.


53. Ivey:There are other porches.Do you find me too much of a tomboy?


54. Well, I don't know if you and my sister will have much in common. My sister is kind of a tomboy.


55. You tomboy!


56. Sorry, I have no idea of this expression. I prefer tomboy to refer to a girl who is boyish or masculine in behavior .


57. Li Yuchun, a music student whose tomboy looks and confidence onstage are the talk of Chinese chat rooms, won with 3.5 million votes.


58. 16.I was a tomboy the majority of my life back in Barbados. I'm still a little tomboyish.

