
ask/look for trouble

1. 找麻烦

You were asking for trouble by saying that!


get sb. into trouble

1. 使某人陷入困境

Are you intending to get us into trouble?


Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

1. 麻烦没来找你, 可别自找麻烦。

习惯用语a sea of troubles1.困难重重ask for trouble1.[口]自讨苦吃be a trouble to1.对...是一个麻烦(或讨厌的人)be in troubles with1.和...闹纠纷bear sb.'strouble on one's back1.替某人担当责任borrow trouble1.自寻苦恼; 杞人忧天don't trouble1.别费事get into trouble1.招致不幸, 陷入困境, 遭受处罚2.(使)未嫁怀孕3.被捕, 坐牢get out of trouble1.(使)摆脱不幸[困境]; (使)免受责骂[处罚]give sb. trouble1.麻烦人家go to the trouble1.不怕麻烦; 特意(后常接 of + 动名词)have trouble with1.有...病痛I'll trouble you to1.劳驾你..., 请你...make trouble1.闹事, 捣乱make trouble for1.给 ...带来麻烦meet trouble halfway1.自寻烦恼no trouble (at all)1.[口]这不费事, 容易得很, 没什么put oneself to (the) trouble1.不怕麻烦, 愿意费力save oneself the trouble (of)1.省掉(...的)麻烦take (the) trouble1.尽力设法; 不怕费事teething trouble1.出牙期的病痛; [喻]事情开始时的暂时困难trouble sb. for sth.1.[口]麻烦某人做某事(如递某物、告诉时间、比赛分数等, 常用于疑问句)特殊用法corrosion troubles1.腐蚀损坏, 由于腐蚀的故障electrolytic trouble1.电解性事故, 电解障碍exchange trouble1.电话局内故障, 电话交换故障forestall trouble1.防止事故May troubles1.牛奶成分波动(由于牛奶的成分因季节性变化, 春季牛奶的加工就发生困难)microphony trouble1.颤噪效应, 颤噪故障operating trouble1.操作故障; 行车事故pitch trouble1.树脂障碍pitch troubles1.沥青障short trouble1.短路故障sky-wave trouble1.夜间效应, 天波效应, 天波干扰teething trouble1.初期故障water trouble1.水害wiring troubles1.线路故障