

1. One wintry day, as he was trudging through the slippery streets, he fell and broke his leg. Thereupon they took him to a hospital.


2. There was a stream of refugees trudging up the valley towards the border.


3. Snow won't merely be a white covering on top of the ground, but will actually build up to the point where your dwarf is trudging chin deep in snow to try and get somewhere.


4. It might cov infamy not be the feel good movie to see after a long hard day or week trudging along in reality, but its hands down the best movie of the summer.


5. Participants have to rise early to catch breakfast discussions and then spend the day trudging around in the snow to their next appointments.


6. About a couple of hours later he would hear them trudging back again, and when he asked where they had been, they would say, in a low grumble, "To the bulls".


7. Two mules well laden with packs were trudging along.


8. journey sometimes passes through a broad, level plain, while sometimes trudging through a rugged, hazardous path.


9. So my great-grand-parents started a very romantic journey into the unknown, great-grand-mother clad from head to toe in a purde, trudging fifty yards behind her husband.


10. It is a common sight to see groups of rebels toting Soviet-made Kalashnikov rifles and laden with heavy cartridge belts trudging into the mountains, en route to battle.


11. They are still stuck in wartime London, trudging around a train station in their school uniforms.


12. He was trudging laboriously on the rugged mountain path.


13. Disgusted with such a lackluster prize, he promptly discarded it before trudging on.


14. However, he was substituted off before El Guaje's hat-trick, trudging off 54 minutes in.


15. But Lamar Odom is trudging through another game so far and now appears to be settling for jump shots with Fabricio Oberto playing far off of him.


16. When the road you are trudging seems all uphill.


17. You can be sure we were not unhappy to see the village after six days of trudging through the waist-high snow.


18. They passed through the wicker gate and headed into the distance, trudging in the direction of the hazy morning sun.


19. The most prominent image which struck me was that of Eidur Gudjohnsen trudging off the pitch in tears.


20. After trudging for some distance, his slow steady steps acted as a soporific.


21. He would carry a fowling piece on his shoulder, for hours together, trudging through woods and swamps, and up hill and down dale, to shoot a few squirrels or wild pigeons.


22. Trudging back from Tristram, a bulging sack slung over one shoulder, Edward kept his head down and his eyes on the dusty road.


23. Roaming about and trudging a lot,hardly have I gained anything,but ,seeking is everything!


24. trudging (along) through the deep snow


25. a lone figure trudging through the snow


26. Grunt: Warchief, we've been trudging through this wasteland for a week with nothing to fight but centaurs and pig-men! We need real enemies to test our mettle!


27. To a paramecium, swimming through water feels the way trudging through chilled molasses would feel to us.


28. Brooks comes trudging up the sidewalk. He glances up as a prop-driven airliner streaks in low overhead.


29. When the road you're trudging seems all uphill.


30. Coming out of the front yard was Uncle Peter, a market basket on his arm, and when he saw Scarlett and Mammy trudging along, a wide, incredulous smile split his black face.


31. After trudging home across the moors in the rain we looked like something the cat brought in.


32. We are trudging a plain high road.


33. l:LANG="EN-US">The first time we set eyes on "Big Red" father mother and I were trudging through the freshly fallen snow on our way to Hubble's Hardware store on Main Street in Huntsville Ontario.


34. The first time we set eyes on "Big Red" father mother and I were trudging through the freshly fallen snow on our way to Hubble's Hardware store on Main Street in Huntsville Ontario.


35. I think of the negress, wasted and consumptive, Trudging through muddy streets, seeking with a fixed gaze The absent coco-palms of splendid Africa Behind the immense wall of mist;


36. I know this from the personal experience of being eaten alive by them while trudging through a forest in western Russia this week.


37. My muscles ache from trudging through the snow.


38. The first time we set eyes on "Big Red," father, mother and I were trudging throughthefreshlyfallensnowonourway to Hubble's Hardware store on Main Street in Huntsville, Ontario.


39. Prior to the serenity at this moment, I have already experienced the wear and tear from a long journey trudging through a number of mountains and rivers.


40. Maybe I'm only a sorrowful traveller, carrying the weight of love, trudging silently and trying to cross the endless desert in search of the oasis in my heart tenaciously.


41. Coming with a host of long spikes, these sandals are a sure shot way to aerate the garden without trudging along any heavy tools.


42. 9. It was drawing on to sundown when I met a stout, dark sour-looking woman coming trudging down a hill.


43. Then, in Schlemmer's words, “Out of the night, through the falling snow, came the German columns trudging in their heavy coats, rifles slung over their shoulders, along the road.


44. There are even small children trudging down the road, carrying heavy plastic jugs.


45. The climbers of Mount Tai are rewarded with chances to feast their eyes on the charming scenery and ancient structures in different styles while trudging up the tortuous paths.


46. John continued trudging off through the whirling snow, while David clambered down the steep embankment.


47. The dog ran, and Mr Taylor's trudging wellingtons made the only sound.


48. Trudging in the Thorns--On the Culture Personality of Chinese Modern Leftist Intellectuals


49. Sometimes the walkers found themselves caught up in long lines of refugees, footsore like them, trudging alongside ox-carts and bicycles piled high with mattresses and pans and live chickens.


50. literators trudging up to knock at Fame's exalted temple-door


51. Those Chongqing newcomers can be seen in droves, trudging through the city's streets with lengths of stout bamboo looking for casual work as old-fashioned porters.


52. Just now she had given it marching orders and it had been trudging over the sandy plains of a history of German thought.


53. I was nine years old, trudging down the cold, wet streets of Springfield, with a beat up leather satchel of popular magazines over my shoulder.

