

1. "Our first quarter results underscore the importance of executing GM's revised viability plan, which goes further and faster to lower our break-even point," said GM CEO Fritz Henderson.


2. If set, Organize files will replace spaces in filenames by an underscore.


3. * Line 2: The underscore character is commonly used to represent the “translation function” (from gettext).

第2行:底线字符普遍用于表示"翻译功能(translation function)"(来自gettext)。

4. Visual Basic uses a standard naming convention for event handlers that combines the name of the event sender, an underscore, and the name of the event.

Visual Basic采用标准命名约定对事件处理程序进行命名,即用下划线将事件发送方和事件的名称组合起来。

5. {The module name is not valid.}Enter a valid module name, which must begin with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character. It cannot contain spaces.


6. “They are journalistically appropriate, they underscore the story, and our decision is to go with the program as originally produced.


7. "He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point" (Skylines)


8. "Despite the limitations of our findings," particularly in regard to causality, the researchers underscore "the need for continued awareness and follow-up of DES-exposed mothers and their children."


9. " Russell's remarks underscore the importance of having dialogue and exchanges and enhancing mutual understanding among different countries, nations and civilizations.


10. The proposals, issued last month, underscore a marked shift in the perceived riskiness of insurance firms.


11. Documents filed on Friday in the U.S.District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles underscore Swiss advisers' role in helping clients sidestep U.


12. underscore character


13. underscore attribute


14. underscore display


15. Do not use the underscore, and use abbreviations sparingly, because abbreviations can cause confusion.


16. Characters, including underscore (_), percent (%), and brackets ([ ]), used with the LIKE keyword for pattern matching.


17. Like element names, attribute names are case-sensitive and must start with a letter or underscore.


18. This is not vastly out of line with other developing countries but it does underscore the need for a ready supply of inflation-beating assets in which pension funds and individuals can invest.


19. And they underscore a new appreciation that success in Japan is no longer enough.


20. No staffswere harmed in either incident but they underscore the increasinglydifficult conditions for aid workers trying to operate in Somalia.


21. To differentiate these names from cell references, an underscore (_) is automatically added as a prefix to the incompatible names.


22. Please underscore the word three times for emphasis.


23. For maximum interoperability, the gateway client should assume only SQL-92-standard pattern matching (the percent (%) and underscore (_) wildcard characters).


24. To further underscore the Gungan philosophy, Lucas downplayed the support structures and surrounding "ribs" of the bubble city, so that it would appear mostly as incandescent globes.


25. For young adults who are already obese, the findings underscore the importance of lifestyle changes, he told Reuters Health.

为已经肥胖的年轻成人, 研究结果强调生活方式变动的重要性, 他告诉了路透社健康。

26. There is no need to underscore the fact that his passing away at a time venerable of his caliber are greatly needed is an irreparable loss to the W.B.S.C. as well as to the Buddha Sasana.


27. He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point(Skylines)


28. He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point.


29. "On Sunday morning, BUsh attended an ecumenical church service in a an old French-built Roman Catholic basilica to underscore the need for greater religious freedom."


30. Names that begin with or contain an underscore character (_), property accessors, and operator overloading methods are examples of types that might require special treatment by some compilers.


31. Begin with a letter, and use letters, numbers, and the underscore(_), but no spaces.

以字母开头,并且可以使用字母、数字和下划线 (_),但不能含有空格。

32. But they have something else in common, too.They are popular locally.And they underscore a truth that has been evident since the New Deal: sometimes the boondoggle is in the eye of the beholder.


33. But Friday and Saturday a few minor financial frustrations underscore a certain level of crankiness.


34. But past promises of the world's rich underscore the scope of the shortfall.


35. However, not all of them do: the ELF specification states that C symbols do not have a leading underscore on their assembly-language names.


36. But continued, and widespread, gloom and plans to slash investment underscore the fragility of any recovery.


37. The authors suggest that these findings underscore the need for the disclosure and management of these relationships.


38. underscore deepening tension over

使 ... 更加紧张

39. The use of the double underscore, apart from its conformant aspect, is also a reasonable guarantee of being non-invasive with the existing code base of the language users.


40. Let me underscore two of many reasons for this concern.


41. The relatively low levels of awareness and the considerable demand for more public involvenment in decisions about biotechnology underscore the need for a significant commitment to consumer education and information.


42. Associative array are subject to the same limitations as regular variable names in PHP, i. E. They cannot start with a number and must start with a letter or underscore.


43. Any name can be used, no words are reserved, but the idea is to make names descriptive. Names with an underscore separator are nice.


44. Outstanding Music Composition For A Series, Dramatic Underscore


45. Over score A line printed over character or words.Also called Strike-through, Strike-out See Underscore.


46. The findings, according to Loucks and his colleagues, underscore the potential importance of heart-disease prevention and treatment in people who have faced lifelong disadvantage.


47. An identifier containing multiple words is written either with an underscore between each word or by capitalizing the first letter of each embedded word.


48. The actions underscore a renewed official push to control these lawyers, who already run the risk of being detained, harassed, attacked and threatened with disbarment for their work.


49. Both sides sought to underscore the importance of the revamped Strategic and Economic Dialogue with Obama delivering a major policy address to welcome a sizable Chinese delegation of 150 diplomats.


50. The latest incidents of violence in Pakistan underscore the extremist threat facing the country, a vital U.


51. The name of a variable, its identifier, can be composed of letters, digits, and the underscore character.


52. underscore; the other four kinds of names are identifiers beginning with uppercase letters.


53. Additionally, parent_name can only contain A-Z, 0-9 and the underscore character.


54. It's easy to separate your prefix and the table name with an '_' (underscore, omit the quotes).


55. Also on Capitol Hill, a group of lawmakers held a news conference to underscore their call for the Bush administration to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq no later than October of 2006.


56. When you name an element in your Visual Basic application, the first character of that name must be an alphabetic character or an underscore.

命名Visual Basic应用程序中的元素时,名称的首字符必须为字母字符或下划线。

57. Thus I do not mean to decry a fashion, but to underscore the motive behind the contemporary taste for the extreme in art and thought.


58. Underscore to capwords notation Conversion between mixed-case and capwords is, of course, just an issue of lowercasing or uppercasing the first character, as appropriate


59. In URLs, no spaces are worst, underscore are better, dashes or hyphens are best.


60. On Sunday morning, Mr.Bush attended an ecumenical church service in an old French-built Catholic basilica to underscore the need for greater religious freedom.


61. The logistical and environmental hurdles involved in executing these dams underscore China's commitment to hydropower.


62. In advance of that meeting, the United Nations Environment Program has released a new science report that underscore the urgency of the situation and need for governments to act.


63. A space followed by an underscore ( _) at the end of a line continues the source code statement.


64. A space followed by an underscore ( _) at the end of a line indicates that the statement continues on the following line.


65. In this project, I underscore the specificities of contemporary Korean cinema by focusing on both commercially driven films and art cinema.


66. In the company's employee manual a thick black line is used to underscore the most important rules.


67. to underscore(written matter) with a single line to indicate italics


68. To underscore(written matter) with a single line to indicate italics.


69. A multiword identifier traditionally either contains an underscore between each word or capitalizes the first letter of each embedded word.


70. Mr. Obama told an audience in Ohio Friday that the job losses underscore the importance of his economic stimulus package, which he signed into law last month.


71. If the $ character is not followed by a left brace, letter, or an underscore, the $ character remains unmolested in the text literal.


72. If you get an error message displayed, make sure you've typed in the URL correctly - it's a hyphen in the "cgi-bin" part of the URL, but an underscore in the "dss_search" part.


73. It must contain at least one alphabetic character or decimal digit if it begins with an underscore.


74. If you want to support toggle items, you must use a computer that does not include underscore characters in its name.


75. If you want to separate words in a name, good choices are the period, hyphen, and underscore.


76. If the group name contains any characters that are not valid for the alias field, they will be replaced by underscore characters (_).


77. Delegate names consist of the event sink interface, an underscore, the event name, and the word EventHandler.


78. word underscore character

字下划线符, 字下划线特性

79. Field names can contain only letters, numbers, or the underscore character.


80. Loneliness in people over 50 greatly increases their risk of high blood pressure, researchers say, in the latest study to underscore the health advantages of friends and family.

