

1. “I'm in your way, though,” he said to him in an undertone;“let us have a talk about my business, and I'll go away.


2. "Well," she said with the same undertone of contempt that seemed to pull her apart from him.


3. "Just look behind you," he said in an undertone.


4. "I expected something like this all along," replied Shang Chung-li in an undertone, slowly stroking his beard and shooting Liu Yu-ying an appraising glance. "That's why I advised you to keep a firm grip on Hsu Man-li."

“我早就料到有这一着,所以我上次劝你耐心笼络曼丽。” 尚仲礼也轻声说,慢慢地捋着胡子,又打量了刘玉英一眼。

5. 'I must leave now,' he said in an undertone.


6. "I knew you would be here," answered Pierre. "I'm coming to supper with you," he added in an undertone, not to interrupt the vicomte who was still talking. "Can I?


7. “I knew you would be here,” answered Pierre. “I'm coming to supper with you,” he added in an undertone, not to interrupt the vicomte who was still talking. “Can I?”


8. 'I don't think she's been told yet,' he said in an undertone.

“我认为还没有人告诉她呢, ”他低声说道。

9. "-" Bush became the current property market undertone.


10. "How delightful this little princess is!" said Prince Vassily in an undertone to Anna Pavlovna.


11. Being careful not to wake up the mate, whose room was opposite, I spoke in an undertone.


12. They talk about "The Sleeping Giant".About "The Birth of the New SuperPower" or "The Awakening of the Red Dragon".Often with a strange kind of undertone,which is supposed to frighten us.


13. He spoke in an undertone.


14. He turned back to the boy and said in a trusting and secretive undertone: "Let's not pay any attention to him OK?"


15. He simply looked at the sea dully and swore in an undertone


16. He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received.


17. He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received


18. He had a loud voice, but he deliberately muttered in an undertone at the moment.


19. His soft words contained an undertone of warning.


20. His voice sank down to a steady and reproachful undertone.


21. There is an undertone of regret in what he said.


22. He replied, laughing but with a undertone of regret.


23. There was an undertone of bitterness in his words.


24. And all of them innocents, caught up in the net,' he added in an undertone, for fear that the soldiers might hear him.


25. But this also carries a demeaning and offensive undertone: that these people are only half-real, they are neither completely Chinese nor actually white.


26. But, throughout it all, and through the whole discourse, there had been a certain deep, sad undertone of pathos, which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the natural regret of one soon to pass away.


27. But there is a definite political undertone.


28. It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-color, because of the smoke that dimmed the air.


29. It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-colour, because of the smoke that dimmed the air.


30. speak, murmur, etc in an undertone

低声说话﹑ 低语

31. undertone n.


32. Typical of the Kashmir colour is a pure, intense blue with a very subtle violet undertone, which is intensified yet more by a fine, silky shine.


33. Cool skin types have a blue undertone in their skin.


34. Reports of renewed soviet enquiry for up to one million tones of community grain added to the steadier undertone.


35. Village sets of furniture to the general style of the purchase, control and appropriately based undertone particularly prominent.


36. There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone--does it in any way reflect my romances?


37. carbon black undertone of titanium dioxide;

名称 二氧化钛炭黑法底色;

38. Roy:So, what, placing a classified ad didn't have the right undertone of personal violation for you?


39. The noise occultation was significant, and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted.


40. The king went on to himself in an undertone.


41. On a broader scale, we sense that this undertone of frustration has significant political implications, for it cuts across ages, generations, races, and political and economic groups.


42. Caught in the undertone, just caught in the undertone


43. perseverance is the undertone players in the field he found his fanaticism and more unusual perseverance.


44. The Methods and Significance of Undertone Training in Vocal Music Teaching


45. Big sofa is not blue, striped with dark red undertone small Suihua design, providing a square-side tables, most occupied indoor area.


46. She seized Fanny with maternal fierceness and eagerness, and uttered some rapid abuse to the girl in an undertone


47. She wrote often, and this was noticed. It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her.


48. "She caught the low undertone, as of the wind sinking down to repose itself;


49. Now she caught the low undertone, as of the wind sinking down to repose itself;


50. She can always smell it, a hollow undertone of potions and hopelessness.


51. Dark ruby-garnet in color, the wine has an intense, complex bouquet packed with cherry and cassis, and an undertone of wood spices.


52. 9.The nose is full of bright berry fruit and violets with green pepper and a soft tobacco-like undertone.


53. undertone training


54. Undertone training is a good means for students to master the correct methods of pronunciation and it plays an important role in the health protection of students' voices.


55. It is the thought of sin that will keep you low at His feet, and give the deep undertone to all your adoration.


56. Still, despite the laid-back atmosphere in most bars, a haunting undertone remained in most people's minds about the last time New Yorkers were forced out onto the streets.


57. He said this in the same gentle undertone, but it came as a great shock to Chu Kuei-ying, and the colour drained from her cheeks.

屠维岳仍旧很客气,而且声音很低; 可是朱桂英却听着了就心里一跳,脸色完全灰白。

58. gentle undertone, but it came as a great shock to Chu Kuei-ying, and the colour drained from her cheeks.


59. sentiment undertone


60. ' Often with a strange kind of undertone, which is supposed to frighten us.


61. an undertone of horror


62. But it is a blessed burden, and it is a groan whose undertone is praise and unutterable joy.


63. overall room color very uniform, except as undertone White, the owner went red as the main colour of the room.


64. The exhaust has a barbaric undertone and the power on tap at any given time is plentiful.


65. The discharge printing process using reactive dyes to dye the ground shade and to discharge the undertone was discussed.


66. The Mood of poets can cover every link and process of creative activities with a film of emotional undertone.


67. Warm skin types have a yellow undertone in their skin.


68. All day the birches bend to hear The river's undertone;


69. The bouquet is extremely persistent and appealing, with a precious, spicy undertone, reminiscent of cinnamon.

气味: 酒香非常持久而诱人,带少许辛香和桂皮味。

70. Huimai gradually diminished, the sky slowly yield undertone.


71. ' And he added in an undertone to the Queen, `Really, my dear, YOU must cross-examine the next witness.It quite makes my forehead ache!'


72. It was this profound and continual undertone that gave the clergyman his most appropriate power.


73. honey undertone


74. The design and improvement of television's overweight undertone sound system


75. pink with an undertone of mauve


76. “I'm coming to supper with you,” he added in an undertone, not to interrupt the vicomte who was still talking.“Can I?


77. When he saw Tu Wei-yueh coming out, he looked round to make sure there was no one within earshot, then shifted closer to him and asked in an undertone, "You're not going to surrender to Chien Pao-sheng like this, are you, Mr. Tu?"


78. A remark made in an undertone so as to be inaudible to others nearby.


79. Art and the main color is red undertone, a (light effects), especially lighting effects to the best position to take;


80. after-session undertone

