

1. "People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so.


2. "References to the cold war now are ... unhelpful ...


3. Dictionaries are often unhelpful for language-learners because the defining vocabulary is unknown


4. On the one hand, such people can poison the working environment; the other hand, these descriptions are totally unhelpful.


5. Up is down. Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful.


6. Meanwhile the man down the street who treats his girlfriends mean, never calls, is rude and unhelpful and shows little respect appears to have a fan club developing.


7. Such disparity in national fortunes can, and often does, create envy and resentment, especially if the former is perceived as being unhelpful or supercilious in its treatment of the other.


8. TCM clinical atrophy is caused by artificial factors,training model,self-orientation and unhelpful guide are the main reasons for TCM slow atrophy.


9. an unhelpful response/reply


10. "eople often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so.


11. People often look for similarITies, even between very different things , and even when IT is unhelpful or harmful to do so.


12. From this list of thought-leading companies, the concept seems to boil down to this: thought leader is simply a new and unhelpful way of saying successful.


13. They did that by removing unhelpful aspects of the images, such as lighting effects and highlighting structural features of the face according to Jenkins.


14. He was rude and unhelpful to his helpless students.


15. "The international environment happens to be unhelpful for China's weapon development," he said, citing weapons embargos against China byEuroupean Union and the US.


16. She was driven from pillar to post. Each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.


17. He said it was unhelpful for doctors to be biased against obese patients.


18. And, he adds, there is a recognition at the “highest levels” that such snippiness is becoming unhelpful.


19. But as a permanent fixture this rule would be an unhelpful drag, restricting short selling's role in greasing the market's wheels and aiding price discovery.


20. But this view of creativity is simply wrong, and unhelpful in a corporate setting.


21. Are you making a lifestyle choice, or surrendering to an unhelpful belief?


22. Road rage is the unhelpful behaviour that occurs with a strong feeling of anger when someone else in the road system does something that you don't want them to do.


23. In fact, actin ring seals tight unhelpful.


24. The original OFP had a really unhelpful UI.


25. The Exchange Fund is therefore not an ordinary investment fund, and comparisons between it and other investment funds are unhelpful, the spokesperson said.


26. It is unhelpful for teachers to assume that different varieties of language can be categorized in monolithic terms. Some categories are determinate and clear cut than others.


27. At the same time ,people in te new cultrue often seem to be deliberately unhelpful and to act without reason.


28. Because we're no longer reinforcing unhelpful emotions, the body starts to relax.


29. A lesser confrontation, in which he as good as called Andrew Johnson, the Everton striker, a cheat before being forced to retract his comments, was also unhelpful.


30. In more normal situations, coverage as a guide to design only decreases the value of the tests or puts testers under unproductive pressure to meet unhelpful goals.


31. Soft redirects to foreign language editions of Wikipedia should be avoided because they will generally be unhelpful to English-language readers.


32. Apple is hardly alone in the high-tech industry when it comes to duff gadgets and unhelpful call centres, but in other respects it is highly unusual.


33. For this reason, medical theory is relatively unhelpful in filling in gaps in the factual picture.


34. Last week at the Asia Society, she urged Pyongyang to refrain from what she called "any provocative action" and "unhelpful rhetoric".


35. eg. She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.


36. She was driven from pillar to post and each person she speak to be more unhelpful than the last.


37. She be drive from pillar to post and each person she speak to be more unhelpful than the last

她被迫四处奔走求救於人, 但愿意帮她的人一个不如一个

38. She is drive from pillar to post and each person she speak to is more unhelpful than the last.

她被迫四处奔走求救於人, 但愿意帮她的人一个不如一个。

39. She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.


40. I think underlining becomes unhelpful when there are numerous inline links in paragraphs, in lists of links, and when there are lots of sets of links on a page.


41. They are typically poorly written, unhelpful, rude, and worst of all, are never in time to prevent the error in the first place.


42. rudely unaccommodating to the customers; icily neutral,disagreeably unhelpful


43. rudely unaccommodating to the customers; icily neutral, disagreeably unhelpful.


44. When it comes to more mainstream services, staff are dour and unhelpful.


45. When I return to my desk, clients and employees often comment that Maxine comes across as uncaring, unhelpful, rude and just plain miserable.


46. Certainly, I have seen people who have had years of “counselling” that has been unhelpful and in some cases damaging.


47. I find that the staff on some airlines can be very unhelpful.


48. The thing about fear is it can be immobilizing and incredibly unhelpful when you need to be at your most confident.


49. The thing about fear is is can be immobilizing and incredibly unhelpful when you need to be at your most confident.


50. Deliberately unhelpful or obstructive

故意不予合作的; 存心刁难的

51. unhelpful hotel staff


52. A friend once told me that she feels guilt every single day.I too am often guilty of feeling guilty.But I am working on it: guilt is unhelpful and a terrible waste of time and energy.


53. It is tempting to reply "In the beginning", but like many obvious answers, this soon turns out to be unhelpful.


54. Every preemption case in a sense is unique.Apart from some vague and usually unhelpful maxims, little can be said about this area of law that is of much help in deciding individual cases.


55. Marx's account of labour is explained, and Hardt and Negri's criticisms of it are shown to be mistaken.Their account of post-industrial labour, it is argued, is confusing and unhelpful.


56. a user can make an unhelpful dialog box stop badgering him, even though the application mistakenly thinks it is helping.


57. The notion of green computing is an unhelpful one, making it harder for companies to implement carbon reduction policies.


58. They did that by removing "unhelpful" aspects of the images, such as lighting effects , and highlighting structur al features of the face, according to Jenkins.

的说法,他们是通过过滤掉一些无用的影像完成, 如一些受到光线的影响, 一些脸部结构特征不实的影像。

59. Compared to access to the huge network traffic, America Online and Yahoo in the search business is also unhelpful.


60. In short, central and eastern Europe, whose nations once championed a strong relationship between their continent and America, could quickly become introverted, isolated and unhelpful.


61. The United States is criticizing as "distinctly unhelpful" and "unwelcome" an implicit North Korean threat Thursday to South Korean civil aviation.


62. And due to space constraints in the print editions, many dictionary definitions are so concise as to be unhelpful.


63. Awareness, or mindfulness, is necessary. We have to be “awake” to spot unhelpful emotional patterns emerging, and to exercise choice.


64. “Such comments are especially unhelpful at this delicate time, and they necessitate that we firmly restate our intention to fulfil our obligations”to aid the defence of Taiwan.


65. " A lower sense of stress can decrease a felt need to go to eating disorder behaviors or other unhelpful coping strategies.


66. Both responses are unhealthy and unhelpful.


67. Or give you unhelpful heap of negative thoughts on personal development and that it's all just common sense, a waste of time and that in real life it doesn't work like in the books.


68. The character also has no last name, which is unhelpful.


69. The waiters were rude and unhelpful, the manager ditto.


70. Foreign Secretary David Miliband this week slammed Moscow's unhelpful attitude.


71. This is distracting and unhelpful.


72. That can be unhelpful, implying that “destruction” and “creation” carry equal weight and that mankind will be in for a rough time in perpetuity.


73. Such unhelpful politicking is merely one measure of the challenge in “getting to zero”.


74. Staff were rude and unhelpful (except for a lady called Suzanna who was definately the exception).Breakfast was mediocre.


75. This clash was an unhelpful distraction, given that the entire telecoms-equipment industry is suffering.


76. Again to prevent unwarranted or unhelpful political interference, the answer here would seem to be to have a rule-driven system implemented by an independent regulator.


77. Reducing your road rage involves learning a new skill - an emotion-control skill that will help you deal with many unhelpful emotions.


78. a curiously unhelpful and useless manual.


79. Coraca's book Caracas food distributor Santiyaco Auterise conplains Santiago Alvarez complains that government bureaucrat bureaucrats are unhelpful.


80. Divisions within the administration on how to handle Iran are unhelpful.

