

1. Unleash (v.): release from or as from a leash


2. Returning home triumphantly in the spring of 1998,the burgeoning dancemeisters felt confident enough to unleash their self-titled debut on America.


3. Any further delay in introducing the new pay structures, Mr Vavi warned the government last month, could unleash “explosive spates of uncontrollable labour unrest across the country”.


4. "As soon as you start doing that, you ... unleash a free collage on the community, so that other people can start looking at your code, tinkering with it, trying it out, seeing if they can improve it.


5. "While she was heartbroken, she was also able to unleash a bit more of her true self.


6. “Unleash us from the tether of fuel,” their then commander in Iraq, General James Mattis, later pleaded.


7. White, Erin." No Comparison. Shopping' bots' were supposed to unleash brutal price wars. Why haven't they." Wall Street Journal,23 October2000.


8. A friend called and even suggested that I should unleash the fur and the Jacket-a-wheelers cause it was pissing down with rain.


9. Once you realize this, you will stop and become a "hands-off" manager, so you unleash their creativity and energy.


10. A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities.


11. Whether it is growth rates, production figures or trade volumes, officials relish any chance to unleash a barrage of dazzling statistics.


12. A prison inmate kicks a sandbag to unleash pent-up anger during a psychological treatment at a prison in Nanjing, eastern China's Jiangsu province March 15, 2007.


13. Lenders also unleash the amount after evaluating the credit ability and the presentation of the applicants.So, applicants should flawlessly present the layout before lenders.


14. Europe's leaders on the eve of World War I can perhaps be forgiven for not understanding the carnage they were about to unleash.


15. The asymmetrical and uneven conception mode is able to unleash an image with visual tension, where the space beyond a corner can be an infinite space, bestowing the beauty of an egoless mind.


16. Human voice is an instrument, mastering the right skills to unleash your vocal potential.


17. Tonight (I'm assuming), at Reading, we finally get to unleash that weapon on the Premier League.


18. To Observe the Normalization of the Relations between China and Japan from the Unleash Files of the Japanese Foreign Ministry


19. They can unleash untold horrors on their opponents, from Daemon Packs to Chaos Defilers.


20. They call upon arcane strikes, power words, and spells to unleash raging torrents of cold, fire, or lighting, confuse and enthrall the weak-minded, or even turn invisible or walk through walls.


21. They hope to create allies to unleash against diseases, pests, and invasive species.


22. They hope to create allies to unleash against diseases, pests, and invasive species


23. He would have no qualms about using missiles to unleash a nuclear war


24. He unleash a torrent of abuse againstthe unfortunate shop assistant


25. He uses forthright sentences to show emotions, but not unleash emotions with no control.


26. A: Why did he unleash his anger on me?


27. He calls one Monster in the House, an evil force terrorizes a small community, and he says the force is s often unleash ed by a human saner feeling sin or failing .


28. He could unleash the mobs in the Arab world against us.


29. He said that the plan to give American forces use of Colombian bases could unleash a war in South America, and that he would buy “several battalions of Russian tanks” in response.


30. Planning to unleash his forces and the mighty red dragons on the Alliance, Nekros hoped to reunite the Horde and continue its conquest of Azeroth.


31. 84. Therefore, the reactionary Kuomintang government had the audacity to violate the will of the people of the whole country and unleash the counterrevolutionary war.


32. But then you unleash it on the world, and you find out how devious some people are.


33. But if the Fed misreads the dimensions or significance of slack, it could unleash an unwelcome bout of rising prices.


34. But if you have them and are ready to unleash you talents, this is your dream position.


35. You decide which units are sent to the front lines, and when to unleash the reserves.


36. You want to know why the speel didn't break, hmm, Vergil? You have the two amulets and Sparda's blood. You had everything you needed to unleash the evil!


37. 22 I will unleash the wild beasts against you, to rob you of your children and wipe out your livestock, till your population dwindles away and your roads become deserted.


38. Unleash justice against the vampire nation as Blade.


39. Most take a dim view of Mr Ahmadinejad, who denies that the Holocaust happened but makes veiled threats to unleash another one on Israel.


40. Get out! Or I'll unleash my dog on you.


41. unleash the forces of nuclear power


42. launch (or unleash) a war


43. to unleash one’s temper


44. Gullion now began to feel that the solution was to unleash the UN troops and let them destroy Tshombe's army.


45. A stroke of genius saw Fernando unleash a right footed volley into the top corner, as the clock ticked onto the sixth minute - the same time the semi final at Hillsborough was stopped.


46. But after witnessing the last two shambolic England displays, how McClaren would love to unleash Owen alongside Wayne Rooney.


47. Picus and Procas later died trying to defend their kingdomaganst a barbarian horde. the barbarian chief then managed to unleash the power of the axes by using one in each hand.


48. GWT: Very soon I will unleash my fury, and my anger will destroy them.


49. Command HR-V to perform offensive and defensive tactical combat maneuvers, or combine your efforts and unleash special attack combos.


50. As with the Yamato cannon, a battlecruiser needs to build up a sufficient reserve of energy to unleash a plasma torpedo bombardment.


51. for using the knowledge of the Scion to unleash our armies against us, I expel you forever from the sacred order of The Three, and condemn you to shame in the frozen limbo of eternity.


52. International equipment manufacturers have for years keenly awaited Chinese approval for 3G, which is expected to unleash a multibillion-dollar spending wave on mobile networks.


53. During the 1999 conflict over the two-states theory conflict, in a heated exchange with a group of Taiwanese hackers, one Chinese group threatened to unleash multiple stockpiled worms at once.


54. At the dawn of the 21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of all our people, and, yes, to form a more perfect union.


55. Thunderstorms unleash ed floods, leaving at least eight people dead in the southeast with several feet of murky ground water covering parts of Georgia.


56. Play as the alien and unleash massive destruction against the backdrop of free love, the Cold War and other Sixties era icons.


57. Earn all the eight powerful talismans and unleash their helpful power.


58. In this game, two programmers would unleash software organisms and watch as they vied for control of the computer.


59. In this mode, the player is able to unleash their firepower with the accuracy provided by a first-person camera.


60. It helped unleash the latent unhappiness of those Malays who insisted that there is indeed marginalisation of the Malays.


61. Serbia and its chief ally, Russia, say Kosovo's independence will unleash a wave of secessionist bids from dissatisfied territories across the globe.


62. 01 Highlord Darion Mograine yells: Soldiers of the Scourge, stand ready! Prepare to unleash your fury upon the Argent Dawn!


63. Changing water levels now at times unleash a miasma of disease from exposed sewage.


64. Iran, using this proxy force, would probably unleash it on the world if Netanyahu were to bomb the Bushehr I reactor.


65. Asked what job they would take if they could have any, people unleash their imaginations and dream of exotic places, powerful positions or work that involves alcohol and a paycheck at the same time.


66. Learn the moves, craft your strategy, and unleash devastating combinations on your opponent.


67. At the end of 2006, Belarusian resistance to Russia"s demand that it too pay more for gas threatened to unleash another so-called “gas war”.


68. 1.to drain; to lead off (liquids); 2.to vent; to give vent to; to get sth. off one's chest; to unbosom oneself; to unleash


69. unleash a torrent of abuse agains

对 ... 骂不绝口

70. unleash one's anger [resentment] on a person

对某人大发雷霆 [发泄怨气]

71. Despite being named in the squad, Ferguson is still unsure if he will unleash Rooney against Everton.


72. Unleash PropertyGrid with Dynamic Properties and Globalization


73. Morphing into human form as the quintessential Universal Soldier (Michael Jai White), SETH begins to unleash his wicked plan with the aid of his top soldier (Bill Goldberg).


74. LONG reviled for their reluctance to fight the Islamist militancy that they themselves helped unleash, Pakistan's generals have a rare victory to boast of.


75. Is a year for us to unleash all our power!


76. As he gets ready to unleash on the ball, Djokovic points the butt cap of his racquet toward the other side of the net.


77. While most of today's youth-targeted movies unleash bombardments of visual effects and pop-culture distractions, director Garry Marshall spins this yarn with a quiet dignity that Genovia's staid queen would applaud.

当众多电影为了吸引年轻人而不断发起视觉冲击波和流行浪潮时,导演Garry Marshall却向我们讲述了一个连端庄的吉尼维亚女王也鼓掌认可的故事.

78. While she was heartbroken, she was also able to unleash a bit more of her true self.


79. When our inert fluorescently labeled CPPs reach the tumor, the tumor cells cut through the linker and thus unleash and take up the CPP.


80. And when we unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of our country, there is no limit to what the American people can achieve, or the hope and opportunity we can pass on to future generations.

