

1. The LRDG was an unorthodox British unit first created in 1940 to perform reconnaissance far behind enemy lines.


2. "His playing drips with exaggerated rubato and unorthodox tempi" (Annalyn Swan)


3. a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion)


4. a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion).


5. and besides, Li Chuang-fei's methods were so unorthodox that Feng Yun-thing decided he could not be too cautious


6. Often as not, the best players (and the worst) are precisely those who are in some way wildly unorthodox.


7. A brief, somewhat unorthodox, review of Regularization Theory is presented.


8. Fear not: The rules of job seeking are in constant flux, and employers are looking for an impressive candidate, even if his or her credentials are unorthodox.


9. I ovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental methods.


10. Innovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental method.


11. unorthodox behavior


12. the quality of being unorthodox.


13. Thanks to Clacker's mind being so unorthodox, he is the key player in the escape of the three from the illithids.


14. The unorthodox views run counter to those held by Pakistan's military, which views India as a threat.


15. During the first weeks with this unorthodox case, the steps you took across the geometric rugs, on jarrah floors of a sullen red were hardly more than automatic .


16. Investigation made in order to persecute people who hold unorthodox or unpopular views


17. Also: a minority religious group holding beliefs regarded as unorthodox or spurious: sect


18. Tapped to salvage an inmate teaching program at a state prison, Ben's unorthodox methods win over a hardcore crew of unlikely students.


19. In the time with this extreme faddish thought, shanghai Ke Qing is applied, Zhang Chunqiao did a lot of doing sth unconventional or unorthodox in culture respect, the pattern that changes extremely.


20. Gabo produced abstract works of such unorthodox materials as glass, plastic, and wire to achieve a sense of movement.


21. He did this with public money, but also some unorthodox policies: he even tried to privatise the municipal savings bank.


22. He is unapologetic for his aggressive responses to his political opponents, his often unorthodox views on Western-style democratic systems, the Western concepts of human rights.


23. He's got a very unorthodox style of playing tennis, but he usually wins.


24. He has an unorthodox style of playing tennis, but he usually wins


25. He proceeds to propose an unorthodox plan to determine Martin's suitability for the post.


26. His unorthodox fighting form and mechanical enhancements gave him an edge in close-quarters combat, and his strategic ingenuity and flawless cunning rendered him almost invincible against the Jedi.


27. Prime Minister seemed occasionally to bypass him in favor of more unorthodox channels


28. His playing drips with exaggerated rubato and unorthodox tempi(Annalyn Swan)

他的演奏渗透着夸张诡异的节奏(安纳莱恩 斯旺)

29. His life style is so modernistic as to seem unorthodox and evenincredible.


30. He adapts himself to various conditions and lives freely and elegantly but he is not like the Hippie who is unconventional and unorthodox.


31. As soon as he realized the length of his strides, he forced himself to slow down, reminding himself that he wanted to do fashionably late for this unorthodox meeting that crazy Vierna had arranged.


32. You are prone to unorthodox, independent and unconventional tendencies.


33. My Unorthodox Opinions on Measure Words in Chinese Learning for Foreigners


34. Keywords: Counterintuitive Sequencing of planning tasks; development planning; institutional resistance; substantive and procedural planning theories; unorthodox problem formulation


35. Second, how would everyone else react to the young man's unorthodox shot selection and gazelle-like way on the hardwood?


36. Creativity is the art of looking for solutions that are out of the ordinary, different, unorthodox.


37. an unorthodox brand of humour


38. It had been on the tip of his tongue to say 'Except the proles,' but he checked himself, not feeling fully certain that this remark was not in some way unorthodox.


39. Not only might investors start to chase high yields again,wow gold, but they might also start to worry about how the bill for all those unorthodox policies is going to be paid.


40. Although weblog literature comes into existence in an unorthodox image, it has never abandoned the requirement of traditional writing.


41. Then they had to deal with the screen's unorthodox FTIR light output from fingertips sweeping around in random directions.


42. Mr Struck made his unorthodox proposal after touring a military barracks in Vorpommern in eastern Germany, which prepares the German army for peacekeeping duties in Afghanistan and the Balkans.


43. Swinton became a bankable actress in the wake of that movie, but continued to choose unorthodox and challenging roles.


44. Meanwhile, the novel shows its disproval of the movement' s zest for drug-abuse, sex revolution and unorthodox lifestyle.


45. As a result of this mechanism, the proteins are separated in an unorthodox way, with the smaller proteins/peptides staying closer to the application point and larger proteins migrating further down toward the anodic gel end.


46. Concerns about delegation also played a role in the unorthodox decision in Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 426 U.S. 88 (1976).

在“汉普顿诉MOW Sun Wong”案[载于《美国最高法院判例汇编》第426卷,第88页(1976)]的非正统的判决里,对授权的关注同样也起了作用。

47. During the time of Globalization, shall we just do the architecture icons for the medias and the unconventional or unorthodox shapes for getting fan of the visual?


48. In that light, the most unorthodox aspect of the Natal project could be its greatest strength.


49. Michael Essien and Paulo Ferreira formed a makeshift central defensive pair and Bridge an unorthodox winger due to a selection crisis at Stamford Bridge.


50. A Few Examples for the "Unorthodox One-Thousand-Word Writing" Outside China


51. When Leonardo returned to Florence about 1503 he did another mural painting in the Council Chamber of the city but this too was spoilt by his unorthodox technique.


52. She has long stood for an unorthodox blend of social authoritarianism with left-wing economics.


53. She have an unorthodox technique , but be an excellent player

她不是科班出身, 但却身手不凡

54. She has an unorthodox technique, but is an excellent player.

她不是科班出身, 但却身手不凡.

55. She had an unorthodox technique, but was an excellent player.


56. She has also called on central banks to reverse their unorthodox measures to increase borrowing and lending once the paralysis in credit markets eases.


57. If you are a computer aficionado with a free and unorthodox thinking, people call you a geek.


58. It is also suggested that the unorthodox way in which the budget cap was pushed through - at the FIA meeting called only to probe the McLaren 'lie-gate' scandal - has caused unease.


59. A heretical or unorthodox religious belief.


60. The Mississippi scheme was a precursor of modern attempts to reflate the economy with unorthodox monetary policies.


61. Some unorthodox views on the classification and evolution of the migratory locusts in China prompted by molecular population genetic study


62. The stance on interest rates isn't likely to change any time soon, while the Fed's more unorthodox programs for pumping cash into the system are now well-established.


63. 3 The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution or way of life, or say and do things that make people think.


64. Niederhoffer was an early proponent of what is now called behavioral economics, and his unorthodox theories made him something of an academic celebrity.


65. Though the Jedi general was wary of the circumstances, Bacara vouched for the unorthodox chain of command that saw the 501st ever mobile during the Outer Rim Sieges.


66. unorthodox pitcher


67. unorthodox pitch


68. Unorthodox Texts of Early Imperial China


69. The unorthodox seating arrangements were consistent with the image Larkin wanted to object of open, familial relations.


70. A controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, as in politics, philosophy, or science.


71. a controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine,as in politics,philosophy,or science


72. Pavement cannot be shared by bikes (unorthodox), it is meant for People only.The only way to get these bike out of the pavement is to have bikeway, bike rider have to pay tax, if they want it.


73. Vaccination was rejected as unorthodox when Dr. Jenner first suggested it.


74. All-around defense was immediately established (X's in Figure 2) and the success of mission No. 1, though unorthodox, became an accomplished fact.


75. I'm afraid your English is somewhat unorthodox.


76. I find the best players to use Mixed on are AMCs and FCs, because it is in these positions you need to be a little bit unorthodox to fool the opposition and create a goalscoring chance.


77. I never saw any wrongdoing myself and whilst his lifestyle may have been a bit unorthodox, I don't believe he was a criminal.


78. One or two of his ideas may seem a little unorthodox but the squad appear to be reaping the rewards.


79. Holding unorthodox opinions.


80. hold a false or unorthodox believe.

