

1. "was getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down" (New York Times)


2. "thought[he] was getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down" (New York Times)

“觉得[他]正变得骄傲自大需要加以纠正” (纽约时报)

3. 5 He denied it all, and accused Senate Democrats of carrying out “a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves.

” 托马斯全盘否认指控,并指责参议院的民主党听证是 “对敢于有一点点自我思考的黑人执行的一场高科技刑罚”。

4. Klansmen aren't supposed to tell. They ride around at night dressed up like ghosts and call on Carpetbaggers who steal money and negroes who are uppity.


5. Don’t be so uppity.


6. Don`t go getting so uppity even if you is the last chicken in Atlanta.


7. It is known, though, from experiments on other species that if those at the bottom of a dominance hierarchy show signs of getting uppity, those at the top react both quickly and aggressively.


8. They are discarding the Kuomintang style of work and their uppity airs and no longer act like bureaucrats


9. his uppity sister-in-law had it coming to her.


10. Team Clinton is full of people who have made it clear that they regard the Obamaites as uppity whippersnappers.


11. Even good publicity could make a banker uppity, disloyal and limelight-seeking.


12. and, of course, no fights. as long as you keep her as a casual girlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walk away, free and clear.


13. As long as you keep her as a casual girlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walk away, free and clear.


14. The very suspicion of seditious utterances against the government, suspected complicity in the Ku Klux Klan, or complaint by a negro that a white man had been uppity to him were enough to land a citizen in jail.


15. At the same time, Japanese institutional investors are getting uppity.


16. arrogant and uppity perhaps. but it is a rock solid truth that the parent do not know how to play the piano.


17. As long as you keep her as a casualgirlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walkaway, free and clear。


18. a snotty little scion of a degenerate family-Laurent Le Sage; they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety.


19. uppity, perky, brash, perkily, presumptuously, arrogant, arrogantly, bold as brass, cheeky, impudent, brazen


20. Worse, in fact, because Jonathon applied for lofty jobs, ones that humans felt could never have been done correctly by an "uppity half-orc.


21. Even Rhett, conscienceless scamp that he was, had killed a negro for being "uppity to a lady." she leaped to her feet.


22. To paraphrase an old adage, what is fare for the US goose must be fare for the Chinese gander, even if the goose believes that the gander is becoming a little uppity.


23. He denied it all, and accused Senate Democrats of carrying out “a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves.


24. had a witty but overweening manner; no idea how overweening he would be- S.V.Benet; getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down- NY Times.


25. a fact that regularly gets repeated when a reporter from a mere pup of a nation 231 years old gets too uppity.


26. Men hate an"uppity" woman; they also hate an"aggressive" woman. Ours has been a Jane Crow society for several thousands of years.


27. Man:Now hold on. Hold on! Don't go getting so uppity even if you is the last chicken in Atlanta.


28. Men hate an "uppity" woman; they also hate an "aggressive" woman. Ours has been a Jane Crow society for several thousands of years.

男办们不喜欢“傲慢的女人”, 也不喜欢“敢作敢为的”女人。我们的社会几千年来就是一个歧视妇女的社会。

29. Men hate an"uppity"woman;they also hate an"aggressive"woman.


30. "Men hate an ""uppity"" woman; they also hate an ""aggressive"" woman. Ours has been a Jane Crow society for several thousands of years."


31. Mr Museveni thinks the Baganda have been getting uppity.


32. If we don't sort this out properly now, they'll be getting so uppity that we Triads won't be able to hold our heads up in front of them.I personally don't see what we're waiting for.


33. Crucial to its survival will be its ability to pump money into a feeble economy while keeping uppity coalition parties in check.

